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Jarbyn AU..In which Jack starts receiving random letters in his locker from someone but he doesn't who it is it and why they are sending him letters. The person remains anonymous until Jack finally finds out who it is with a little detective work. Read on to find out what happens.
Nobody's POV:-
Jack Avery made his way to his locker after a long day of consecutive classes. He sighed as he punched the code on the lock. FINALLY. After a long day he was finally going to relax. He opened his locker to put his books inside. As he did so, a brown envelope fell out. He picked it up. It was addressed to him. Who had put it there? No one but himself knew the code to his locker. This confused the hell out of him. He quickly put the letter in his backpack not wanting anyone to know that he had received it. He saw his best friend, Zach approaching his locker which was right next to his. He took out the books he wanted in order to do homework and called out to Zach.
"Hey Zach?. Let's go. I have to be home by 3".
"Hey. Uh. Dude", Zach said"Can you like maybe take the bus or something? I'm leaving with Dani. Ryan took my car".
"Sure", Jack replied shrugging.
"Sorry Dude", Zach apologized scratching the back of his neck.
"Nah. It's fine", Jack said grabbing his bag and walking towards the school doors.
He waved to Zach before making his way outside. He was in a hurry as usual to get home. Normally it was because of school but this time it was purely out of curiosity. The thing is he hadn't time to properly look at the envelope it self let alone the letter inside. As he walked out of the school gates he ran into someone and went flying to the floor with the person right above him. He looked up to see who it was and when he did, he realized it was none other than Corbyn Besson the school's most popular guy. He was a senior and he was extremely gorgeous. But so far Jack knew he had no chance. After all Corbyn was straight. Or bi. But it was a pretty slim chance that he liked Jack back.
Corbyn got up and held out a hand for him. Jack blushed and grabbed his hand standing up. He grabbed his backpack from the floor which had fallen with him onto the ground.
He looked up to see Corbyn smiling at him. He smiled back.
"Hi. I'm Corbyn", Corbyn said holding out his hand.
"I know", Jack said whispering."I'm Jack".
"Well. It's nice to meet you Jack", Corbyn replied laughing.
He shook hands with Corbyn and smiled at him.
"I. Uh. Should probably get going", he said to the older boy.
Corbyn smiled at him and nodded.
"I should too", he said to Jack."You have a ride to take you home?".
"Well. I did.", Jack replied.
Corbyn raised an eyebrow.
"Until my best friend decided to ditch me for his boyfriend", he finished laughing.
"Oh", Corbyn smiled"I can drop you off to your house".
"Really?", Jack said"That's really sweet of you. Thank you".
"No Problem", the fake blonde replied."Shall we get going then?".
"Yeah. Let's go", Jack replied.
They made their way to Corbyn's car and Jack got into the passenger seat. His mind was still processing the fact that the school's most popular guy had talked to him and had offered to drop him home.
The drive to his house was mostly silent with Jack looking out the window and Corbyn keeping his eyes on the road.
Ten minutes later Corbyn pulled up at Jack's house.
He turned towards Jack.
"It was nice meeting you Jack", he said smiling."I hope we can hang out some time".
Jack nodded leaning forward and kissing Corbyn's cheek.
"Thanks for the ride", he said pulling away a slight blush visible on both the boys' cheeks.
"Like I said No Problem", Corbyn replied smiling"See you later".
"Yeah. See you later", Jack said smiling back and got out of the car.
He smiled and made his way to the front door of his house as Corbyn drove off. He was happy. He made his way up the stairs and sat down on his bed. Just then he remembered the letter. He quickly got the envelope out of his backpack and looked at it. He opened the envelope and looked at the letter opening it up.
His eyes scanned over it. He didn't recognize the writing so it couldn't be someone he knew.
He read the letter. This is what it said.
"Hey Jack. I know you probably are wondering who is writing you this letter but I would like to keep myself anonymous for the time being. I will be leaving hints for you every day and you have to guess who I am. I really like you Jack. You make my insides warm up and you make my heart flutter. You're the most gorgeous human being I have ever seen.
xx. The boy who loves you.
Oh. So it was a boy. GREAT. He put down the letter and lay back on the bed sighing. He wanted to know who the person was so he could get to know him better.
Time Skip~ (A week later)
Jack and Corbyn had gotten really close during the past week and now Jack sat with the popular kids. In the past week Jack also found himself falling for Corbyn more and more each day and it was starting to scare the boy. What if he wouldn't be able to control his feelings and do something really stupid?
