Ch. 161

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Minho looked around the table. Jisung sat across from him and his father sat beside him, Mr. Han sitting beside Jisung and in front of his own father.

It was a large table, much to large for the four people that were sitting there. Mr. Lee had gone all out with the meal, making it way more fancy than it had to be.

Minho couldn't help but notice how Jisung struggled to eat the portions given to him—but the thing was, they weren't that big of portions. The boy clearly wasn't about to refuse them though, scared to seem rude.

Minho didn't think much on this fact however, assuming that Jisung was just a small eater. He had never really seen Jisung eat that much to begin with anyway.

"So is Christopher at home as well? Or has he moved out by now." Mr. Han asked, making conversation.

"Ah, he's probably off spending time with that Felix boy. He has moved out by now though, both of my children have." Mr. Lee noted.

"Ah? Minho lives on his own? I thought he was only a year older than Jisung." Mr. Han set down his fork and knife.

"Yes he is, but he moved out by the time he was in 10th grade. He was a moody teenager and me and his mother figured he would do best living on his own." He nodded, "I suppose that's not such an average thing though."

Mr. Han let out a polite laugh, "No, it's not. I don't think Jisung has ever had the intention of moving out so quickly, have you." He turned to his son, beside him.

Jisung shook his head, "No, that seems much too scary for me." There was a smile on his face, but not a real one.

"Understandable. When do you plan to move out?" Mr. Lee inquired, Minho smiling to himself. Maybe by the time Jisung moved out of his dad's house, it would be into Minho's apartment.

The thought put butterflies in his stomach.

"I'm not sure. Sometime either during or after college—I was planning on getting a summer job to save up some money." Jisung nodded along.

"Ah, what are you going to college for? I mean, what degree." The conversation persisted.

"Hopefully chemistry."

"Mm. I take I you excel in chemistry?"

"I have pretty good grades." Jisung laughed, flattering himself.

"You should give Minho a few lessons. Chemistry is his worst subject."

Jisung and Minho exchanged a look, the two of them not helping but to laugh. "Trust me, sir, I've tried."

. . .

The night seemed to pass by quickly, the four of then returning to a open planned living room a little ways away from the dining room.

Again, the two pairs somewhat split off from one another and had their own conversations.

As the two boys were talking however, they got interrupted, "Minho?"

The elder turned to look at his father, "I hate to ask you this twice now, but could you grab that wine from the cellar?"

Minho felt a sick worry bubble up in his stomach but he swallowed it all down and stood up, clutching his pant leg tightly, "Sure." He smiled politely at Mr. Han before exiting the room.

Jisung suddenly popped out of his seat as Minho left the room, "I'll go too—" before Mr. Han could even open his mouth to answer the boy was already out of the room and bounding toward Minho.

"Minho," the younger stopped, smiling, "I'm coming with."

Minho stopped, "Ah, I don't know if you want to go down to the cellar, it really.. dark.." for some reason the elder found the need to protect Jisung from the basement.

The younger laughed, "Don't worry. As long as I have you, I'll be fine." This just made Minho even more sick to his stomach though. He was weak down there.. that room sucked all the life out of him every time.

Minho nodded, giving one more smile before the two of them kept walking in silence. Minho felt his hands starting to shake but pressed them together firmly to make it stop. Jisung wasn't allowed to see him weak.

Jisung wasn't allowed to see him cry. Not now, not ever.

As the two of them neared the door Minho swung it open, flicking on the dim lights. For a moment he hesitated to go down, again, his eyes fixed on that spot in the corner of the room.

"Are we going..?" He snapped out of it as Jisung took a step before him. Minho nodded, making sure to walk in front of Jisung in case something happened.

He knew it was stupid to think there was actually monsters down here, but he couldn't help it. Call it an irrational fear.

The two of them traveled the room, Minho swiftly picking up a bottle of wine and rushing to get back up.

"Minho," Jisung pulled at his wrist, stopping him from getting away. Minho swallowed his spit and turned to face Jisung, despite the pit of fear in his stomach. "Is something wrong? You seem.. scared."

The word slapped Minho across the face like an insult, bringing his defenses to the surface, "No, I'm not scared. I'm not scared of the dark."

Jisung nodded, "It's just, well, your hands are shaking and you've gone all pale—"

"But I'm not scared. It's just cold down here and the light is probably playing tricks on you." Minho took another step, ready to get the hell out of the basement, but Jisung's hand still held firmly to his arm.

"So if I left you down here, you could stay here for a minute?" Jisung took a step closer to the male in question.



"Yeah, I could." Minho knew he was lying. He hated every second of being down here, if he had the option he'd never stay down here. Or come here at all.

"Okay." Jisung started walking away, "See you in a minute then."

Minho's hand clutched stronger to the bottle of wine, panic setting into his features. He sprung forward without thinking and grapled onto Jisung, "Wait— ... but the wine."

"Oh, I'll bring it up." Jisung quickly took the bottle and continued to walk.

Minho swallowed hard, breath heavy. The hairs on his arms stood on end as Jisung continues off. "God, Jisung!" He cried out, "Please don't leave me here—" he clasped tightly onto the youngers shirt.


"I'm sorry, I'm scared, I lied—please just don't make me stay down here.." he pleaded as if Jisung were his father, locking him down here as punishment again.

Jisung nodded, "Come on then..

I'll set you free."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now