Oblivious (Part 2)

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So here's part two of my Jarbyn one shot called "Oblivious". Here we go. I hope you like it.
Warnings ~Strong Language
Corbyn's POV:-
It's been a few days since I discovered my soulmate was London and we started dating. It was still more than a month before my 18th birthday but I'll admit I kind of felt like something wasn't right. I mean Aren't you supposed to feel close to your soulmate after you've come in contact with them?. But then again we hadn't had sex yet, I wasn't ready for it yet, after all it WOULD be my first time and I'm glad London wasn't rushing me, so it was probably because of that. But I'll admit I honestly felt NOTHING, Nothing at all. I mean there's gotta be someway you know for sure that they are your soulmate. Was I wrong in assuming that she was my soulmate? Did I have enough time to find out if I was actually wrong in interpreting that? Please give me a sign. I need to know, I said in my head. And with that I made my way to class.
~A few days later~
It's been a few days since I asked for a sign but I didn't get any. The only thing that DID happen was that i had a MAJOR fight with Jack two days ago. We haven't been talking ever since. Honestly, I feel like I shouldn't have fought with him. But it just happened. It was because of mine and London's relationship. He said he was warning me to stay away from her because she wasn't good for me. That's how the fight began and it's been two days. I miss him though. But at this point I felt like Jack was right and I had started giving up but then I started thinking I was wrong in thinking that London ISN'T my soulmate. Maybe I don't feel anything because we've only kissed a few times.
Today, I decided to surprise London as she hadn't come to school today. She had texted me that she was sick. So I decided to go to her house and cheer her up. I got into my car after school. I stopped at Mc Donalds on the way to get her one of her favorite cheese burger and then drove off towards her house. As I arrived at her house I saw two or three cars parked at the front door. I frowned. None of the cars I saw belonged to London OR her parents. I quickly got out of the car and made my towards the front door. I knocked on it. I heard laughter and loud music coming from inside, so I knew SOMEONE was home. I knocked again. Still No answer. Only laughter was heard. I turned the door knob. It wasn't locked. I opened the door slowly and entered the house.
I made my way towards the stairs which were right beside the front door and started climbing them. London's room was upstairs. As I made my way up the stairs the laughter got louder. I was confused. What was happening there? Did she have friends over? Isn't she supposed to rest if she's sick? If she had started feeling well why hadn't she told me? Why wasn't I invited?. My confusion increased as I reached the top of the stairs. The laughter had now gotten REALLY loud AND I heard MY name and JACK'S being said. What WAS happening? I decided to listen through the door before I go in and announce my CLEARLY uninvited presence. I put my ear to the door and listened silently holding my breath. I heard London's voice through the door.
"Don't worry guys. The plan is working fine", she said and laughed.
I was confused. WHAT plan?
My question was answered pretty clearly I think when I heard another voice say:- "And what about Jack?"
"Don't worry he'll never find out", London replied.
Why the HELL was she talking about my best friend and What was she hiding from me?
My ears were still close to the door and my eyes widened when I heard what she said next.
"And don't worry. Corbyn will NEVER find out that JACK is his REAL soulmate", she said laughing harder.
I can't BELIEVE she would play me like that. I REALLY thought SHE was my soulmate. No wonder I felt literally NOTHING with her.
I was SO confused.
JACK was my soulmate. I smiled to myself. I was so happy. HE would never do anything like that to me. I realized I DID feel SOMETHING for him. After all he WAS my first kiss. I wanted to run to Jack's house and confess my love for him. But I stayed put to the door wanting to listen to more of the conversation that was still going on on the other side of the door. I gritted my teeth as I heard what was said next.
"When are you gonna break his heart?", said a voice I recognized as London's ex boyfriend.
What the hell was he doing here?
"Soon", came the reply and I heard London laugh harder.
That BITCH. I clenched my fists, I was SO angry. She lied to me and merely used me for her own purpose. She was gonna get what she DESERVED.
I pulled away from the door and silently made my down the stairs not making a sound. I didn't want ANYONE to know I was there. ESPECIALLY London. If she found out it would ruin my plan.
I got out of the front door quietly and got in my car. I drove to Jack's house and knocked on his door. I suddenly felt nervous. I hadn't talk to him since our fight two days ago. He opened it a second later and his eyes widened for a split second when he saw me. Then he sighed. "What do you want Corbyn?"
"Can I come in please?", I asked. I was nervous but was determined to do the right thing once and for all. I loved him too much to lose him and I can't believe I was so stupid to not realize this before. I NEEDED him. He was my LIFE. I can't survive WITHOUT him.
"Sure", he said sighing and moved out of the way letting me inside the house.
As soon as I was inside I turned towards him "I'm so sorry Jack. I should've listened to you. You were right. She WAS just using me. I'm so sorry love. I hope you can forgive me".
Jack just shook his head tears now visible in his eyes.
I kept going "I love you Jack. I'm so sorry I hurt you. I didn't know what I was doing. I've finally realized that YOU'RE my soulmate and not HER. I love you so much".
"I love you too Corbyn. So much."
Jack was now crying tears streaming down his face. I reached out to wipe them with the pad of my thumb.
"Don't cry baby. I just wanna know one thing though"
"Yeah?", he said his tears now stopping. He wiped them away.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were my soulmate? "
He sighed smiling slightly. "Corbyn. That's not how it works. Your soulmate has to figure it out themselves. And when they do, they have to claim you as their own by themselves."
"OH", I said. "I'm sorry", I whispered guilt washing all over me.
"It's okay love", he said "At least you figured it out before it was too late".
"Yeah", I said smiling up at him. " I love you Jack Avery".
"I love you too Corbyn Besson", he said.
I grinned and pulled him close pressing my lips to his in a soft yet passionate kiss. We pulled away after we ran out of breath and smiled at each other.
I pressed my forehead to his and said, "Jack. I love you so much. Will you be my boyfriend?"
He smiled and said, "Is that even a question? Of Course Corbs. I'm yours for keeps".
I smiled back at him. He was gonna be the death of me. I can't believe I almost lost this boy because of a stupid mistake.
"You didn't lose me Corbyn. You could NEVER lose me", he said
Huh? I thought before I realized that I had been thinking out loud.
I smiled at him.
"I'm glad I didn't", I said kissing him once more. I love you baby"
"Love you too", he said smiling up at me with his tongue in between his eyes.
I looked at him. I loved this boy to death and I couldn't wait to call him mine.

A/N:- Okay. So here is part two. Hope you guys enjoy. Also Part 3? Let me know. And you can request one shots of your own. Either do it in the requests chapter or in the comments below. Thank you for reading. Hope you have a great day or night. Stay Blessed. 😊😊😊. Love you guys:)

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