Ch. 158

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Minho sat on the large front steps of the court house Watching the sun go down as the last people trafficked in and out of the building, getting to where they needed to be.

This had been the end. When Jeong-Hoon returned to the building the jury made their decision in 30 minutes or so, came back in, and the judge had slammed his mallet.

Jeong-Hoon had been sentenced to 11 years in a psych ward, but if they thought it necessary they could go back to court and keep him there for longer. Ms. Kang said it was possible for him to stay there forever..

It was unlikely though.

Turns out, theft, rape, abuse, assault, and harassment weren't taken that lightly around here, too bad for Jeong-Hoon.

JinYoung was let free of any criminal charges, but he was expelled from the school for bullying and harassment. Obviously Junhae didn't get any punishment, especially considering how he helped the case, after all, he was the one to record the video.

Minho stared at the sunset. He had arrived at the courthouse at 3pm, and it was now around 7pm. He was exhausted by this point, and kind of just wanted to go home. Too had Ms. Kang was still inside trying to sort some other stuff out.

No one was walking around out here anymore, the building closing down for the night. Some people still left the building or roamed the gardens, but it was quiet.

Minho didn't turn around or lift his chin from his knees when he heard the doors open and shut behind him, footsteps approaching. He watched out of the side of his eye as someone sat down beside him.

"Minho." Mr. Han's cold voice drifted through the air, settling beneath them. This time though, he didn't seem mad.

"Mr. Han.." Minho said, looking up at the man. He was staring out at the gardens in front of them.

"I wanted to talk to you.." Mr. Han said, his voice sturdy, yet there was an emotion beneath that Minho couldn't make out, "About.. all of this."

Minho nodded, looking away and back at the concrete steps in front of him, "Yeah." Was all he really said. What else was he supposed to say.

"I wanted to thank you.. for sticking up for Jisung and.. being there for him." It almost seemed like he struggled to get the words out of his mouth for the teenager to hear.

"I tried my best."

The man nodded, "And you did well." There was a prolonged pause, "Jisung wanted me to give you a chance, to prove yourself, so uhm.. I guess that's what I'm doing."

Minho's attention peeked, "What? Like.."

"Like a chance for me to get to know you. For me to.. not see you as the same boy that hurt my son so badly. I'm choosing to give you the chance to change." He fiddled with his thumbs, "And then we can talk about you maybe dating Jisung."

A silence settled over them, Minho not sure what else to say. He simply nodded, still looking at the ground, watching an ant try to carry a crumb away on its back.

A chilly wind ruffled Minho's hair, Mr. Han speaking again. "Y'know, I was impressed with you.. and how you handled Jeong-Hoon. Especially when you punched him like that."

Minho smiled a moment, thinking about how good it felt to hit Jeong-Hoon's smug face like that, "Yeah.. that was nice." He nodded.

"I guess I never really saw you as brave..  more of a coward." The man shrugged.

Minho smiled at that too, "Well I am a coward. If I was brave all of this would have passed over a million years ago."

Mr. Han nodded, more just to respond than anything, "I didn't believe that you and Jisung really loved eachother like that.. I kind of still don't. I guess at first I was just scared that my little boy was growing up so fast." He shook his head slowly.

Minho looked at him a moment, "What do you mean?"

"Well when I first found out about you and him I didn't believe that he'd actually let you.." he trailed off.

Minho kinked his eyebrows together, "Hm?"

"That you'd taken his virginity is what I'm trying to say." He said then, quickly. It was still a weird topic for him to speak of.

"Oh I never.. we never.." Minho shook his head, "Me and Jisung never actually had sex, you know that right?"

Mr. Han looked at him in shock, "What?" He thought about it for a moment, "Jisung said.." he stopped, still trying to figure things out.

"I'm not sure what he would have been thinking of.. we never went that far. Not really even close if I'll be honest."

Mr. Han shook his head, "Nevermind. Must have been a misconception." Though the man knew better than to actually think that. Jisung had clearly said he lost his virginity to Minho back in September.

"Yeah, I guess so." Minho nodded, "But seriously, I'd never have pushed him that far. It was no secret that he wasn't ready for that type of stuff."

The elder nodded, letting the thought go for now, "Well thank you for respecting his boundaries... one more point for team Minho." He chuckled and so did the younger.

"At that time I still cared for him a lot, though I never really showed it. I didn't even believe it myself to be honest." Minho admitted, "But I know now.. I guess all of the drama is out of the way.."

A weight lifted from Minho's shoulders now. There was nothing more for him to worry about anymore, to distract him for Jisung.

"Yeah. Thank God." Mr. Han nodded, "And I hope for Jisung's sake that you and I get along."

"I'll try my best."

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