Nobody's POV:-
Jack woke up and immediately looked at the calendar. He suddenly felt nervous because today was the day Corbyn would be coming back.He got up and got ready, heading out of his room as soon as he had gotten dressed. He entered the kitchen to find Sydney at the stove, cooking breakfast. She turned to him as he took a seat at the table.
"Nervous?", she asked as she flipped the egg she was cooking.
"Yeah", Jack sighed out."It's just...I'll be seeing him after two weeks. I just don't know what to expect".
"It's going to be fine", Sydney said, approaching him and patting his shoulder."Remember, you waited two whole weeks for him".
"But what if he doesn't want me anymore?", Jack asked.
"Do you really think that?", Sydney said as she placed his breakfast in front of him.
Jack just looked at her sheepishly.
"Hey", she said softly."You know if he actually didn't want you anymore, do you think his friends would put so much effort into helping you?".
Jack looked at her contemplating.
"You're right", he said smiling.
"I always am", Sydney said.
Jack looked at his sister and his face softened suddenly.
"Thank you Syd. I feel a lot better now", he said.
"Anytime, little bro", Sydney said smiling back."Now hurry up and eat your breakfast. You have to get to work early, remember?".
"Oh yeah", Jack said as he began eating his breakfast.
Sydney just shook her head and went back to making the rest of the breakfast before calling out to Olivia to come eat hers.
Five minutes later, Olivia came into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. She plopped down beside Jack as she let out a yawn.
"Here, sleepy head", Sydney said, chuckling as she plopped a plate in front of her niece.
"Thanks Aunt Syd", Olivia said, smiling sleepily up at her.
Jack shook his head at his daughter.
"When did you sleep last night?", he asked her.
"1", Olivia said, letting out another yawn."I was up working on a project due tomorrow. Just a little bit left now".
Jacl suddenly felt guilty as he looked at his daughter. She had asked him to help her two days ago but he had been so busy with work to do so.
"Dad. Stop it. I know what you're thinking", Olivia said, looking at him."I know you were busy with work and I'm fine with that".
"But you know you always come first right?", Jack said."You know I can take a day off to help you with it".
"I know that, dad", Olivia said, sighing."But I don't want you to".
Before Jack could say anything, she continued.
"If you don't keep on working, how else are you going to get me the new backpack that I want!", she joked.
Jack looked at her shocked for a second before chuckling.
"Fair point", he said before getting up."Okay. I'm going to go now".
He hugged Sydney and kissed Olivia on the cheek.
"See you later", Jack said.
"Later, dad", Olivia said and Sydney just waved at her brother, smiling.
Jack drove off to work in silence. When he got there, there was a bunch of cars parked. He entered his work place and looked around in shock. There were a lot of customers today, just like yesterday.
"Oh good. You're here Jack", his boss said as he saw him come in."We need you to tend to customer #30".
"What?", Jack said, shocked."We're on customer #30 already?".
His boss just shrugged.
"Been busy today", he simply said.
Jack sighed and looked around for customer#30. He spotted her sitting on the chair on the far left. He headed to her, putting on the biggest smile he could.
"Hi. Welcome to John's tattoo parlor. I'll be doing your tattoo today. What would you like to have tattooed Ma'am?", he said.
"Just something a little simple, like a flower or something", she answered, licking her piercing.
Jack wasn't going to lie. This girl was giving him the creeps but he cleared his throat, acting professionally and handed her a book to look through. Once she was done choosing and he had set up his supplies, he began tattooing her arm.
He had barely finished when another customer came his way. He let out a sigh. It was going to be a busy day.
Seven hours and about a hundred customers later, he had just plopped down on the couch, closing his eyes. He felt his phone ping and pulled it out. It was a message from Daniel, telling him that Corbyn was back. He suddenly felt too excited.
He had just gotten up when he heard his boss call him again. He let out a big sigh and got up again, dragging his feet to where his boss was.
He found his boss cleaning up the tattoo supplies.
"Jack", he said as he turned to face him."We just received a late night appointment from a customer and he said he wanted to have his tattoo done by the best in our shop so I need you to stay a bit longer".
Jack sighed but nodded. No meeting Corbyn tonight, he thought sadly.
"Okay. When's he coming?", he asked, ignoring the sudden ache in his heart.
"He said he's on his way", his boss replied.
Jack nodded and sat down. Five minutes later, his boss came up to him with his bag slung over his shoulder.
"I'm gonna go now", he said."Would you mind locking up for me?".
"No problem", Jack said, smiling at him.
"Thanks Jack", his boss said smiling back."See you tomorrow".
With that, his boss left. He decided to start setting up his supplies. The customer would be here any minute now.
He had just finished setting everything up when he heard the shop door open. The customer was here. He had back to the door but he could here footsteps getting closer.
"Welcome to John's tattoo parlor. Please take a seat. I'll be with you in a minute", he said as he picked up the needle.
"Jack", a familiar voice called and he whipped his head around so fast that he almost broke his neck. He stared at the guy in front of him in shock. He suddenly dropped the needle in his hand.
"Corbyn", he managed to say after a couple of minutes.
~To be continued~
A/N:- Hi guys. Here is the 18th part. I hope you guys enjoy. Leaving you on a cliffhanger because we all know I LOVE those. Anyways Thank you for reading. Have a good day or night and Stay Blessed 😀💌. Love you guys :).

Jarbyn One Shots
RandomOne shots of Corbyn and Jack from Why Don't We. Requests are open. Only Top Corbyn if Smut :).