Johto Part 14

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"What a lovely surprise," Commander X said as she approached Ashley and Marco while they landed at the lakefront of the Lake of Rage. "I see that you have brought us a gift."

"I remember you from the Allearth Forest," Ashley said. "You won't lay a hand on Ho-oh!"

"We demand that you release all of the Pokemon you've taken hostage!" Marco shouted.

"Listen, We have six legendaries with us," Commander X said. "And you only have one. Now, who do you really think has the advantage here?" She pressed a button on her earpiece. "Send them out." A moment later the metal door to the airship opened and out stepped Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. They walked out to the lakefront with blank expressions, as if they were robots. "I want you three to take down Ho-oh."

"It won't happen!" Ashley said. She threw a Pokeball into the air. "I choose you! Flygon!"

"Lucario, I need your assistance!" Marco called, releasing Lucario from its Pokeball.

Entei, Raikou, and Suicune began to power up their attacks. Ashley and Marco knew they had to act fast.

"Use Dragon Rush!" Ashley called. Flygon was surrounded by a deep violet dragon force and made the charge at Suicune. Suicune didn't even flinch at the attack. It retaliated with an Aurora Beam which sent Flygon toppling back and inflicting serious damage. "No! Flygon!" Ashley cried.

"Lucario! Use Close Combat!" ordered Marco. Lucario charged at Raikou and sent down a hurricane of powerful punches. But just like with Suicune, Raikou didn't even react as if it didn't feel a thing. "What?"

Raikou released a blast of electricity with its Flash Cannon attack which made Lucario collapse.

"Incase you haven't figured it out," Commander X said. "These Black Ring collars not only allow me to control any Pokemon wearing them, it also increases that Pokemon's strength and endurance factor. Our attacks are amped up to the max!"

"That's why they didn't even flinch when our attack hit them," Ashley muttered while she held Flygon in her arms. She turned to Ho-oh. "Do you think that your attacks could slow them down!?"

Ho-oh screeched as it pulled its head back. A second later, it released a blast of golden fire aimed right at Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. Once the fire dissipated, everyone could see that the three beasts hadn't even moved from their spots.

"That was Sacred Fire!" Marco said. "That was Ho-oh's most powerful attack and it didn't do a thing!"

"Entei!" Commander X shouted. "Finish them off!" Entei powered up its Lava Plume attack and fired directly at Ho-oh. Suddenly, a blast of water from a Hydro Pump threw the Lava Plume off course. "What's this!?"

"Now, don't go thinking you can have a full out battle without us," Vilnis called out as Lugia descended next to Ho-oh. He and Akito slid off of Lugia's back and joined Marco and Ashley. "We saw your little barricade of soldiers blocking off the entrance to this area from up in the air. Cleaver idea. Except it didn't keep us out."

"Well now," Commander X started. "It's good to see you, Champion. But I'm afraid this is as far as you'll go." She motioned to a group of grunts to come over. They approached the scene and released some Pokemon, preparing for battle.

"Lickilicky, I choose you!" Akito called, releasing his Pokemon. It faced off with one of the Grunt's Golbats. "Use Gyro Ball!" Lickilicky spun rapidly towards the Golbat, knocking it down with the force of the attack.

"Dragonite!" Vilnis called, throwing Dragonite's Pokeball. "It them with Thunder Punch!" Dragonite rushed at another Grunt's Skuntank, paralyzing it in the process.

"Flash Cannon!" A voice called. Suddenly there was a powerful blast of light that completely knocked the Skuntank out.

"Hyper Beam! Now!" Called another voice. "A vigorous beam of energy took out another Grunt's Arbok. "Looks like we showed up just in time." There stood Lance and his Red Gyarados, Steven and his Silver Metagross, and Ethan and Kris with their Typhosian and Meganium. "I hope you don't mind, but we took out your little barricade back there. The police department should be on their way any minute now."

"Steven and Lance!" Ashley cheered. "I can't believe it!"

"You better believe it!" Ethan replied with a thumbs up. "We're not missing out on the fun! No way!"

"This is merely a road block," Commander X shrugged. She touched her earpiece. "It is time for Phase Two. Send them out!" With her order, another door to the grounded airship opened and out came Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. "I have to thank you for bringing Ho-oh and Lugia to me. Now the real fun starts!"

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