Online Dating (Part 8)

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~Continuation of my Jarbyn one shot"Online Dating". Read it 😊.

Nobody's POV:-
The moment their lips met, Jack felt sparks surround them and butterflies in his stomach. Corbyn's lips were so soft as he kissed him back, making Jack sigh in pleasure. The older wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, pulling him close.

After a moment, they pulled away and Corbyn cupped Jack's cheeks, looking the younger in the eyes.

"Jack I-", he mumbled out but before he could continue, the younger immediately got up.

"E-Excuse me", Jack mumbled then ran towards the car, leaning against the window, with his hands over his face. What had he done? He shouldn't have kissed Corbyn. He shouldn't have let him on when he wasn't ready. This was all his fault.

He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and whipped around immediately only to see Corbyn standing there.

"Don't worry. I'm just here to drop you home", Corbyn said as he opened the door for Jack. The younger hesitated before getting in. The older got in the driver's seat and started the car.

The drive to Jack's house was unpleasantny silent and there was a hanging uneasiness and awkwardness in the air. They arrived at Jack's home and Jack hesitated to get out before stopping.

"Corbyn. I'm sorry I-", Jack started but was cut off.

"It's fine Jack. I get it", Corbyn said, his jaw clenched and his eyes hard as he looked in front of him.

Jack sighed and got out, his heart clenching. He headed inside as Corbyn drove off, tears prickling his eyes.

When he reached the living room, he collapsed on the sofa and bit his lip which was starting to quiver. Two minutes later, he heard footsteps and Sydney's voice was heard. She seemed to be on the phone.

"Oh hey. Your back", she said, looking at his brother as she held the phone away from her ear. When she noticed Jack's expression she immediately grew concerned.

"I'll call you back", she mumbled into the phone, immediately approaching the brunette and leaning down in front of his brother.

"Jackie. What's wrong?", she said soflty and Jack looked up at Sydney with tears in his eyes.

"Syd. I messed up", Jack managed to sob out and Sydney pulled him into a hug.

Jack's sob were heard all around as he cried into his sister's shoulder. Olivia heard him and came down, wrapping her arms around her dad's waist and hugged him softly.

That night everyone went to sleep really late and with a heavy heart.

A/N:- Hi. Part 8 is here. Hope you like it. Leaving it at another cliffhanger 😉😂. Anyways Thank you for reading. Have a good day or night and Stay Blessed 😀💕. Love you guys :).

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