Criminal? (Part 1)

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Jarbyn AU~ In which Corbyn pretends to be a Why Don't We fan and when Why Don't We announces they're giving away tickets. He hacks the system and gets himself free tickets for the concert. Read onto find out what happens next.

Corbyn's POV:-
I was scrolling through my feed on Instagram when I suddenly saw a familiar face. I couldn't catch who it was at first but looking at it closely, I  recognized it to be as Jack Avery. He was posing for a picture and holding up a sign. There was also a link in his caption which was for tickets to his concerts.

I scrolled through more of his pictures and saw three other boys whom I recognized immediately.
They were Jonah, Daniel and Zach.
I was shocked.

They all had become successful as a band and were right now on their way back to their hometown to give a performance.

Flashbacks came to my mind as I remembered what these four boys had done to my sister and me.

Okay. Let me explain. They all used to go to my highschool and use to bully me and my sister, Ashley. And because of that she had run away from home.

One of them, Daniel Seavey used to be my best friend until the other three invited him to be a part of the popular kids club. He totally forgot about me and instead hung out with them at all times.

And worst of all, when they started bullying me he didn't even stop them. The only person who didn't hurt me a lot was Jack. But he too was aggressive at times.

The thing is back in highschool, I used to be the biggest nerd and a teacher's pet. So all the popular kids hated me and bullied me including those four boys.

I clicked on his Instagram and saw a link to his band. It was called "Why Don't We" and apparently they were selling tickets for their newest concert which was in my hometown.

I clicked the first link which was for the tickets and looked at them. I smirked as a brilliant idea popped into my mind.

I copied the link and opened a document on my computer. I typed in a bunch of figures then sat back against my chair, satisfied.

I had hacked into their system and gotten myself free tickets for all of their concerts in my hometown.

It was just a matter of time before the tickets would be delivered to my doorstep and I was going to be able to get my revenge on the four boys who had made my life a living hell during my highschool years.

They would see that the Corbyn Besson they knew had completely changed and was no longer the quiet and timid boy whom they use to bully.

In just a matter of time, I was going to get my revenge on all four of them, making them suffer like they made me suffer just a few years ago.

~To be continued~.

A/N:- Hi guys. Here is another part. I hope you like it. This was requested by Anonymousreader1656.

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