Johto Part 1

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A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry that it has been a while since I have updated! I've been dealing with a lot lately: Depression, School, Work, A death in the Family and a bunch of other stuff too. I just wanted to give a big thank you to all of my loyal readers for sticking with me this far. Please continue to be patient with me as I work on this arc of the story. I have one more arc planned after this one. If you're asking yourself: "Where's Ash and Pikachu?" Don't worry, they will show up soon enough. I have some big things planned for them. 


Sinnoh - Sandgem Town

Vilnis stepped off the bus that had stopped right next to the Pokemon Center in Sandgem Town. It was two days after the Counsel of Champions had taken place. Cynthia asked Vilnis to stay for a few days in order to get more information regarding the Beryl Foundation. She was going to work with the police to find a way into the Distortion World in order to retrieve the fleet of grunts that had fallen into Giratina's portal. So, any information regarding them would be helpful in this case.

"Professor Rowan's lab is just down this street," Vilnis said to Umbreon and Grookey. "I hope that Ashley and Marco are willing to come with me to Johto." After a short while, Vilnis found himself standing at the doors of the lab. "Hello? I'm back," he called as he pushed the doors open.

"Vilnis," Professor Rowan said, walking down the corridor. "Welcome back."

"It's good to be back," Vilnis commented. "How is Akito feeling?"

"He seems to be doing much better," the professor replied. "The doctor says that he should get at least one more day of rest before he can start working again."

"I'm glad to hear that," Vilnis smiled. "Are Ashley and Marco still here?"

"They're with Akito right now," Professor Rowan said, pointing down the hallway towards Akito's room.

"Thank you," Vilnis said as he and his Pokemon walked down the hallway. When he knocked on the door, Ashley opened it and greeted him with a smile.

"You're back!" She cheered.

"Vilnis!" Akito called from his bed. His Prinplup was napping right next to him. "You left so quickly. I didn't think that you'd be coming back."

"Of course I came back," Vilnis chuckled. "I'm not just going to leave my friends hanging."

"Why did you leave so abruptly anyways?" Marco asked.

"Well, there is something that I need to discuss with you guys," Vilnis said, getting serious. He explained that he and Cynthia had to attend the Counsel of Champions and that every region needs to be on high alert and how they are incorporating all of the Gym Leaders in protecting their respective regions from potential attack by the Beryl Foundation. He then told them what Lance said about the reports of airships seen in the Johto region and in the Orange Islands. "So he wants me to convince you guys to come to Johto and help track down the Beryl Foundation there."

"You can count me in," Marco said. "We've gone toe-to-toe with them before. We can take them down. It makes me sick how they treat Pokemon."

"I'm in too," Ashley said. "It almost feels like my duty to help. I want to see them disbanded so the Pokemon they're targeting can be left in peace."

"I'm coming too," Akito said.

"What?" Vilnis asked. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Yeah," Marco added. "You've gone through a lot recently."

"You should take it easy," Ashley said.

"No!" Akito opposed. "I don't want to sit here, useless. I was useless back at Spear Pillar when I should have done more. Maybe if I'd done more, then I wouldn't have been taken hostage. I'm not going to sit here while you all go off and try to disband them!"

"Akito..." Vilnis started.

"I don't want to hear it!" Akito shouted. "I'm coming with you and that's final!"

"Well," Vilnis said, looking around at Ashley and Marco. "You'd better get some rest. Because we leave first thing in the morning. I'll buy tickets for the ferry."

"But, Vilnis-" Ashley started but was quickly cut off by Vilnis.

"If he's feeling up to it, he should come with," Vilnis continued. "We'll go and get some supplies for the trip. You should rest this afternoon, just like your doctor ordered."

As Vilnis, Ashley, and Marco exited the lab to go collect supplies for their journey to Johto, Marco spoke up.

"You're not serious," he said. "Akito isn't coming with us."

"I know that," Vilnis said, turning to the others. "We will be leaving tonight. I don't want to have Akito put in danger again, given his recent incident."

"Not to mention, he's not been sleeping very well either," Ashley said.

"What do you mean?" Vilnis asked.

"Every night since Spear Pillar, he's been having really bad nightmares," Ashley explained. "Little snippets of the experience with Arceus."

"We've been trying to help him remember what happened, gradually," Marco added. "But I think that his nightmares are his memories, replaying in his mind."

"Oh man," Vilnis said. "I really hate lying to him. But I don't want him to get overwhelmed with this."

"Then it's settled," Marco said. "We will board the ferry tonight. Akito can be mad at us for leaving him, but it's for the best."


That night, Vilnis, Marco, and Ashley boarded a ferry set to reach Cherrygrove City in the early hours of the next morning. Vilnis still felt bad for leaving Akito behind, so he left a letter for him with Professor Rowan. The letter said:


I'm sorry to do this, but we're leaving tonight. We all feel like it would be best for you to stay behind and focus on getting better. I'm sorry that I lied to you, but please understand we just want you to get better.

I hope that you can forgive us someday.


"I called Steven," Vilnis said while looking at the sunset while the remaining passengers were boarding the ferry. "He is going to meet us at the doc in Cherrygrove City and then we will meet up with Lance to go over all of the reports that they have gotten."

"Hey," Marco said, placing his hand on Vilnis's shoulder. "Are you okay?" The ferry's horn blazed as it began to depart from the doc.

"I just feel bad for leaving Akito behind," Vilnis said.

"As you should!" a voice shouted from behind Vilnis, Marco, and Ashley. They turned around to see Akito and Prinplup standing there. "I can't believe you would lie to me!"

"Akito!?" Ashley asked. "How did you find us?"

"I got your letter and I knew then and there that you all were leaving tonight, without me!" Akito shouted. "I told you that I'm not going to be useless! I am coming with you! You can't just leave me behind!"

"I'm sorry that we lied," Vilnis said. "But please understand, We didn't want you to risk your health."

"I'm alright!" Akito argued. "The doctor said I would be fine. The only thing that's wrong with me is that I can't remember all the details of what happened. So, please, don't think that I'm helpless."

"Akito, we're only concerned for your health," Ashley said. "But, I guess if I was in your shoes, I'd feel upset for being left behind too."

"Now you're understanding," Akito said. "I'm not mad at you guys. I know that you're just concerned for me. But I'm coming with you and you can't stop me." Prinplup also chimed in with an assertive chirp.

"Alright then," Vilnis said. " But if you start to feel off at all, you better let us know."

"It's a deal," Akito said, giving a thumbs up.

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