Jarbyn AU (Highschool AU):-
In which Corbyn and Jack are bitter enemies but what happens when a science project brings them together. Will they catch feelings for each other?. Read on to find out.
Warnings~Strong language.
Nobody's POV:-
Corbyn walked into his classroom with his books and bag and sat down at his usual place at the very front of the class. He took out his notebook and starting doodling in it. His best friend Daniel Seavey always sat next to him. But somehow today he was either late or his seat had been changed. He looked around for him but couldn't find him anywhere. He sighed and looked back at his notebook waiting for Daniel to arrive. Just then the bell rang and in walked Corbyn's worst enemy, Jack Avery. Corbyn literally hated the boy more than he hated peanuts and that's saying something. Corbyn rolled his eyes and looked back at his notebook.
Where the fuck is Dani?, he thought.
Just then Daniel came rushing in and sat down at his seat, with Mr.Rodger their teacher just behind him.
"Sorry dude. I got caught up in traffic.", he said to Corbyn.
Corbyn just sighed and nodded.
" You okay?", Daniel asked.
Corbyn nodded once more.
Daniel looked at him but decided to let it go for now.
"Okay class. Settle down. As you know today all of you will be assigned a partner for your science projects."
Everyone nodded.
"Okay.Let's start. Ms.Austin and Ms.Beckham, Mr.Arrieta and Mr.Balthazar, Mr.Avery and Mr.Besson...."
Corbyn looked up at his name with wide eyes. No it can't be. It wasn't true. He glanced at Jack and saw him looking back at him. He seemed as much shocked as he was.
The teacher kept on going with the names until he finished.
He assigned everyone their respective projects and started the lesson for that day. Corbyn was still so shocked that he couldn't focus on anything other than what had happened a few minutes ago. As soon as the class ended though, he got up and went to the teacher's desk.
"Excuse me Mr.Rodger. Can I talk to you for a second?", he said to the teacher.
" Yes Mr.Besson?. What is it? "
"Can I change my project partner?", he said
" I'm sorry, but it's already been decided. I can't change with the other students. It wouldn't be fair to them. Besides Mr.Avery is flunking in biology and he needs all the help he can get and you are the perfect student to help him Corbyn", Mr.Rodger said smiling at him.
Corbyn sighed. He knew that Jack wasn't good at biology and he also didn't want to let his favorite teacher down, so he agreed.
"Thank you Corbyn", Mr.Rodger said smiling at him once again.
He smiled back and made his way out of the classroom. All the students had already gone and he was the last one there. He starting making his way towards his locker when he heard his name being called. He turned around to see Jack Avery coming towards him.
" Hey Besson. What did the teacher say?"
"Huh?", he said confused. How did Jack know he had been talking to the teacher?.
"Come on. I know you talked to the teacher about us being partners for the project. So what did he say?", Jack said.
" Nothing", Corbyn replied. " He just told me that he couldn't change partners because it wouldn't be fair to other students".
"Fucking Unbelievable", said Jack throwing up his hands.
Corbyn rolled his eyes.
" Why are you even talking to me?", he asked the lavender haired boy.
"Look. We're sharing a group project. We might as well talk to each other."
"Sure", he shrugged.
" So. When do you wanna start?", the shorter boy asked.
The taller shrugged.
"How about we start today at my house?", the younger suggested.
" Are you fucking kidding me?"
"No way am I going into your shitty house. We're gonna study at mine".
" FINE", said the lavender haired boy. "I'll meet you after school".
" Great ", said the taller boy rolling his eyes, his voice laced with sarcasm. " See you then" and with that he started walking towards his locker again...
~Time skip~ (After School)
Corbyn went to his locker and started putting his books inside, when he heard someone clear their throat. He looked up to see Jack Avery standing there. He rolled his eyes once more. Jack just had that kind of effect on him. It was a natural reaction upon seeing the boy. And Honestly, he just hated the boy with all his heart.
"Ready to go", he asked Corbyn.
" I'll meet you at my car", he replied.
"No way", the younger said.
" Fine", he said already getting pissed off." Then wait five minutes "
"Okay", the lavender haired boy smirked.
He was really starting to piss off Corbyn. He ignored him and waited for Dani to arrive. Once he saw him in the decent he sighed in relief. Daniel walked up to his locker which was right next to Corbyn's and opened it putting in his own books. He looked at Corbyn and said " You ready? "
"Actually Dani. I won't be coming to yours today. I have to start working on the science project."
