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2 year after , Simon and Jacquelin start having a new house that close to farm . Danny and Freya married and live together with Sean , who already have a girlfriend named Avery . At the morning , at cold winter , an 2 horse stop in front of restaurant that named ' Bill's Dinner ' . An girl with blonde with purple hair line , with dark blue jacket uniqlo and light brown pants and black boots waiting in front of the restaurant . That girl named Francesca .

Franscesca : You're guys late .

Cale : Shut up , babe .

Cale also wearing a red jacket with jeans pants and brown shoes . A black bag was shown in his back . Another person get down from horse and walk into them , revealing Jacquelin , with hair braided and with dark blue jacket windbreaker , black pants , and still same shoes . Jacquelin now have an black tattoo Fairy Tales on her left palm hand .

Jacquelin : Sorry if take a long time , you know , Freya .

Franscesca : ( Nod ) Yea , items is number one . We should go in , outside is freaking cold .

They enter and on inside , the place seems like Viking boat , just some big window that make that place more bright . They then choose the table that close with window . The waitress came and asking them the order . Jacquelin order 3 hot chocolate and after writing what they want , the waitress leave them .

Cale : Man , this place is really renovated .

Franscesca : Oh , how about me then ?

Cale : Oh , you're always renovated my heart when i sad ( Kiss her in cheek ) .

Jacquelin : Okay , enough of the love birds guys . 

Franscesca : Anyway , how about a house that you lived for ? Is really nice ?

Jacquelin : Yeah , me and Simon just build a cage for animal . We're get a dog since he's so ' obsessed ' with dog .

Cale : Man , you're too lucky . Imagine , having a house after in here for 3 years , and dog ? It's big step .

Franscesca : So ... how about you guys ? Are you guys always having fun ?

Jacquelin : Well , i guess it's fine . After what happen in Aurora , he's admit his fault .

Cale : ( Look out of restaurant , seeing his horse rampage ) Guys wait here , my horse start fussy ( Leaves them ) .

Franscesca notice Jacquelin's face , who seems sad . 

Franscesca : Something bothering ?

Jacquelin : ( Look at her ) I dunno . Ever since Simon brought me from Aurora , we're supposed can live happily , not thinking about this shit anymore . 

Franscesca : Stop blaming yourself . it's his choice , not you . 

Jacquelin : Sorry , i need to go to bathroom ( Leaves her ) ,

She entered the bathroom and washes her face , looking at mirror . Suddenly , in mirror , something are showing to her . Showing a girl with short purple hair , brown jacket and black pants are laughing . The girl stratled and avoid the sink , causing the vision are gone . She takes a few breath and leave the bathroom , seeing that Franscesca and Cale are drinking hot chocolate . 

She walks over to them and takes her backpack , confusing the couples .

Cale : Where are you going ?

Jacquelin : Home .

Franscesca : How about your chocolate ? You don't want drink it ?

Jacquelin : You guys can drink it ( Leaves that restaurant ) .

Jacquelin gets to her horse and leave the town , go back to her house . In Vineland , shown a big white house with 2 floors . On other side of house , there's red barn . Jacquelin bring her horse into barn and get down . She grabs the grass from her pocket and feed it to her horse .

Jacquelin : ( Storking her horse who is eating from her hand ) You're really hungry , aren't you ?

After feed her horse , she walk away from barn and open the door of house , who was suddenly startled by a Labrador Retriever who jumped into her and makes her fall to floor . She storking him and realize that the dog have not been fed . The dog named Jaxon .

Jacquelin : Woah , now you become big guy . Want food ? 

The dog are barking in joyness . The girl get up and goes to the kitchen , pulls out the raw beef and feed it into Jaxon . The dog seems happy and eat the beef happily . Jacquelin sees that and shakes her head before goes to living room . In living room , she closes the curtain before realize that is footmarks in balcony . Thinking that is just Simon , she closes the curtain and about to sit in chair before some loud bang was heard from upstairs .

Jacquelin look up and picks the swithblade that in desk . After from winter , Simon fix it and give it to the girl as a gift . She goes up quietly and goes to Simon's bedroom . When she open the door , she found that Simon was beaten by some group , causing her to surprise the group and manage to kill all of them . One of group try to ran away but Jacquelin throw the swithblade to his leg , causing the person fall to the ground and unable to walk .

Jacquelin goes to Simon and try to wake him up . The person try to ran away from her . Notice one person left , Jacquelin walks over to that person and stepped on the wound , causing him to scream in pain .

Jacquelin : Who sent you ?

Man : ( Panting ) She ... she will find you .

Jacquelin : ( Stepped it more hard ) Who sent you ?! 


Furious and angry , she moves her leg and stepped it hard into the man's face while scream , causing the screen become black . 

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