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The scene opens up at Kansas , showing city was on big damage , must be an Infect came in and infect all civilians . Jacquelin showed up with horse that she borrow from Barry and look at the city . She then move to an shop , try to find supplies . She arrive in one of shop named Jesy's Music . In there , she walk around , check every room before something caught her attention  . There's an crate with some files in there . She then pulls out her swithblade , try to open the crate . After taking some time , the crate's lock open and she open it , find the box of medkits . She take it and open it , try to find the Paracetamol to her wound . Later on , she found it and eat it beofre she drinks it with her water bottle . She take an breathe and put the box on her bag and get up . She take a look at the files on desk .

She take one and open and read it , finds out that Serenity not just making cure , they also make an clone . They from one living thing to create an identical copy of it . It doesn't make any sense for the girl . Even though she want to be doctor , she little understand too about the clone and create an clone from humans by taking their gene and cell ? It doesn't make any sense , it needs an research for decades . The clone also cannot be perfect like the real one . But from this file , she now knows that her best friend , Vanessa , that she saw 3 years ago , it's not real Vanessa . Serenity must be take her gene and cell to create the other one , explaining why she gone for few months .

When read the files , an Raiden came and ambushes her down but the girl take the piece of glass on desk and kill him . She put the files to her bag and take the crossbow , leave the shop . She get to horse and ride it before some Raiden spots her and tell the group to chase her to an university . The girl then hide the horse and enter the university , hide from the group but the Raiden surround that place and enter the building . The girl ran to Science Class in there and there's an beer bottle in there . The girl have an idea and take the blanket , pour the gasoline and burn it with her lighter , create an Molotov Cocktail . After that , she sneak out of the class and walk to first floor , where she see the Raiden . She then throw the Molotov and suddenly , the explode happen and almost kill all Raiden . Seeing an opportunity , the girl pulls out her crossbow and shot it to all Raiden that still alive .

All Raiden then dead and knows that she was spotted , she run by back door and take her horse , leave that place . She move through the empty and abandoned neightborhood . She believe that Miriam Norton , one of Fallen's soldier and former Serenity's security , live here . She get down from her horse and walk around the neighborhood , try to find Miriam . She check every house , even a lot of Infect keep block her way but there's no sign of Miriam . She then turn to one house on middle of neighborhood and run to there . 

Once she get there , she try to open the door but the door lock from inside , pretty sure that Miriam in here . She then walk around the house to find another way , finds out the  window was open that straight to kitchen . She then get in and run to every room to find Miriam . She then get to upstairs and once again , there's no Miriam . She then think again before one of book on shelf seems suspicious . She walks to it and try to pull it but it won't work , must be there's an code . She then take the paper  and pencil and saw the number on book ( 1 , 0 , 9 , 20 , 31 ) . 

She then think for a while and uses many combination but still , the shelf won't open . She then notice paper on desk , about cure that Serenity make . An idea then pops on her head and she then tried ( 10 , 9 , 2031 , the day where Serenity fall ) . She knows that from Simon . After that , the shelf suddenly open and behind the shelf , there's an hall , must be lead to Miriam . She then pulls out her crossbow and walk carefully , make sure no one know she here . When she get in , she see every wall has blood trail and a lot of empty syringe on floor . After walking in long hall , she finds the women with brown hair with some blue bandanna ties on middle and blue white plaid shirt with black pants doing something . She then put her crossbow down and take baseball bat that she take from downstairs , swing it to Miriam's head and knocks her unconscious .

Once Miriam awoke and find herself tied in chair , she also look at Jacquelin sit in front of her without bag on her . She notice that Jacquelin has an switchblade on her hand . The women then giggle .

Jacquelin : You very sleepy aren't you ?

Miriam : Look , if you here for asking an address where she is , you've got wrong person .

Jacquelin : I don't want the address , shrimp brain . 

Miriam : She's right , you have problem with your mouth .

Jacquelin : Tell me , when Serenity start researching about cloning ?

Miriam : ( Look shock but smile ) Who told you that ?

Jacquelin : The research , it was happen before creating cure and first patient is Vanessa Johnson , right ? ( The women smirk ) When they start doing that ?

Miriam : I'm not giving you any information , you hoe .

Seeing that she not giving any information , the girl get up and walk around her . She then tell that humans generally have 5 fingers, although sometimes some people can have more or less fingers due to abnormalities such as polydactyly, syndactyly , or oligodactyly , or it could be due to accidental amputation . In different sources , the thumb or thumb may or may not be classified as a finger . She also tell that humans need fingers to hold objects and walk . According to the calculation of the Law of Limbs that she read when kid , the correct number of fingers for each human hand and foot is five . Because of this , children who are born with an excess number of fingers on their hands or feet usually have finger removal surgery . She then moved in front of her and asking about the cloning but Miriam still don't tell her .

Later on , Jacquelin get up and take the crowbar from her bag and hit the women many times . Even Miriam ask to stop , but Jacquelin didn't stop and even more hurting the women . It's like .... her anger start taking control for what happen . The women then have blood out from nose , head , mouth and even her arm almost off , and blood fill the room .Eventually , Miriam give up .

Miriam : Okay , i give up , they start it on 2029 and when they announcing to become their volunteer , Vanessa volunteered and she's the one of youngest member . We asking her to not tell anyone by giving her an address to safehouse if any chance the Infect broke the orphanage , place where your guys live . That's all i know , please let me go ! .

Jacquelin : ( Take her bag ) Thank you for cooperating with me , i appreciate it ( Take the gasoline ) But i'm sorry , i didn't promise you to stay alive ( Pour it around the room ) .

Miriam saw that , start to get off but Jacquelin pulls out the match and turn on , throw it at the gasoline . Fire start swarm that place with Miriam that still tied in chair . The girl then leave the women behind and close the shelf , leave Miriam burn and continue to find Vanessa .

𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐖𝐚𝐫 : 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now