"Oh. Okay", Daniel replied looking up. That's when he noticed Jack standing there, smirking. He looked back at Corbyn seeing now that he seemed extremely pissed off.
" You okay Corbs?", he asked the older boy.
"I'm fine", the fake blonde replied.
" Okay. I'll talk to you later"
"Okay. See ya", Daniel said and with that he walked towards the school's entrance and made his way towards his car.
" Let's go", Corbyn said to the younger also making his way towards the entrance of the school. Jack followed after him.
~Time skip~ (In Corbyn's house)
Corbyn entered his house with Jack close behind him.
"Hey Mom", he called out " I'm home"
His mother came rushing in with an apron on and flour on her hands.
"Hi dear. I was just baking a cake for you. Your favorite. Chocolate cake."
He smiled at her " Thanks Mom".
"Who's this dear? Your friend?", asked his mother when she saw Jack standing behind Corbyn.
" No Mom. Just a classmate I have to do a project with ".
" Oh. Okay dear. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Go have fun", she said and with that she made her way back to the kitchen.
"Let's go upstairs".
" Okay", Jack replied.
~Time skip~ (A few days later)
Corbyn and Jack had been working on the project for the past few days and in between Corbyn had also taught Jack more biology than he had bargained for, but he felt himself getting closer to the younger boy and they soon became friends. But what scared the older boy was that he suddenly started developing feelings for the lavender haired boy, something more than a friend would feel for a friend. And that scared the fake blonde to death. He tried to act normal though but everyday his feelings for Jack would grow stronger and they were starting to get hard to control. He wanted to change his project partner so he could get away from the lavender haired boy for a bit but it was useless. He was getting tired of hiding his feelings, so one day after school he decided to tell Jack.
He waited until they had finished studying that day and were sitting on the couch watching a movie. He suddenly felt nervous.
As the credits began to play though, he thought Fuck it, it's now or never. I HAVE to tell him.
He glanced at Jack who was now on his phone texting someone and smiling down at the screen every now and then. He frowned. Did Jack have a girlfriend? A boyfriend? He knew Jack was bi. He had come out to the school not long ago.
The younger boy looked up at the fake blonde, who was by now glaring at the ground.
"Are you okay Corbs?", he asked the taller.
" I'm fine", the faux blonde responded.
"Are you sure? Because you've been acting weird for the past few days.", the lavender haired boy said raising his eyebrow, his voice laced with concern.
" I'm fine Jack", the older boy said still glaring at the ground.
"No you're not.", the younger replied." So just tell me, What the fuck is wrong?"
"Damn it Jack. I like you okay, more than a friend. I've been feeling this way for the past few days and I know you don't return my feelings but I guess now you know how I feel. Are you happy now?"
Jack sat there in shock for a moment before he quickly grabbed Corbyn's face and gently pressed his lips to the older boy's in a slow and gentle yet passionate kiss. As soon as Corbyn felt the younger's lips on his he immediately kissed back wrapping his arm around the shorter boy and pulling him close by his hips, making the younger gasp which gave the faux blonde the opportunity to slip his tongue in the younger's mouth. As the need for air became necessary the two pulled apart but rested their foreheads against each other. They both breathed heavily.
"What makes you think I don't like you back?", the younger asked the older still out of breath, his voice barely above a whisper.
" I don't know", the older said shrugging. "I saw you texting Gabbie and smiling and you've been hanging out with her alot so I thought you liked her and not me".
" I DO like her., the younger said. "But only as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less".
" Good ", the taller said before attaching his lips to the younger's in a short yet passionate kiss. " Because I REALLY like you".
The younger laughed "I really like you too Corbs".
The faux blonde smiled taking the younger's hands in his" Jack Avery? Will you be my boyfriend and make me the happiest person on this planet? "
The lavender haired boy grinned"I would LOVE to be your boyfriend ", he said happily.
Corbyn smiled at him before closing the small gap between the two and connecting their lips in another passionate kiss. He pulled away and the younger rested his head on his shoulder and resumed the new movie which had started playing in the process. They were both happy as they cuddled up to each other, smiles visible on both of their faces.A/N:- Okay guys. So here's another part for you guys. This one isn't really good but Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think of this. I love you guys and Thank you for all the reads. Also you can request one shots of your own, just leave them in the comments and I will try my best to do it for you. Love you guys:)

Jarbyn One Shots
RandomOne shots of Corbyn and Jack from Why Don't We. Requests are open. Only Top Corbyn if Smut :).