Spies (Part 3).

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Continuation of my Jarbyn one shot 'Spies'. Requested by JikkiRosa.

Nobody's POV:-
It had been two weeks since Olivia's disappearance and there were still no signs of her whereabouts. Jack was getting more worried by the day but Corbyn remained calm like he was waiting for something and he let Jack know why.

"What if they don't let her go?", Jack had said.

"Oh trust me. They will", Corbyn answered smiling.

"Trust you I do", Jack had answered and Corbyn had smiled at him kissing him softly and that's where the conversation had ended.

"We have to tell them.", Jack whispered from where they were seated in the police station.

"No not until we have proper proof", Corbyn answered.

"Okay", Jack said."What do we do now?".

"We wait", Corbyn said.

Jack looked at his husband and nodded.

A sergeant approached them after a few minutes and stood in front of them.

"We found some things near a warehouse. We thought one of the things might belong to your daughter. Would you like to have a look?", he said to them.

"Of Course. Where?", both men said getting up.

"Follow me, please", he said then lead them inside a room.

There was a box seated in the middle of the room and Jack approached it, pulling out a coat. He turned towards Corbyn who nodded then Corbyn looked at the sergeant.

"Yes. That's definitely Olivia's", he said nodding.

"Great", the sergeant said.

"There's more", he stated but Jack was already pulling out a scarf.

"Yep. That's hers too", Jack said.

"Anything else?", Corbyn answered.

"Yeah. A note", Jack said pulling it out.

"It seemed to me as a note from your daughter. I don't know how she managed to write or throw it out but that's kid's a clever one I tell you", the sergeant said smiling.

"What's it say?", Corbyn asked approaching his husband and kneeling down. He looked at the note and frowned then got up.

"Okay. Thank you Officer. We should be getting on now. My husband and I have somewhere to be", Corbyn said.

The sergeant nodded and escorted the two out. Jack remained silent knowing not ask his husband what was wrong right now. Corbyn would tell him later.

The two left the police station and headed home.

As soon as they got home, Corbyn grabbed Jack's arm and lead him upstairs and into their room, avoiding everyone who was in the living room. Ever since Olivia's disappearance, both of their families had come to stay.

"What is it Corbs? You seem tense", Jack said to his husband massaging his shoulders.

"I'm just thinking", Corbyn answered.

"Okay", Jack said kissing his shoulder.

The two sat in silence until a few minutes later when Jack's phone rang. He picked it up and answered the call.

"Hi. Yes. This is Mr.Besson speaking. Yes. Yes. What? No way. Seriously. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much. Yes, you too. Thank you. Bye", Jack said before hanging up.

Corbyn raised his eyebrows at Jack's excited and happy face.

"They found Olivia", Jack said laughing as he wrapped his arms around Corbyn's neck. Corbyn smiled and kissed his husband but he didn't look too happy.

"What's wrong?", Jack asked, pulling away as he noticed the lack of enthusiasm on his husband's part.

"Don't you think it's just too easy?", Corbyn said frowning.

"Hey. Stop thinking about it too much. We have her back. That's all that matters", Jack said kissing him. He kissed back, this time properly.

"Okay. Now let's go get our daughter from the station", Jack said smiling as he pulled away.

"Okay. Let's go", Corbyn said getting up and the two headed out and got inside their car, driving off to the police station.

~To be continued~

A/N:- Hi. Part 3 😉. I hope you like it. And Thank you for reading. Have a good day or night and Stay Blessed 😃💟. Love you guys :).

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