Sinnoh Part 11

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"Come on, Giratina," Marco said, holding the Revival Herbs up to its mouth. "You've got to eat these." Giratina let out a weak cry, still refusing to eat the Revival Herbs.

"Maybe Giratina doesn't realize that we aren't with the Beryl Foundation," Flint speculated. "We were here at the same time as them. It's possible that Giratina thinks we're its enemy."

"But there has to be a way to let Giratina know that we're here to help it," Marco said. He sat there and thought for a moment. "That's it!" He released Lucario from its Pokeball. "Lucario, use your aura to communicate with Giratina. Let it know that we are here to help it." Lucario grunted with a nod and then focused its energy on Giratina.

"That's quick thinking on your part," Flint commented.

Lucario turned to Marco and began to dig through his bag. It then held out an Oran Berry to Marco.

"I see," Marco said. He then mashed the Oran Berry and Revival Herbs together and approached Giratina. "Please, Giratina. I'm trying to help you get better. Please eat this." He held the bowl of the revival mixture to Giratina's mouth. Giratina then opened its mouth slowly and Marco poured the mixture in. "Take it easy for a little while. Your strength will come back soon." Giratina closed its eyes and dosed off in a light slumber.

"I'm impressed," Flint said. "Marco, you have the skills of a Pokemon Breeder."

"You really think so?" Marco asked. "I guess I do know a lot about taking care of Pokemon. But I never considered the option of becoming a Breeder."

"Sure!" Flint said. "Learning to become a Pokemon Breeder can open a lot of career opportunities. I knew a group of people who traveled around Sinnoh a few years back. One of them was a Pokemon Breeder. He eventually took all that skill he gained as a Breeder to become a successful Pokemon Doctor."

"Wow, that's impressive," Marco replied. He then walked over to where fragments of the black chain were and picked up a piece. "It's so strange. What did they summon Giratina and then leave it behind once the portal was opened? Why didn't they take it with them if their goal is to capture Legendary Pokemon?"

"Good question," Flint said. "And the chain they used seemed to be flimsy. It broke apart so easily after they got the portal opened. Why use something that breaks easily?"

"I just got off the phone with Professor Rowan," Professor Aspen said, as she approached Marco and Flint. She had gone back to her Jeep to make the Phone call and explain the situation. "Professor Rowan is going to get in contact with Sandgem Town's Officer Jenny and they will be coming here with a squad of police to arrest those Beryl People once we get them out from that portal."

"Good," Flint said.

"How's Giratina doing?" Professor Aspen asked.

"I was able to get it to take some of the Revival Herbs," Marco said. "It's resting now."

"That's good," Professor Aspen replied. "How incredible that we get to see it up close."

"It is," Flint said. "I just wish it wasn't under such dire circumstances."

Just then, Volkner and Ashley landed at Spear Pillar with the Lustrous Orb in hand.

"Ashley!" Marco called. He rushed over to her. "You got it?"

"Yeah, right here," She said, holding up the orb. "Vilnis and Cynthia?"

"They're not back yet," Marco said.

"I hope they are alright," Ashley worried. "Getting this orb wasn't easy, emotionally that is."

"No need to worry about that!" Vilnis said, landing next to Ashley. "Since when do I back down from a challenge?" He held up the Adamant Orb.

"I knew you both could do it!" Marco said.

"There is no time to waste," Cynthia said, landing on Spear Pillar. "Bring the orbs over here." Marco, Ashley, and Vilnis joined Cynthia at the center of Spear Pillar. "Before we do this, you all should probably bring out some of your Pokemon. It is likely that we will engage in battle once we step through the portal."

Marco, Ashley, and Vilnis called out Lucario, Absol, and Gengar and had them all Mega Evolve. Flint brought out Infernape and Volker called out Electivire. Cynthia had her Garchomp. Umbreon, Grookey, Prinplup, and Glameow also showed they were ready to fight.

"Now, if you look at the ground here, you will see a triangle symbol," Cynthia explained. "At each point of the triangle is a square. The square that points north represents Giratina. The square that points west represents Palkia. And the square the points east is a symbol for Dialga."

"So you want us to stand at the points that represent these Pokemon?" Ashley asked.

"Yes," Cynthia said. "Once you bring those Orbs into those spots, Palkia and Dialga will appear." After Cynthia said this, Giratina lifted its head and gently flew over to the northern square. It then looked at Marco, motioning for him to stand in the square.

"Me?" Marco asked. Giratina bowed its head in response. Marco stood in the northern square while Ashley held the Lustrous Orb in the West square and Vilnis stood in the East square with the Adamant Orb. After a moment, the orbs began to glow and two portals were opened. From these gates of light emerged Palkia, the Pokemon of Space, and Dialga, the Pokemon of Time. They took their places at Spear Pillar, seemingly unaware as to why they had been summoned. Giratina then let out a cry. Palkia and Dialga replied with their own cries.

"It's like they're communicating," Volkner commented.

"Palkia, Dialga, Giratina!" Cynthia called. "Our home is in danger. Please open a portal to the Throne of Arceus so we can go and stop this threat that is a danger to us all!"

Giratina looked down at Marco and then bent forward, closer to the ground.

"You want me to get on?" Marco asked. Giratina nodded in response. Marco mounted Giratina. Palkia and Dialga did the same and Vilnis and Ashley joined Marco in climbing on top of the legendary Pokemon.

Palika, Dialga, and Giratina fired beams of energy into the center of the triangle that sat atop Spear Pillar. From those energy blasts came a portal. The portal to Acreus's dimension. Everyone then took their first steps into the portal.

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