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The scene opens up at Jacquelin , locked in cell while was guarded by one men that holding an gun . She get up and walk to door cell , trying to talk with the guard . 

Jacquelin : Hey , you think you can grab me some water ? 

Guard : ....

Jacquelin : Come on , the way too here is really far and .... i even don't bring drink to here .

Guard : ....

Jacquelin : Wow , your ear is full of dirt aren't you ?

After she saying that , an guard pulls out his knife and threaten her with knife on her neck . Maybe the guard tired hearing her complain .

Guard : You listen me , little shit . You better shut up or i beat your ass up .

Jacquelin : Says to someone that gonna get beat up by a little girl .

After that , the guard put his knife back and leave her , maybe want to get away from her . Seeing this opportunity , the girl spew pin that she take from Vanessa's room from her mouth to her hand . She then get to the door , trying to open the door with the pin . After twirling around for many times , the door unlocked and she got out from the cell . The guard coming and shocked that the girl is gone . He run around to every room and when he's about to go to another room , the girl who hiding in ceiling , jumped down to guard's and kill him with her swithblade . She then check the guard's corpse , find the ID card .

She then go out from there and uses the ID card to take her bag . In other place , Vanessa pouring the wine to her glass while an women with brown hair came to the room with some notes on her hand . On her card , the name was written Cat .

Cat : The project work perfectly , no damage on patient or any sympton happen in 72 hours .

Vanessa : Any damage to the machine ?

Cat : No , just get repaired two weeks ago .

Vanessa : Prepared for tommorow , we gotta send it to Lone Wolves in no time . They keep send me an message and they just lost 1 container on road . Make sure the security upgraded around the truck .

Cat : ( Write it on the note ) What about that girl ? You're gonna let her go ?

Vanessa : I know her for whole of my life and i know what she's planning to .

Cat : What she look like in your eyes ?

The scene showing Jacquelin kill all guard with her crossbow on that base while Vanessa tell what Jacquelin looks like to Cat . Vanessa says that Jacquelin was created by dark past and big guilty , even though she lost someone like everyone . But one thing that make her different , is how she become chaos and saviour at the same time . Once she was young , she believe that the feeling is weird , even she confirm she like Caleb . But because Mrs . Scarlett teach her to be strong , she become assasins . 

Later on , the alarm turns on and all room have red lights on , and shown all soldier run . All scientist immediatly stop their project and run to safety . Cat looks worried and ask what happened but Vanessa seems didn't worried about that . She knows that her best friend is made it out and was gonna kill her .

Move to Jacquelin , she made it to corridor but the door was locked . She walks to there and notice that there's dozens soldier behind the door , ready to kill her from the computer . She then thinking another way how get in without getting killed . Move to the soldier who seems ready to kill Jacquelin . One of soldier hand shaken , scared what gonna happen . Later on , the door was open but not Jacquelin come out instead the bomb comes out . Then , the explode happen and gas was spread . Apparently , Jacquelin put the gas bomb first to confuse them so that she can kill all of them . After that gas spread and causes the soldier can't see anything , the girl sneaking into the smoke and kill all of the soldier . One of soldier made it to run but the girl saw that and throw her swithblade to his leg , causing him falls to the ground and can't walk . The girl come closer with crossbow on her hand . The soldier pleads to let him go but the girl does not care and point the crossbow at man's face . Before she kill him , she asked where Vanessa go .

The scene moves to Jacquelin found Vanessa in corner , holding her stomach . Her eyes was bleeding and Cat's corpse was laying aside with her , with stab wound on her stomach , died . Her mask is split in two . The girl come closer to her while take the crowbar from her bag . The room full of gas but Vanessa didn't cough , make the girl confuse .

Jacquelin : You're immune ?

Vanessa : More like that , but not like you .

Jacquelin : ( Look at Cat's corpse and back to Vanessa ) Nice girl , how she died ?

Vanessa : An automatic security , if crossing the line ( Point at the yellow black line on floor ) It will pulls out spears . Worst way if you feel it .

Jacquelin : Damn yeah ( Remember her mission ) But you're not do that again .

When Jacquelin about to swing the crowbar to Vanessa , she pulled out the walkie talkie . The girl stop her action and confused .

Vanessa : I maybe not gonna do that again ... but everyone that you loved will not in there for you .

Jacquelin : Bullshit ! 

Vanessa : Why don't you hear it ? ( Turns on the walkie talkie ) 

Then , Alex's scream was heard , make the girl shocked . She thought that they will be okay . Then a request help from Barry's was heard , like asking some guy to let go from Alex . 

Vanessa : Who do you choose ? Me ? Or your family ?

Can't lose someone anymore , she drop her crowbar and run back , sparing Vanessa alive . She made it out from Science Base , get to her horse . She leave the base in behind and cross Kansas . After she kill Infect on her way , she made it back to Lowa and get down from her horse , run to shop where Barry and Alex are . After run for a while , she finds the shop on fire. She run inside and find Alex , curled up while holding his hand that bleeding on corner . She run to him , asking are he's okay ,

Jacquelin : Hey , you're kay ?

Alex : ( Nod ) Barry in there ( Pointed at the room ) .

Jacquelin : Okay , wait here ( Leaves him ) . 

The girl then continue to go inside but the fire getting bigger . After looking around for a while , she found the room but the door was locked . She kick it with frustrated , make the door opens , just to found Barry lying on floor , helpless . She try to pulled him up but she can't . Then , Alex shows up and help her to pull Barry up . They made it to bring Barry out from store . The girl then realized that he's not breathing , so she do the CPR . It the same moment when Simon scared to lose her . Still didn't breathing , she keeps doing the CPR while Alex watch it in horror . And then , Barry wake up and get up quickly , think that there's still enemy . The girl sigh happily and hug him tight while crying , glad that he's okay . Barry happy that she back , hugged her back too , followed by Alex who also hugged them . After that incident , Jacquelin try to repaired her broken family , while trying forget what happened .

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