Famous (Part 2)

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Requested by Anonymousreader1656.
Jarbyn AU~This is a continuation of my one shot "Famous". Read on to see what happens next.
Jack's POV:-
It's been a couple of weeks since Corbyn and I signed the contract that officially made us a duo. Today was our first performance, as in the past few weeks, we had recorded some original songs and we were ready to perform in front of the world.
To be honest I felt really nervous yet I was excited as well. It was going to be my first time performing on the stage with my best friend, Corbyn.
We were currently in our dressing room, getting ready for the show. I was fixing my hair where as Corbyn was in the bathroom. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal our coordinator.
"Hey. You're on in 10 minutes", he said looking at his watch."Are you ready to leave?".
"Hold on", I said.
I walked to the bathroom and knocked on it softly."Hey Corbs. You ready?".
"Yeah. Be there in a sec", he replied.
A few seconds later the door to the bathroom opened and Corbyn came out. He looked good.
He smiled at me," You don't look so bad yourself, Avery".
I laughed as we made our way out of the dressing room and towards the backstage where we were going to perform.
We got on stage and the whole crowd went wild. I was still nervous, i was shaking a bit. After all, it WAS my first time in front of a huge crowd. We performed our first song ever as a duo called "Alive". I felt the nerves leave me as I sang the song. In the very end, Corbyn and I met in the middle of the stage, grabbed hands, thanked the crowd and waved them goodbye. As we arrived backstage, I could see the most goofiest, happiest and cutest smile on Corbyn's face. Wait. WHAT? Oh my gosh. I shook the thought out of my head and focused on my food in front of me. We had come back to our dressing room and were now eating food. Corbyn was scrolling through his phone while I was busy eating my burrito. Just then I heard a ping in my pocket, meaning I had received a message.
I pulled it out and saw a message from my mother. She congratulated me on the performance and said she was really sorry she couldn't be there. I smiled at the text. My mother was always so caring.
I received another text. This time it was my best friends, Daniel and Zach.
They were in the crowd but apparently decided to message me privately too. We heard a knock on the door and the door burst open. Daniel and Zach came rushing in, both hugging me.
Corbyn was still on his phone, but looked up when the door opened.
"Hi", he said smiling at them both.
"Hi", Zach said holding out his hand." I'm Zach and this is Daniel".
"Nice to meet you", Daniel said also shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you too", Corbyn said smiling.
They both sat down and we started talking.
~Time Skip ~( A few months later).
Today was our first show in England and to be honest I was super excited. It was like the nervousness had left me in the past few months. Performing with my best friend, the person I could rely on for absolutely ANYTHING. Living my dream. It was pretty amazing. Could life get any better?
We were on our way to the "Capital Summer Ball" right now.
As we arrived, we grabbed our mics and started singing. At the end of the performance, the crowd went crazy and I never felt more proud. It was like living my dream all over again. Just as we grabbed hands and I was about to bow down, I felt Corbyn tugged me towards him and I was now facing him. He grabbed my hands in his and looked me in the eye.
"Jack Robert Avery. These past few months have been the most incredible ones of my entire life. I get to live my dream everyday. I get to perform with you everyday. I get to see you everyday. And in the past few weeks, I've realized that I've started falling for you. Like literally have fallen in love. Never like this before. So. Will you do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend?", Corbyn said catching his breath as he finished.
I had tears in my eyes now, threatening to fall on the hard stage beneath me. I smiled slightly and nodded my head, pulling him close and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Yes", I whispered.
He just smiled and leaned forward and kissed me passionately. I felt sounds of cheer all around us and I remembered the crowd surrounding us. I had totally forgotten about them. I smiled as we pulled away. Corbyn rested his forehead against mine, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me in for another kiss.
I smiled as I kissed back. We pulled away and I looked at him. Turning towards the crowd, we bowed and thanked them. As I looked around, I realized that life COULD get more better. In all kinds of different ways.
~To be continued ~.

A/N:- Okay guys. Another part. I feel like this was rushed. Sorry about that. But I hope you like it. Let me know what you think of it and as always requests are open. Thank you for reading. Stay Blessed and Have a good day or night.😊💜. Love you guys:).

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