Johto Part 4

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"So this is Ecruteak City," Ashley said as their group entered the city. "Well, I'm here, so where's Ho-oh?"

"I'm not sure it works that way, Ashley," Steven chuckled. "We should head to some of the historic sights here to see if we can learn something about the legends of this city."

"I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me," A voice said behind the group. "I told myself, that can't be the Champion of Hoenn here in Ecruteak City. But here you are as I live and breathe." The group turned to see a man standing there. He had blonde hair that was covered by a violet sweatband. He wore a matching long sleeve shirt as well.

"I'm sorry," Steven said. "I don't think that I've met you before."

"I'm not surprised," The man said. "I don't get out much. My name is Morty. I'm this city's Gym Leader."

"I thought you looked familiar," Marco said. "I've seen your picture in magazine articles at a few Pokemon Centers. You specialize in Ghost type Pokemon, correct?"

"That's right," Morty replied. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. If you folks are looking for historical sights, why not check out the Burned Tower?"


Morty led the group to the northwest corner of the city. There stood the charred remains of the great Burned Tower.

"So, what exactly happened here?" Ashley asked.

"It was nearly 700 years ago," Morty began to explain. "The people of Ecruteak built two towers to show their admiration to the Guardian of the Heavens and the Beast of the Sea."

"Do you mean Ho-oh and Lugia?" Marco asked.

"Correct," Morty nodded. "Many Pokemon called this great tower their home. And then, one night, there was a terrible thunderstorm. A bolt of lightning struck this grand tower and it was quickly engulfed in flames. Nearly all the people and Pokemon inside escaped. All of them except for three unnamed Pokemon. Those three Pokemon perished in that terrible fire."

"Oh no," Ashley said, pulling her hands to her mouth, worried. "That's terrible."

"As the grand tower collapsed on itself from the terrible flames, a heavy rain began to pour, extinguishing the fire," Morty went on. "After the rain stopped, the sun began to rise in the sky and a rainbow appeared. And with that rainbow came the Guardian of the Heavens. Ho-oh heard the pure hearted cries of the people of Ecruteak and with its mighty power, revived the three Pokemon who perished in the disaster."

"Revived them?" Marco asked.

"They were revived and transformed into great beasts," Morty said, looking down at the tower. "Raikou, who represents the lightning that struck the tower. Entei, who represents the great and dreadful fire. Suicune, who represents the rain that brought the disaster to an end."

"So, that's how Ho-oh created the legendary beasts," Ashley said in amazement. "That was a sad story, but it brought hope and new life into the world."

"Morty?" Marco asked. "Do you know if there is a way to actually make contact with Ho-oh?"

"You want to summon the legendary Pokemon, Ho-oh?" Morty asked, skeptically.

"That's correct," Steven said. "I'm sure you are aware of the group of Pokemon Hunters known as the Beryl Foundation."

"I received a message about them from the Champion, yes," Morty answered. "Does this have something to do with them?"

"We think that these Pokemon Hunters are going to attempt to capture Ho-oh and Lugia," Ashley said. "We've already seen them succeed in capturing the legendary Pokemon of the Kalos and Sinnoh regions. And we've taken them down both times."

"We just want to be prepared and do what we can to prevent them from capturing more Pokemon," Marco explained.

"We have confirmed that they have already captured an Entei and Suicune," Steven said, bluntly. "There are rumors also that suggest they have captured the Legendary Bird trio from the Orange Islands."

"Anything that you know would be a big help," Ashley said. Morty scratched the back of his head and made a serious face.

"Well, there is one legend that I recall," He said. "If someone with a pure heart and with true intent goes to the top of Bell Tower while waving the Rainbow Wing and calling out for Ho-oh, it will then appear to them."

"So that means we should go to the Bell Tower," Ashley said, collapsing her hands together in excitement.

"It is only a legend though," Morty said. "No one really knows if it's true."

"Well, it's a place to start," Steven said with a smile. "Thank you for your help, Morty."

"Anytime," Morty replied. "And if you ever need anything, you can always come visit me at the Gym." He waved to the group as they walked in the direction of the Bell Tower. "Good luck," He said under his breath.


"What an astounding view," Steven said as they looked at the city below from the top of Bell Tower.

"It's like this scene just goes on forever," Ashley added.

"Morty said that we need to wave the Rainbow Wing in the air and call out for Ho-oh," Marco said. "Lance gave you the Rainbow Wing, right?"

"That would be correct," Ashley said, holding up the Rainbow Wing. "No time like the present." She waved the Rainbow Wing back and forth. "Ho-oh! Please come to us!"

"Ho-oh!" Steven called out as Ashley continued waving.

"Ho-oh! We need you!" Ashley called again. But as they continued to call out, nothing happened.

"Maybe we're not doing this right?" Marco asked.

"The legend says that the one who calls out to Ho-oh must be pure in heart," Steven said. "I believe that our intentions are pure. But perhaps something is missing?"

"The sun is going to set soon," Marco said. "Maybe we should go to the Pokemon Center and do some more research for the evening. We can come back in the morning and try again." 

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