He was still receiving those anonymous letters. The boy did leave hints but Jack couldn't figure out who it was. He was certain it was none of his friends. But who else could it be? It had to be someone who knew him fairly well. You see Jack is a very shy guy so in order for someone to know so much about him they'd have to be really close to him.
He had had enough of this and he had finally decided to find out who it was on his own. The only person who knew about those letters was Zach. And probably Daniel, Zach's boyfriend.
He debated whether or not to ask for their help and finally decided that he was going to investigate himself.
He had put all the obvious signs together and had figured out that the letters were put into his locker between fifth period and lunch.
So today he had decided to skip lunch and had instead thought of hiding near his locker to finally find out who the person was.
So after fifth period Jack made his way to his locker and hid behind the wall that faced the lockers in the hallway. From where he stood Jack could clearly see his locker and he knew the boy wouldn't come the same way as Jack did because he knew what period Jack had. Five minutes later he heard footsteps approach his locker and he looked up to see the person already at his locker. His back was turned around so Jack couldn't really see him.
The boy opened his locker, slipped the envelope inside, which he had taken out of his hoodie's pocket and shut the locker. Then he glanced at both ends of the hallway to see if anyone had seen him. As the boy turned to right Jack could clearly see who it was. And he was shocked as he recognized the person immediately.
Corbyn?, he thought. Corbyn was his admirer. Holy shit. The boy he had been pining for the past year had a crush on him.
He debated whether or not to just go over to him and tell him how he feels. But he decided against it. He would approach this in a different way.
The older blonde was coming over to his house today so he decided to tell him about it there.
Time skip~(After school). (Another one because I LOVE doing time skips 😂. Unless you want it to be really long xD).
Jack made his way towards Corbyn's car and waited for the blonde to come. Since the first ride, Jack now always rode with Corbyn who picked him up for school and dropped him off as well. He saw the blonde coming towards the car. He unlocked it and Jack got in the passenger seat. They drove to Jack's house and Corbyn parked the car in Jack's driveway.
They went up to Jack's room as soon as they entered the house.
They were going to study together so Corbyn had brought his bag with him. After studying they decided to play a game of truth and dare.They kept playing until it started getting dark outside.
They decided to watch a movie before Corbyn would leave for his house. It was getting really late.
In the middle of the movie Jack paused it and looked at Corbyn. The blonde looked back at him.
"I..I have something to tell you Corbyn", Jack said softly suddenly feeling nervous under the piercing gaze of the older blonde.
"Yeah Jack", Corbyn said his attention now fully on Jack.
"I like you Corbyn", he mumbled.
"What was that babe?", Corbyn said softly.
Jack blushed from the nick name.
"I really like you Corbyn", Jack said his voice still not above a whisper.
Corbyn sighed and grabbed Jack's hands.
"I have something to tell you too Jack", he said softly.
Jack held his breath as he waited for Corbyn ot continue.
Corbyn took a deep breath and said softly,"It's me who has been writing you letters".
Jack smiled and gripped Corbyn hands tightly.
"I know that Corbs", he said softly.
Corbyn's eyes widened then he suddenly smiled.
"Why didn't you say anything?", he asked Jack, his voice still soft.
"I just found out today", Jack replied smiling.
Corbyn smiled and let go of his hands, grabbing his face softly and pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss.
"Okay", he said pulling back."Now that we've cleared that up I want to ask you something".
"Yes babe?", Jack said laughing.
"Will you be boyfriend?", Corbyn asked a sudden blush coating his cheeks as he looked at Jack.
"Of Course Corbs", Jack said wrapping his arms around Corbyn's neck and leaning in."I think that was pretty clear but my answer is still yes".
Corbyn just smiled and wrapped his arms around Jack's waist pulling him close, kissing him again. This time a little roughly.
When they pulled away both of their lips were swollen red.
Corbyn pressed their foreheads together and smiled at Jack.
"So. What do you want to do?", he asked.
"Shall we resume the movie or do you have something else in mind?", Jack answered laughing slightly.
Corbyn laughed too."Yeah. Let's resume the movie", he said pulling back.
Jack grabbed the remote and pressed played play, leaning his head on Corby's shoulder. Both of them happy that they got things straight. Happy that they were right there with the person they loved.

A/N:- Okay guys. So here is another part. I hope you like it even though the ending was really bad. But anyways leave feedback and remember requests are always open. Anyways. Hope have a good day or night. Stay Blessed. 😊😊💜💜💜 and Thank you for reading. Love you guys:).

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