Million Ways (Part 2).

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Jack's POV:-
For the past couple of days, I have been receiving anonymous letters complementing me of my looks. It confused me alot but I didn't know what to think of it. I had no idea who it was and I hadn't told Corbyn about them. Okay maybe I had a little bit of idea who it was. I clearly recognized the writing and it was definitely Corbyn. What confused me is that why didn't he just say it to my face? Then I remembered that he wasn't very good at communication. I mean I clearly remember when he asked me out. I smiled at the thought. He had been so nervous that day. But in the end, he had finally asked me out.

I frowned as I remembered how my family had kicked me out only a few days after Corbyn asked me out. But I'll admit the letters had me feel a lot better.

There was another envelope on my dressing table as we got back from an interview that day and I picked it up looking around.

Corbyn was nowhere to be seen and I had no idea when he had put it there.

I opened the letter and read it, a smile making it's way to my lips. But that wasn't all. The letter said there was something else in the envelope. I frowned and reached into the envelope once again pulling out another paper, this one a lot smaller than the first one.

I unfolded it and my eyes widened as I read what was written on it. My eyes filled with tears but I was startled out of my thoughts by someone clearing their throat.

I turned around and immediately dropped the letter as I saw Corbyn on one knee holding a small box with a ring in it. My eyes widened as I stood frozen in my spot. I saw Corbyn take a deep breath before he looked at me.

"Jack Robert Avery. I love you so much. In alot of ways. Your eyes, they make me feel so captivated to you. Your hair, it's beautiful pretty and soft, makes me want to keep running my hand through it even if I mess it up. Your face makes me want to kiss you every time I see you. And oh god, your lips, I can't ever get enough of them. The taste of you. I'm addicted. You're all I can think about. And I know we're probably too young to get married but I know for sure that I want to spend the rest of my life, with you, by my side. I love you so so much and I can't bear the thought of living without you. So, my love, my beautiful baby, will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me", Corbyn said as he smiled at me. His eyes filled with so many emotions and his words were so captivating that I didn't even hesitate to nod my head.

His smile grew wider as he stood up and taking the ring out of the small box he placed it on my finger before kissing my hand then pulled me into a passionate kiss. I immediately wrapped my arms around him, kissing him back.

"I love you", I said as we pulled away.

"I love you too baby", he whispered back, resting our foreheads together."In so many million ways".

I smiled as I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room, ready to tell everyone the good news. Who cares if my family didn't want me. That they don't care. I have alot of best friends who care for me. Not to mention my loving boyfriend...No. Fiancée.

I was happy and nothing could change that.

A/N:- Oh my gosh. This was so cheesy 😂. But I hope you liked it. And Thank you for reading. Have a good day or night and Stay Blessed. 😃💞. Love you guys :).

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