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The scene opens up at the house on neighborhood , where Jacquelin found Miriam . After get information about clone's project , Jacquelin start thinking that Alex is might be the second patient after Serenity fall . But the question that still floating on her brain , how this is connected with her immunity ? What they want from her if they tried to make an cure ? . She then take the radio on dining room and try to contact Barry , asking about Alex . She tried to find signal until Barry's sound was heard .

Barry : Jac , you're kay ?

Jacquelin : I'm fine . I just get information from Miriam and ... turns out , on 2029 , they start doing an research about clone .

Barry : Damn , it still continue till now ?

Jacquelin : Not sure , that's why i need Alex . I'm thinking that he has something to do with this . 

Barry : I call him .

When Barry call Alex , the girl noticed the photo beside her . She take it and saw the women with red hair on ponytail with some blue plaid shirt taking an photo with the teenage boy with black hair and slanted eyes . On his shirt , there was write Kinoni's Toys . The shirt remind her with her another best friend , Caleb , who died after Vanessa died . From her both best friend's death , Jacquelin bring a huge sense of guilt , especially Caleb is her first love . Without knowing , Alex call Jacquelin for few times , shocking the girl .

Alex : Where are you ? I've been call you for few times .

Jacquelin : Sorry , it just .... ( Start silent ) .

Alex : ( Notice ) Carried away in the past ?

Jacquelin : Guess so ( Beat ) So ... i know this is hard for you but i need to know . You said you scared of doctor , it must be have something with your past , what is it ? Is this have something with The Fallen ?

Alex : ( Sigh ) Yes , when they take me for surgery , i saw the nametag . It was written The Fallen and ... there was an women , maybe 20 , standing and watching me when surgery . 

Jacquelin was right . Vanessa is the leader of The Fallen and she's the one start research for Alex's surgery . But ... why this bring to Simon if they found to create own cure ?

Jacquelin : What else you know bout this ?

Alex : What i remembered that , my immunity is different from you . They said that ... this is contain something and they don't know what is that . Also , a lot of kids was sent from many countries for surgery . 

Jacquelin : Is the women was called Pro ?

Alex : ( Short pause ) Yes , how you can know ?

Jacquelin : Give the radio to Barry , now .

Barry : Jac , what's going on ?

Jacquelin : Listen this and do it , got it ?

Barry : Okay .

Jacquelin : I don't know if you use Ghost Channel but , someone will come and hurt you guys . She will ask you about me and you have to lie to me , no matter if she take Alex , you have to lie . But if no one come , lock the shop door and hide in somewhere or maybe escape from backdoor . 

Barry : Why ?

Jacquelin : I'll tell you later kay ? I have to finished it . ( Turns off the radio ) .

After turn off the radio , she takes the crowbar next to her and swing it to the radio , destroyed it bad . She then takes her bag and crossbow , run to her horse and leave the neightborhood in behind . The scene moves to Science Base that still in Kansas . The girl showed up with crossbow on her hand and crowbar on her bag . 

She then get down from her horse and walk to the Science Base , just to be noticed by Breaker who suddenly throw her to the wall on forest . The girl get up and picks her crossbow , shoot at the Breaker . But the shot did not kill it but instead attacking the girl , the Breaker holwing , like a wolf . The howls too loud , makes the girl drops her crossbow and closed her ears tightly . Later on , the Jorgen came and throw the girl to wall . The girl try to get up before she got distracted by blood come out from her mouth , showing the infection start spreading inside of her , remember that she forgot to change the bandage . 

She try to get up but the formula keeps spreading inside her , weaken her . Her eyes start blind like the Infect and she start howling like others Infect . She try to fight it but the formula too strong , causing her start shaking . The Breaker and the Jorgen come to her , preparing to bite her . Before the Breaker and Jorgen can bite her , the girl made it to reach the swithcblade and kill the Breaker and Jorgen . After that , she takes the bandage from her leg . When she opened it , it form the same bite like before and start pulling out blood , looks like she can turn to Infect if she not reach the swithblade . She takes the alcohol bottle from her bag and pour it , holding the pain , and roll the bandage around her leg . She then try to moves her leg , seeing if the formula is still in control . After moving it many times , no sign of turning , showing she safe . Her eyes turns normal and get up , continue to Science Base .

When arrive on her destination , she look at the CCTV , knowing that the place still operate . She think that too violence and threat is not an way to get Vanessa's attention , so she look at the CCTV and pretend to give up .

Jacquelin : Okay ! I gave up ! Show yourself , Vanessa ! Why we don't talk this with peace ? Instead killing for shit that even not worth with our life ? Come on ! .

On inside , an women in front of computer , watching Jacquelin . 

??? : Maam ?

The women with black mask from behind came and look at the computer , seeing Jacquelin .

Pro : Let her in .

The door then open and guards with gun on their hand . One of guards told her to drop her weapon and the girl followed the word , raise her hand as showing she gave up before ...

Pro : STOP ! ( The guards turns to the sound source ) .

When the women come down , Jacquelin already knows that is her best friend , Vanessa . Once the women opens her mask and revealing Vanessa , there some big scratch from left of her face , causing her right eyes blind because of the scartch . Her hair is now different , now on color black .

Vanessa : I'm always know that you still made it ( Rested her foreheads together ) I miss you .

Jacquelin knows that someone in front of her is ghost , even though she doubt that ghost real . 

Vanessa : Come on , let me show you something .

Then Vanessa brought Jacquelin enter to her Science Base without knowing her death is come to her .

𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐖𝐚𝐫 : 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now