Ch. 171

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Mr. Han sat opposite to Jisung at the dinner table, the both of them eating in silence. Mr. Han had started to force Jisung to eat dinner now that he was realizing the boy has lost a little too much weight.

He was simply worried that Jeong-Hoon had done a bit more damage than he had bargained for. Maybe along with depression and anxiety he had also given him body image issues.

It was entirely possible, but he wasn't about to draw conclusions. Sometimes Jisung simply wasn't a big eater.

"So.. how's Minho?" The man asked as he took another bite of his dinner.

"He's good I think. I feel like he won't admit that he's hurt though." Jisung normally wouldn't confide in his father about these things, but why not try something new?

"Why do you say that." He eyes Jisung as the boy pushed food around on his plate.

"He keeps trying to act like a protected to me, and that would be fine, if he'd also admit that these past 5 months hurt him. I know they did but it's like he's scared to let me know he's.." he trialed off.


Jisung nodded, "Yeah, it's like he has a fear of vulnerability."

"Does he go to therapy?"

"No that's the thing," he sighed, finally lifting some food on his fork, "He said he would go go therapy, but now he's saying that he doesn't need therapy when he clearly does. It plays into the fact that he won't admit he's hurt."

JaeHyung nodded, "Maybe you two should go in together. It would probably improve your relationship as well I think."

Jisung gasped, just now remembering that he had to thank his father, "Oh, Appa, I meant to say something about that and then I totally got distracted by stuff—"


"Thank you so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so—"

"Okay, shush with that! What are you talking about?" His father scolded, not getting the context.

"For giving Minho permission to date me." Jisungs smile beamed and even though the man still wasn't a big fan of the idea he couldn't stay annoyed about it.

"Oh, yeah. That. You should thank Minho, he's the one that got the courage to ask. I take it he asked you out already?"

"Yeah! It was so pretty. He set up a whole thing in his backyard and invited me over during the night so we could look at stars." He gushed out, as if he didn't have a million problems in the world.

"That sounds nice. I gotta give it to him, he put in the effort..." he suddenly stopped, a question appearing in his head, "Now that the two of you are back together I suppose I should worry about you having sex.."

"Appaaaa—" Jisung whined, convering his ear tightly. If there was one thing he didn't want to do, it was have a conversation about gay sex with his father.

"What? I'm just saying—unless you two have already—" his eyes grew wide but Jisung shook his head.

"No we haven't. Can we plleeaassee not talk about this? This is nightmare fuel."

"Mm. Fine, but this brings up another topic. I wanted to go over some ground rules with you while you date this guy."

Jisung sighed of relief that they had changed the topic. He would much rather go over the rules of dating with his father than have to have a sex talk with him.

Better yet a gay sex talk.

"Okay, yeah sure." Jisung nodded.

"Alright, so you and him can only go over to his place if you tell me when your going and when you'll be back, and I'll call you to check in midway through—and I discourage sleepovers."

"But Appa—"

"If you want to have a sleepover we have to discuss that then. Moving on; if he comes over to our house, I won't make you keep the door open, but I will come to check on the two of you."

Jisung was surprised at how lenient his father was going to be. He expected him to be a lot more strict about where the two of them could go and what not.

"If you go on dates you tell me what time, to where and with who. Mmk? Good. If you two have sex—"


"No, listen,"

Jisung crippled at the table, preparing himself.

"If you two end up having sex you need to make sure I safe and you need to inform me after you loose your virginity—it doesn't have to go beyond that, I simply want to know what stage you two are at. Helps me keep an eye in you."

Jisung nodded. His face was hot and his neck was prickled with red dust. He really hated having this conversation with his dad. It was painful to say the least.

"Is all of this understood?"

"Yes." Jisung wavered out, still recovering from the embarrassment. His father wasn't supposed to talk about that with him.. "You'll be glad to know that my friend already gave me the safe sex talk."

"Oh that's nice. Makes my job easier then." He shrugged, "No but seriously though, check for STIs.. it's important."

Jisung nodded, groaning, "Yeah, yes, I get it."

"Good." He said shortly. "Eat your dinner."

Jisung looked down at his plate of food that was probably getting cold. "I'm not really hungry." He shrugged.

"Come on Jisung, you need to eat. You gotta put the weight back on or your metabolism will hate you."

The boy nodded, "Fine. I'll eat."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now