Ch. 176

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Smut continued...

"No.." Jisung said, drawing the elders attention, "I don't wan' a condom.. wanna feel you.."

Minho smiled, "It's to protect you baby."

Jisung shook his head, "I want you raw.." he mumbled.

Minho thought for a moment. Back when he was active he did do regular testing.. he put the condom back in the drawer.

Jisung sucked lightly on his inner cheek, watching as Minho returned. The elder pushed Jisung farther onto the bed, resting his head against the headboard. He gently pushed his legs apart, sitting in between them.

"It might be a little bit painful okay baby? Tell me if you want it to stop. Our code word is gonna be 'safe', understand?"

Jisung nodded, reaching down and grabbing onto his cock. Minho smiled and removed his hand so he couldn't touch himself, "Be a good boy Sungie.. you don't want to cum too fast do you?"

Jisung shook his head letting out an uneven breath.

Minho smiled, enjoying seeing the younger so fucked over and adorable. He forgot that only a little while ago he had been crying over his childhood.

Minho poured a bit of lube over his fingers, warming it up before pressing it around Jisung's fluttering hole. "Ready?" He asked, Jisung nodding. He slowly pushed it in and watched carefully for a reaction. "Does it hurt?"

"No.." Jisung kept his eyes closed, squirming ever so slightly, "Just feels 'little weird.."

Minho smiled and pressed a kiss to Jisung's lips, "Your doing so good baby boy.. I promise it'll feel good." He mumbled into his lips before starting to slowly move his finger.

"Hah—" Jisung let out, arching his back. Minho dug a round for a moment, hoping maybe to find his prostate, but to be completely honest he had no idea where to look. It wasn't in the same place as women.

"How does it feel?" He asked softly, "Your doing perfect.."

"G-good.." he whispered, slightly pushing his ass onto Minho's finger more.

"You want more?"

"Yes.. please.." Jisung tilted his head back, chewing at his lip.

Minho took another lubed finger and slowly entered it into his ass, Jisung letting out another noise, "Mmn—hurts now," he gripped at Minho's arm.

"You want me to stop?"

"Mh-mh," he shook his head, "Still feels good.." he mumbled, eyes shut tightly.

"Ah, what a good boy. So nice and submissive for me.. so pretty." He said under his breath, still audible to the younger. Minho curled his fingers up, still trying to find Jisung's sweet spot.

"Ah—God, there—" Jisung arched his back, trying to force Minho's fingers farther into his tight hole, "Feels so good," he said breathlessly.

Minho smiled to himself. Had he just located Jisungs prostate, or maybe some other bundle of nerves. Regardless he kept working away at the spot, curling his fingers in and out of Jisung.

"Haahng—" the younger let out, trying to rut desperately into the air, his red, leaking dick begging to be touched. "M-more, want more," he choked up on his words, overcome by the pleasure coursing through him.

"It's going to hurt baby," Minho warned, prodding his third finger at the entrance. As he got the first knuckle in Jisung started to whine, gasping for air.

"A-ahha—" he let escape from deep in his throat, "Slow, please," he asked, Minho respecting his wishes. He slowed down, only lightly moving his fingers in and out.

After a while, Jisung seemed to get mostly used to it. Minho felt his dick getting painfully hard, yearning to enter Jisung and fuck him rough and messy, he held himself back though.

Jisung's heavy breaths and moans paired with his fucked over face were enough to make Minho want to come untouched, the image sitting in his mind beautifully.

Minho started speed his fingers up, loving how he made Jisung gasp so loudly as he hit his sweet spot dead on. "Ngg—'M gonna cum," Jisung panted, whimpering defeatedly as Minho stopped using his fingers.

"We still have so much more to do. Are you sure you want to have sex baby?" He asked, wiping hair from out of the youngers eyes.

Jisung nodded, "Please.. 'don't like feeling empty.." he whispered, more blush ushering over his cheeks.

Minho smiled, pecking his nose. "You're such a good boy, hm? So good for me aren't you." He pressed his lips into the other boy's, starting to take off his own pants.

Jisung blushed as his eyes landed on Minho's hardened cock. He had seen it before, but suddenly it looked huge. How would it ever fit..?

Minho slipped off his underwear, confidence running through him as he watched Jisung's reaction. "Here baby, be a good boy and switch positions with me." He suggested. Jisung, craving the praise, did as he was told and patiently watched as Minho sat against the headboard, couping Jisung up between his legs.

He grabbed the lube and poured a large amount onto his dick, probably more than needed but he didn't care. He pumped it a few times to spread it thoroughly and then looked back over at Jisung.

"It's going to hurt okay? You'll sit on top of me so you can stay in charge; if you feel like you don't want to sit any farther you can get off. Alright?" He said, guiding Jisung.

The younger sat, straddling Minho as if he were going to ride him. He looked up at Minho who gave him an encouraging nod. He started to sink down, the tip pressing against his rim.

"It's okay baby.. You'll be okay." Minho said softly, keeping the youngers hips steady with one hand and holding his dick still with the other.

As Jisung felt the dick enter him it started to sting, even more than Minho's fingers had. He bit his lip, slowly sinking down a little more. He whimpered, tears forming in his eyes.

"It's okay baby boy, you've done so good. You wanna go a little more?"

Jisung nodded, being prompted by the idea of being Minho's 'good boy'. He wanted the elder to praise him more.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now