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The morning start lighting up the camp . Birds chirping can be heard from far away and the smell of muddy because of the rain can still be smelled . In the room , Alex wake up and look around , find out that he's now in camp tent . He get up and look at himself , he's wear a grey T - shirt short sleeved , with jeans and black shoes . He stand and walk around , seeing the bandage on desk , must be Jacquelin .

He goes out from the tent , seeing Jacquelin prepared some training equipment . In training field , there's a bow and bunch of arrow . In end of field , there's training board with person shape . He walk closer to her . Jacquelin also change her clothes into black tank top but still with same pants . 

Jacquelin : ( Notice him ) Hello , how's your sleep ?

Alex : Not very good ( Look around ) What happen ? I remember that we was attacked ?

Jacquelin : Yes , we were attacked and i made it to bring you out of here . 

Alex : Are you sure this place is safe ? Because i'm scared that this gonna happen like before .

Jacquelin : Don't worry , no one never found this , so we safe .

Alex : ( Nod while looking around ) For what all of this ?

Jacquelin : Oh , this is for your training . I realize that i can't go if you're not prepared .

Alex : But ... i'm never use gun , how i can kill all those Infect ?

Jacquelin : That's why , i suggest you to start training from now ( Hands an bow ) .

Alex accept the bow with hestitation . He's looking at it and take the position which goes to training board . He take the arrow that aside with him and pull it with the arrow . Seeing his way is wrong , the girl came to him and fix his position . This is exactly like Simon do when teach Jacquelin how to use crossbow . Jacquelin knows this is hurting , even after her fault that makes Simon coma , it's more hurt .

But she know that she can't revenge if Alex don't have a skill to fight , at least to protect himself . After help him to fix the position , Alex pull the bow carefully and aiming at the board . After that , he let the arrow go and JEK ! The arrow hit the middle , on first try ! .

Alex slowly put down his bow with awe . Jacquelin sees that and nod in awe , can't believe can hit the middle in first try .

Alex : Did i just do that ? Did ... did i hit the middle ?

Jacquelin : I guess , good job . Keep practice on that .

Jacquelin then leaves Alex training in field and goes back to the tent . She washes her face , after long in outside . She then hold on sink handle and look herself in mirror . She can't think what should she do when a little boy on her side . 

The scene moves to a balcony on winter night , where there's Jacquelin with black shirt long sleeved and jeans . She was enjoy the view of the night even the cold of night impale her every minute . She then takes her blue jacket and wear it to not get fever . Then , a man came with dark green shirt long sleeved with jeans , which is Simon and join her , seeing the view .

Simon : Hey .

Jacquelin : Hey .

Simon : I was looking for you everywhere .

Jacquelin : You worried about me ?

Simon : Shut up .

They have an moment of silent until Jacquelin breaks the moment .

Jacquelin : Xaviera ... is she your girlfriend ?

Simon : ( Sigh ) Stop it , it just ... in cheek . It doesn't mean i like her .

Jacquelin know that since they're here , Simon have feeling for Xaviera , who has same condition like Simon , lost her brother . But she knows that it his business not her .

Jacquelin : I maybe not an adults like you but ... the way you looking at her signify me ... you treat her more than friend .

Simon : I don't know anymore .

Jacquelin : ( Short pause ) Whatever you do , i just want you to know , i'm on your side . 

Simon : I'm glad with that .

They then have an moment of silent again , looking at the moon that bright the night . That happen before Jacquelin forgive Simon , which means that there's awkwardness between them . Simon know that Jacquelin still unwilling to forgive him but he not gonna pressure her to forgive him . 

The scene moves to present , where Jacquelin come out from tent and there's Alex , sitting while waiting for her . Alex notice the eyes of the girl , seem wet because of tears . 

Alex : What happen ?

Jacquelin : Uhhmm ?

Alex : Your eyes seem wet , what happen ?

Jacquelin : Nothing happening .

Alex : Come on , i know you're hiding something .

Jacquelin : What makes you think that ?

Alex : Jac , i know that look , because i lost people too that i loved . 

Jacquelin didn't want to tell Alex but she saw the boy eyes , like her eyes when thinking Simon . 

Jacquelin : So ... you want to know ?

The screen suddenly black .

𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐖𝐚𝐫 : 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now