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On 26 April , Simon brought Jacquelin to Dowtown Trenton for what he want to show . Once they get there , Simon tell Jacquelin to wait while he check the area . That place is really empty , it's like abandoned . Simon change his clothes into black T shirt short sleeved with jeans pants and same shoes . Jacquelin also change her clothes into white T shirt with short sleeved , black pants , and still same shoes . 

While waiting , Jacquelin sit in long log and takes the drumstick that she got yesterday from Simon , and play it , like there's a real drum in there . She lost in her play until she didn't hear that Simon call her . Simon came and see the girl are pretending playing drum .

Simon : I guess ( The girl realize and look at him ) You're not become doctor if this shit not spread around .

Jacquelin : ( Giggle ) Shut up . Where do we go ?

Simon : I'll answer if you move your ass up .

Jacquelin : ( Get up and put the drumstick in her bag ) Fine , General . 

They then walk to place that Simon prepared . They enter the forest before Simon stop her and saying to stay in here before he leaves her . She standing in there and wait for Simon . Suddenly , there's a sound from bush , scaring Jacquelin . She takes the stick and walk slowly into the bush . When she close with the bush , Simon suddenly jump out of the bush , shocking Jacquelin until fall into the ground .

Simon : ( Laugh ) 

Jacquelin : What the shit is that ?! .

Simon : ( Laugh ) Really , it's really funny .

Jacquelin : I can get bitten if that is Infect ! .

Simon : No , you're not . You're really need to practice in that .

Jacquelin : Ha ha ha , pretty funny .

Simon offers his hands and Jacquelin accept it and the duo continue their walking . When they enter the some tents that seems still solid . Jacquelin walk around until she got stopped by Simon who just stand .

Jacquelin : Why you -

Simon : Surprise ( Raise his hand into the carousels ) .

Jacquelin look at that and surprised with that . She walk around the carousels with shock face . 

Jacquelin : Oh My God , is this the carousels ? ( The man nod ) Jeez , how do you find this ? ( Look at him ) .

Simon : Patrolling is not really bad way to find some place .

Jacquelin : Man , this is freaking awesome .

Simon : A birthday girl should wear this ( Hands a brown cowboy hat ) .

Jacquelin : Yea ( Accept it and wear it ) How do i look ?

Simon : Like a real cowboy but most like an ... how to say it ? Wild kid .

Jacquelin : ( Make shot pose ) Watch your word , old men or the bullets come to you .

Simon : Hahaha , okay , okay , now ride it , kiddo .

Jacquelin then ride a white horse and Simon turns on the generator , and the carousel began to move . The carousel goes around and around . The smile start show from Jacquelin's face and the smile from girl's face bring the joy in Simon's face . He's happy that the girl finally smile after what happen . She finally know the feeling when play in carousels . He start seeing Jacquelin more than his partner , but more like Cassandra . When the carousels start stop move , the girl get down from the horse and sit aside with Simon . 

Jacquelin : That is really fun . Thank you .

Simon : You're welcome but ... that's not the surprise .

Jacquelin : ( Look at him ) There still more ?

Simon : ( Hands a gift ) This is the surprise .

Jacquelin : What's that ?

Simon : This is a something as my apology for what happen . You must take care of it , okay ?

Jacquelin : ( Accept the gift ) Kay .

She opens the gift and surprised , that is a new ...

Jacquelin : Walkman ?! Are you kidding me ?

Simon : Since broken from the couples , i brought the new one . Have more songs than the cheap one . Try it .

Jacquelin : Man , i miss those donkeys .

Jacquelin take the headphone from her bag and connect it to the Walkman , turn it on and try to listen it . Simon on her side , wait for the teenage's reaction . Not for long , the girl's head start following the music , showing that she enjoyed it . The man also hands her a envelope that he take from Aurora . The girl turn off the Walkman and just stares to Simon .

Jacquelin : Another surprise ?

Simon : I doubt that .

Jacquelin accept the envelope and open it . There's a letter in there , so she picks it up and read it . 

Dear Jacquelin

If you read this letter , it means i'm gone . You always wonder about me and your father , right ?  I'll tell you a little because i don't have much time . Your father names Aiden and he works as a soldier , working for Serenity . Once this virus spread to anywhere , your father fight with his own life and left you when you still a baby . 

After the death of your father , i can't hold it the sadness of his lost . I don't want you to see me cry so i put you in zoo , with hope that someone found you . But it doesn't mean that you'll be weak . I want to you to be more stronger than me , more brave , more powerful than me . I've got to say , have you is the most beatiful gift that God give it to me . I'm really sad that i can't be on your side for a long time but if  i can turn back the time , i want to go back to time when i hold you in my arm .

Thank you for everything , Jacquelin . I'm really happy when you're more stronger than me , even your father is proud at you . That is the power of your name and keep it as a gift for us .

From : Mom .

When read until the last word , the tears fall from her eyes . She wipe it off but the tears doesn't stop . Seeing that , Simon hug her and wipe her tears .

Jacquelin : ( Sniff ) Did ... did you already know about this ?

Simon : ( Shakes his head no ) I can't know something that you even didn't know .

Jacquelin : ( Sniff ) Swear .

Simon : What ?

Jacquelin : Swear that none of us try to leave , each other .

Simon : ( Long pause ) I swear .

Jacquelin : ( Nod slowly ) Thank you ( Short pause ) For everything .

They then sit in there until the sun start going down .

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