Sinnoh Part 13

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Arceus used its power to move the Jewel of Life over to the lifeless Akito. Light began to pour out of the jewel and into Akito's body.

"Arceus is granting life back to Akito," Cynthia said. "The Jewel of Life is formed in dire times. This is one of those times."

The light that flowed from the Jewel of Life slowly stopped and then the Jewel reverted back to the eighteen plates which surrounded Arceus once more. Akito then took a breath and slowly opened his eyes.

"Akito?" Vilnis said, seeing his friend regain life.

"What happened?" Akito asked, confused at the sight of the legendary Pokemon.

"You're back!" Ashley cheered, pulling Vilnis and Akito into a hug.

"Thank goodness," Marco said, joining the embrace.

"Akito, we came here to get you," Vilnis said, rubbing away tears from his eyes. He then turned to Arceus. "Thank you, Arceus."

Arceus let out its cry as three portals opened. These were portals that led to Palkia's dimension, Dialga's dimension, and the Distortion World. The legendary trio then took flight and passed through the gates to their respective worlds.

"We should get out of here," Cynthia said. "There is still that wall of ice that Professor Apsen's Weavile made."

"I have it covered," Flint said. "Infernape, use your Fire Punch!" The flaming fist shattered the wall of ice, allowing the group to pass through. Akito was still very weak, so Ashley and Marco helped him onto Vilnis's back.

When the group passed through the portal gate, they were met with helicopters and a swarm of police. Stepping out of one of the helicopters was Professor Rowan who ran over to Vilnis and Akito.

"Akito, are you alright?" He asked in deep concern.

"I think so," Akito replied. "I don't have a lot of energy and I'm really tired."

"I think he needs to see a doctor right away," Vilnis said.

"Right," Professor Rowan nodded. "Bring him to the helicopter and we'll take him back to the lab and have a doctor examine him."

"Can someone please tell me who we're supposed to arrest!?" Officer Jenny shouted.

"I'll explain everything," Cynthia said, approaching her.


After Cynthia, Vilnis, and the others explained what had happened to the police, Volkner and Flint took it upon themselves to take the orbs back to the Lake Guardians.

"We'll take the Griseous Orb to Lake Acuity as well," Flint said. "We can't risk someone else getting their hands on it again."

After Volkner and Flint departed from the group, Cynthia traveled back to Sandgem Town with Vilnis, Marco, and Ashley to check on Akito's condition. They were now waiting outside of Akito's bedroom at Professor Rowan's lab while the doctor was finishing the examination.

"I hope everything is going to be alright," Ashley said. "That was really scary before."

"Yeah," Marco agreed. "I wonder what exactly happened."

"I think I know," Cynthia said. Everyone turned their attention to her. "Akito was wrapped in those chains, just like Arceus."

"That's right," Ashley commented.

"I think Arceus was forced to absorb Akito's life force," Cynthia explained. "Arceus is a creature that represents justice. So, I think that's why it formed the Jewel of Life to give Akito his life back. After all, Akito had nothing to do with the Beryl Foundation."

"Arceus is amazing," Ashley said. "But I'm still shaken by the fact that Professor Aspen was our true enemy all along."

"I can't believe that she played us like that," Vilnis said.

"She fooled all of us," Cynthia said. "That's what people like her do."

The door to Akito's room opened and the doctor stepped out into the hallway with Professor Rowan.

"Akito will be alright," explained the doctor. "He just needs a few days to gain his strength back."

"Thank you, doctor," Marco said.

"Thank you all for taking care of him," the doctor said with a smile. She pointed into the room. "You can go visit him for a few minutes. I gave him some medicine that will make him fall asleep soon."

"Hey guys," Akito said, seeing his friends enter the room. "Everything is still kind of a blur. I don't really remember what happened."

"That's okay," Vilnis said. "We can help you remember after you gain your strength back."

"The doctor said you will be alright," Ashley said. "But you need to rest for a few days."

"We'll be here to help you out, too," Marco added.

Suddenly, Cynthia's phone began to ring. "I'm sorry," she said. "I have to take this call." She stepped out of the room.

"Is it true what they're saying?" Akito asked. "About Professor Aspen?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Ashley confirmed.

"The police found her jeep, abandoned down the trail from Spear Pillar," Vilnis explained.

"It does answer a lot of questions though," Marco said. "Back in Kalos, they had information that only we had. Like the roots from the Giving Tree and the artifacts in Geosenge Town. She was letting them know beforehand so they could further their mission."

"I'm still surprised," Ashley said. "Who knows how much information she has now."

There was a knock on the door. Everyone turned to see Cynthia, standing there. "Sorry to interrupt," she said. "Vilnis, can I speak with you for a moment?" Vilnis and Cynthia walked into an empty research room for a little more privacy.

"What's going on, Cynthia?" Vilnis asked.

"I just got a phone call from Steven Stone, the Champion of the Hoenn region," She started. "There will be a Counsel of the Champions meeting that you and I will need to attend."

"What's the Counsel of the Champions?" Vilnis asked.

"The Counsel of the Champions is a group made up of the current reigning Champions from all over the world as well as some of the Research Professors. We only meet in extreme times of need. I have a feeling this meeting is going to be urgent. We will be meeting at the Sinnoh Pokemon League and we must go right away."

"Right now?" Vilnis asked. "Okay, I'm ready. I just want to say goodbye to the others."

"Make it quick," she said. "Steven is coming to pick us up momentarily."

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