Galar Part 11

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Vermillion City - Kanto Region - 2 Months Ago

"It's good to be back here!" Ash said, taking a seat at the table in the dining room of Cerise Labs. "Goh and Chloe! I can't wait to hear what you've been up to!"

"Well, Project Mew has been great!" Goh explained. "I get to travel all over the world in search for Mew. I've also caught so many more Pokemon!"

"Yeah, we're going to need a bigger park if you keep doing that," Chloe commented. "But it's good to have you home once in a while." She winked. Ash caught the intimate smile the two shared for a moment.

"Uh, what was that?" Ash asked.

"What was what?" Goh replied.

"You two just had this moment," Ash commented. "Is there something going on with the two of you?"

"What!?" Chloe blushed. "Why on Earth would you say something like that!?"

"You're kidding, right!?" Goh asked, also blushing. "Chloe, why don't you tell Ash what you've been up to lately?"

"Right," Chloe cleared her throat. "So, I recently went to Galar to visit with Opal at her gym. Right now, she's taken on an apprentice to take over the gym for her. He's a bit stubborn at times, but he really knows how to battle. I think you'd enjoy battling with him, Ash. I also went into the Glimmerwood Tangle to visit with that Ponyta and Rapidash that I made friends with. Opal told me that someone had caught the Rapidash a little while back, so I caught Ponyta. She's out in the Park with Goh's Pokemon right now."

"Wow, Chloe," Ash said. "I'm glad to hear that!"

"Didn't you meet up with Dawn recently?" Goh asked.

"Yes," Chloe said. "She was participating in the Unova Grand Festival and I went to support her. She did great out there too!"

"That makes me glad to hear," Ash said. The three friends spent hours talking and catching up. They also went to the Park behind the lab to visit with Goh and Chloe's Pokemon.

"Hey, wouldn't it be a neat idea if we spent the night here?" Goh suggested. "Just like back in the day."

"I'm sure dad wouldn't mind," Chloe said. "Your old room hasn't changed at all. I'll be staying late here tonight. I'm working on a project and there are a lot of helpful books here that I need to reference."

"I'm in!" Ash said.


As night fell, Ash, Pikachu, and Goh settled down in their old room at the lab. But as Ash fell asleep, he heard a voice calling out for him.

<Champion,> The voice called. <Champion, I ask for you to come and help us!> Suddenly, Ash was standing in a field of snow and ice. And before him was a Pokemon he had never seen before. It had long, slender legs, and a large head.

"Are you the one who called for me?" he asked.

<Champion, Please! Come aid us. And evil has infiltrated our home!>

"I think I recognize this place," Ash said, looking around. "This must be the Crown Tundra. I remember being here when Lillie and Gladion found their Father!"

<Hurry, Champion!>

Suddenly, Ash jolted awake. He sat up in bed and noticed that sunlight was trickling in through the window. He got out of bed and immediately changed his clothes and gathered up his belongings.

"Come on, Pikachu," He said, waking up his partner. "We gotta go!"

"Ash?" Goh asked, rubbing his eyes. "Where are you going?"

"I gotta get to Galar right away!" He said, leaving the room.

"Galar?" Goh asked, this time waking up fully. He followed Ash out of the room. "Ash, why are you in such a rush?"

"Good morning you two!" Chloe waved as she saw Ash and Goh walk down the stairs.

"I'm sorry, I just gotta go!" Ash said, headed to the front doors of the lab.

"At least let me come with you," Goh suggested.

"NO!" Ash said, stopping at the doors. He paused for a minute and then rushed out of the lab. He ran as fast as he could towards the airport, hearing the calls of his friends fade into the background. "This is a job for me to do alone."


Ash and Pikachu were on a train headed to the Crown Tundra. Ash stared out the window watching the scenery fade from a lush green into a winter wonderland. He then heard the sound of someone fall to the ground. Ash looked over and saw an older woman on her knees and a bag full of berries that spilled all over the train floor.

"Let me help you up ma'am," he said, rushing to her side. He helped her to her feet and Pikachu collected the berries that had fallen to the ground.

"What a nice young man you are," The woman smiled. "I must have tripped over something on my way to my seat."

"I'm happy to help," Ash replied. "Please, be careful."

When Ash and Pikachu arrived in the Crown Tundra, they made their way to Freezington. In the center of town Ash noticed a statue that resembled the Pokemon he saw in his dream. After observing the statue for a little while, an older man approached him.

"This Pokemon is known as the Lord of the Harvest," the man said. "It watches over our crops and provides protection for our little town."

"I think I've seen this Pokemon before," Ash said. "Does it live around here?"

"Well, no one has seen it, physically, in many years," the man said. "But legends tell of it residing at the top of the mountain at the Crown Shrine."

"The Crown Shrine?" Ash asked. "I need to get there right away."

"I wouldn't recommend going out there," the man said. "It can be very dangerous."

"This Pokemon, the one you called Lord of the Harvest," Ash said. "It needs me." After much discussion with the older man, he finally explained to Ash how to get to the Crown Shrine. However, Ash would never reach the Crown Shrine.

While passing through the frozen fields, he and Pikachu noticed two flying Pokemon chasing another Pokemon that ran with very strong legs. They looked very familiar, yet different in some way. One of the flying Pokemon was able to catch up to the running Pokemon and hold it in place with a strong psychic force. Then, almost out of nowhere, a small airship descended to the frozen field. Out of the airship stepped a man with golden blond hair and a visor that covered his eyes.

He approached the running Pokemon, who was still being held in place and then put some kind of black ring around its neck. That was when Ash realized that the two running Pokemon also had the same rings on their necks. As the ring was placed on the running Pokemon, it entered a trance, like it was being controlled. Ash knew he couldn't stand by and watch.

"Hey!" he spoke up. "I don't know who you think you are, but you better let those Pokemon go, right now!"

"Are you serious?" The man with the visor said. "I've dealt with so many pests who think they can be heroes. I don't have time for you!"

"You're not gonna get away with this!" Ash called. "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on those rings!" Pikachu leapt into action and fired a fierce Thunderbolt. However, the Pokemon were able to evade the attack.

"You have no idea who these Pokemon are capable of!" The man yelled. "Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres! Unleash your power on this pest and freeze him in time!" The three Pokemon combined their attacks into one, creating a beam of light that struck Ash. It was the last thing he saw.

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