Kalos Part 21

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A/N: I have two more chapters for today! I hope you are all ready for the closing of the Kalos Arc that will take place over the next 5-6 chapters!


"Ladies and Gentlemen, contestants and guests! Welcome to the Infinity Cup Gala," Professor Sycamore announced. Trainers from all over the world were gathered on the main floor of Prism Tower. People were dressed so elegantly in gowns and tuxedos, it was as if they were part of a ball taking place in a fairytale. Of course, Professor Sycamore was dressed in a navy blue tuxedo, blending right in with the rest of the Gala attendees.

"As you all know, tomorrow is the start of the Infinity Cup," Misty added. She was dressed in an ocean blue colored gown with sections that resembled the beach, decorated in seashells. "Trainers will face off in a series of one on one battles until only 4 contestants remain! The semi-finalists will face off against each other in three on three battles!"

"And the finalists will then compete in a full six on six battle," added Professor Sycamore. "The winner will then battle against the Viridian City Gym Leader, Ezra, for the coveted Infinity Badge!"

"As you are all aware," Misty said. "The Infinity Badge will act as the eighth Gym Badge in all participating regions. The winner of the Infinity Badge will then be given immediate access to challenge their region's Elite 4 and Champion."

"The lineup for the first battles will be announced later tonight," Professor Sycamore continued. "But for now, enjoy the evening! Mingle with your fellow trainers and just have fun!" The crowds began to dipurst. Some people took to dancing while others visited.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Vilnis asked his guest.

"I'm a bit nervous," Akito said. "I don't really know anyone here."

"That's alright, you have me," Vilnis smiled. "Not to mention Grookey and Umbreon as well." Grookey jumped onto Akito's shoulder.

"You're right," Akito said, scratching Grookey's chin. "Let's have some fun."

"Vilnis!" a voice called. Vilnis turned to see Marco, all dressed up in an olive-green tuxedo quickly walking towards him. Grookey chirped and leaped from Akito's shoulder onto Marco's "Grookey, it's great to see you again."

"Marco!" Vilnis said. "I didn't expect to see you here tonight. Don't tell me that you've entered the Infinity Cup too!"

"No," Marco replied, bending down to pet Umbreon. "I'm actually here as a guest."

"Who's guest?" Vilnis asked.

"Why, that would be me of course," a familiar voice said from behind. Vilnis turned to see Ashley, dressed in the gown that she had bought from Valerie's boutique back in Laverre City. "Long time no see!"

"Ashley!" Vilnis said. He pulled both of them into a group hug. "It's been too long!"

"It sure has," Ashley said. "Aren't you forgetting to say hello to someone?" She pointed to Glameow.

"Of course not," Vilnis replied, bending down to pet Glameow. "I think I missed you the most, Glameow." Glameow purred softly. Vilnis stood up to face his friends. "Hey, let me introduce you guys to my new friend, Akito."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Akito said.

"Hello, I'm Ashley," Ashley said. She picked up Glameow and held it in her arms. "This is Glameow.

"My name is Marco," Marco introduced.

"Marco, I've been excited to ask you about your progress in tracking down Zapdos," Vilnis said. "Any luck?"

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