Give your heart a break (Part 1).

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Jarbyn AU:- In which Jack meets the shy yet intriguing Corbyn Besson and wants to get to know him better. Will he be able to gain the trust of Corbyn and make him fall in love with him? Read on to find out.
Jack's POV:-
I was walking down the hallway to my class when I heard an announcement of a new student on the loud speaker. And then a minute later I heard my name. I was supposed to show the kid around. Obviously as the school's hallway monitor, I was the only one who could do it. So I made my way to the principal's office where I'm assuming the kid was and knocked on the door.
A minute later I was told to enter the office. I entered it and saw the new student sitting on the chair in front of the principal's desk. He was a blonde with striking blue eyes.  Though his hair was most definitely dyed judging by the black roots. He also wore glasses.
"Ah. Jack", the principal turning towards me."I would like you to show Corbyn Besson around as it is his first day here and he may need help to get to his classes".
"Of Course", I nodded smiling at him.
He smiled back and turned to Corbyn,"Well. J think you're in very good hands. Jack here is one of our oldest and best students and he will show you around. If you have any problem you can go to him or come to me".
"Thank you sir", Corbyn said barely above a whisper.
I smiled at him as he got up but he just looked down and walked out the door. I followed confused.
I showed him around and learned that most of his classes matched mine. Our schedule were almost the same. Except a few minor differences. But none the less I was going to ne seeing a lot if this boy.
I waved him goodbye and made my way to class.
~Time Skip~(A few days later).
It's been a few days since Corbyn Besson moved to our school and I'll admit he was starting to warm up to me. He didn't talk much to anyone except the teachers and occasionally to me. He was a very shy person and once or twice I had invited him to hang out at my house and he refused each time. I wanted to know why so I asked him a couple times but all I got was silence and awkwardness. I was really confused at this point but didn't want to ruin the friendship that had slowly started t develop between me and him. So I kept my mouth shut and hoped he would tell me soon.
Today Corbyn was unexpectedly happy and smiley. I was shocked because I hadn't seen a proper smile on his face ever.
I later learned that his best friend,  Daniel Seavey was moving to town and he was coming to our school. I was really excited to meet him because Corbyn had talked so much about the boy that at this point I thought I practically knew the guy.
I heard the announcement on speaker just as I had when Corbyn had joined. I showed him around and made my way to class. We soon became friends as well, just like me and Corbyn which was partly because Corbyn was best friends with him. But we started to hang out a lot and Corbyn occasionally joined us.
A few weeks later, I started to realize that I was slowly catching feelings for Corbyn and I was scared. But I gathered up my courage and decided to ask him out.
I was at Daniel's house and we were as usual hanging out. He had invited Corbyn over and he arrived soon after.
The night was going well. We were watching "Game of Thrones" thoroughly enjoying ourselves when I decided to confess my feelings. So when Dani got up to get a refill of the popcorn and some more drinks, I turned towards Corbyn who was on his phone as the episode had been put on pause for Dani. I cleared my throat and he looked up at me, raising his eyebrows.
I was nervous now but I decided to confess anyways. I took a deep breath and started to talk.
Once I finished, I looked up to see Corbyn with wide eyes.
"I..", I started before Corbyn got up and grabbed his jacket.
"I'm sorry. I have to go", he whispered"Tell Dani I had something important I had to look into".
"Okay. But...", I started but he was already out the door.
I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. What did I do? I just ruined everything.
I rubbed my temples and waited for Dani to come back.
He arrived after five minutes.
"Hey Sorry. I couldn't find the...", he started before he stopped.
He walked towards me and placed the stuff on the table.
"Hey. Where is Corbyn?", he asked.
"He left", I answered taking a deep breath.
"What happened?", he asked furrowing his eyebrows.
I let out a sigh before telling him what actually happened.

~To be continued~ 😏😉.

A/N:- Here is another part guys. Hope you like it. Part 2 will be out soon. What do you think will happen? Comment below. And if you have any requests. Leave them in the comments or PM me. Thanks for reading. Have a good day or night. Stay Blessed 😃💛. Love you guys:).

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