Overprotective Brother

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Jarbyn one shot~In which Jack has an older brother named Jonah who just so happens to be Corbyn's best friend as well. But he doesn't want his younger brother to date anytime soon. The thing is Jack's already dating Corbyn. Will they hide their relationship or tell him about it? Read it😃.

Warnings~Smut, Strong Language.

Nobody's POV:-
Jack was in his room, on his laptop doing some homework when the doorbell rang.

"Jack! Will you please get that? I'm Linda busy here", his older brother, Jonah called out to him from his room.

Jack sighed and got up, heading out of the room and straight downstairs. Their parents weren't home. It was just him and Jonah and it was probably one of Jonah's friends at the door come to visit him to hang out.

He got to the front door and unlocked it to come face to face with Jonah's childhood best friend, Corbyn.

"Hey. What are you doing here?", Jack said smiling at him.

"Hi. Just thought I'd drop by and come say hi to your brother", Corbyn said back, leaning forward but Jack moved back.

"Uhh. Then you should probably come in", he said looking behind him to be sure that Jonah wasn't there.

Corby chuckled and stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

"Well uh. Jonah's in his room. You can go up there", Jack mumbled.

"Where are you going?", Corbyn asked, stopping him in his tracks.

"Back to my room. To...study", Jack answered, turning to face Corbyn.

"Okay. See you around", Corbyn said smiling. He moved closer to Jack as the two just looked at each other silently for a minute or two and...

"Corbyn! My man", Jonah's voice called out from up the stairs and both boys whipped their heads around to see Jonah standing against the railing that looked down."Come up dude. We have some catching up to do".

Corbyn cleared his throat and moved sway from Jack.

"Uh yeah Jo. I'll be on my way", he said smiling at the older.

"Got ya", Jonah said before disappearing into his room again.

"Hey..Sorry. I gotta go", Corbyn whispered to Jack.

"Go", Jack whispered back smiling.

Corbyn smiled too and gave his cheek a sweet soft kiss before heading up the stairs. He blew Jack one last kiss from the stairs before disappearing in Jonah's room himself. Jack sighed happily and headed up to his own room. He entered and collapsed on his bed, smiling like an idiot. How did he get so lucky to have Corbyn?

He got up and headed to his desk, plopping himself down and flipping his book page to start studying again.

An hour later, his door opened slowly and Corbyn walked in.

"Hey", he said, making Jack jump slightly. He definitely was not expecting Corbyn to come in there.

"What the hell are you doing here?", Jack hissed out, standing up from his chair.

"Relax baby. Jonah's not here", Corbyn said moving closer to Jack."He's gone to see Eben".

Eben was Jonah's boyfriend who lived not far away from them.

"Byr we've only got two hours so let's make the best of it", Corbyn said moving even closer.

"I never thought you'd say that", Jack said before grabbing Corbyn by the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a chaste kiss which admittedly got heated quite fast and before long both of their clothes were being ripped off each other and Corbyn was pushing Jack back towards the bed. He climbed on top of him as soon as Jack lay down and kissed him hungrily, running his hands all over Jack's body as he trailed his kisses downwards.

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