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Franscesca : So ... you have an immunity ... and formula ?

Jacquelin : ( Nod ) Yea .

Cale : Why you're not telling us about this ? 

Jacquelin : ( Long pause ) Because i don't put your lives in danger . I've been a burden and ... i don't want you guys get hurt just for my revenge .

Franscesca : But , why you need to hide this ? Is it because your friend ? Makes you think we should stay away from this ?

Jacquelin : ( Sniff and shake her head no ) .

Cale : Then ... because of what ?

Jacquelin : ( Sniff ) Sorry , need to go ( Leaves them with confusion ) .

The scene moves to Jacquelin , who watching a view in balcony , place where she sleep . In there , she just hold the drumstick that Simon give to her . She still don't sure how to revenge while people that she loved get hurt . After Vanessa and Simon , she don't know what to do . Simon is the only person that she has it and now , he's lying in bed while machine keeping him alive . She start think that Simon's coma is her fault for not saving him . Suddenly , Barry came and nodge her from behind .

Barry : I was looking for you .

Jacquelin : Sorry , just a fresh air after yesterday . How about -

Barry : - They still processing what you said , about your ' formula ' .

Jacquelin : Sorry if ... i'm hiding this from you guys .

Barry : It's okay , everyone have their own reason to hide something .

Jacquelin : Do you think this is wrong ?

Barry : Hum ?

Jacquelin : What am i doing now ... is it wrong ? I'm too blind for my revenge without seeing you guys get hurt . Is it .... wrong ?

Barry : ( Sigh ) I don't know what i'm thinking about this but .... if you think this is what you should do , then ..... maybe right . 

Jacquelin : The Fallen was lead by a girl or whoever is it , she knows my feeling and my weakness .

Barry : The Fallen know Simon , which mean they gonna hunt you too .

Jacquelin : ( Nod ) I have to go there while you guys -

Barry : What ? Staying in here ? I can't .

Jacquelin : There is no other choice -

Barry : There is always a choice ! You just have to look at it ! .

Jacquelin : ( Turn to him and give a walkie talkie that she got from Science Class ) The signal of radio can be known so i'll give you guys a news through this . The battery is in class on first floor , let me know if something happened . This already have an chip so incase if you're worried when i'm not call , you can check in computer on second floor .

Barry : ( Sigh ) Okay .

Jacquelin : One more thing , don't open the door until i'm back . 

Barry : ( Put the walkie talkie on his pocket and nod ) Kay .

They have an moment of silence . That moment , both of them feel awkward until Jacquelin breaks it .

Jacquelin : Hey ( Barry look at him ) I need you to swear to me .... if something happens , take care of Simon .

Barry : What -

Jacquelin : Swear to me .

Barry : ( Short pause ) I swear .

Jacquelin : Okay .

They start silent again . Barry feels awkward around her , remember that he likes her . Somehow , Jacquelin feels the same way . That time , Barry walk closer to Jacquelin , hold her hand and both of them resting their head to each other . At that time , Barry want to confess his feeling but seeing this is not perfect time , he decide to keep it for a while , told her to be careful  .

Barry : I'll go check both of them .

Jacquelin : Yea .

Barry then leaves her alone in balcony . Jacquelin then turns to the view , realize that she have to do that she has planned . The scene moves to bathroom , where's Jacquelin preparing her weapon . She now has clothes on grey short sleeved that covered with black vest . She wear a black gloves fingerless , but still with black pants and shoes . She picks her crossbow , swithblade , and her gun that she always use it . 

When she about to go , she noticed the swithblade that she brought from the house . Her hands start shaking , confuse to brought it or not . After thinking for a while , she takes it and put it on her pocket , leave the bathroom . Once she had to outside , her friend are waiting for her . 

Their friend actually worried at her but she tells them to not worried , promised that she will back . All her friends then hug her , wish her a luck . After that moment , she get up to her horse and leave the university in behind , head to Aurora for finding The Fallen . For now , she feels nothing will in her way because her friend now is safe .

𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐖𝐚𝐫 : 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now