Ch. 163

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Was it true that everytime Minho stood, sat or layed within the range of Mr. Han's eyesight, ears, or touch he felt like he was walking on land mines..?

Yes, absolutely.

Will that stop him from heading over to the Han's household to ask the man if he can have sex with his son though?

No, not at all.

Well, not 'have sex' per say, but Minho was definitely going to ask if he was allowed to date—or at least try and be in some sort of relationship with Jisung.

In fact, Minho had no plans on even asking Jisung if they could have sex. Quite frankly he didn't really want to. Their relationship was so delicate right now that something to pungent could easily let things crumble to the ground.

It's like that quote, "Love is a fragile dance." And it really was. At least this love was, and Minho envied people who got love easy—that was another question though; did anyone get love easy?

That's not what matters right now though; it was the make or break move that Minho was about do. Mr. Han didn't seem to hate him anymore though, so who knows?

He would ease into the question. Make small talk, slowly talk about topics related to Jisung, talk about Jisung and then, finally, bring up their relationship which will obviously bring uo the big question:

"Can I fuck your son?"—wait no, that wasn't the question. The question was, "Can I date your son?"

Minho would have to remember not to mess those two up or it would end in shambles.


Sometimes Minho questioned if it were even worth asking, I mean, it felt so obvious that Mr. Han hated the boy—like, really hated him, so why bother asking?

But then came the conclusion "Do it for Jisung." Which seems to be a recurring theme, but what could Minho say? He was doing it for Jisung.


He walked up the walkway in front of the house, all of the snow now being melted and replaced with mid March wetness.

He had to take a deep breath to calm himself before being able to knock on the door. When he started to hear footsteps approaching he suddenly felt like he should start to bolt—

But it was too late. The door was already opening and Mr. Han's face appeared in front of him. He didn't look upset to see the teenager, but he also didn't look happy. What more could Minho ask for though?

"Hello Mr. Han—" he started to say, his voice nearly stuttering.

"Jisung isn't here right now. He's gone out with a friend." Mr. Han dismissed and it was a miracle that he hadn't simply slammed the door.

"Ah—" Minho stopped Mr. Han as he tried to close the door, "I'm actually here to talk to you.. it might be better that Jisung is gone in fact..."

The look on the man's face made Minho regret being born, but he ultimately stood aside for the teenager to enter. He was doing his best to give Minho a chance so it's not like he could slam the door.

"Sure. Come in," he put on a tight smile just so that he didn't seem rude. He watched intently as Minho slipped his shoes off, then leading him to the living room.

Minho followed without hesitations, simply glad for the opportunity to speak his proposal.

"Please, take a seat." Mr. Han said, "Would you like anything to drink? Tea? Water?"

Minho shook his head, "No thank you sir, I'm doing fine."

With that, Mr. Han sat down on the couch across from Minho. He looked the boy uo and down, taking in his done hair and put together outfit. He didn't look like a bad person at all.

"Okay, speak up if you want to get this over before Jisung gets home." The man said, queuing the conversation.

Minho nodded, "I know I've not been all that great over the past year, but recently I've tried my hand at being a better person—for one specific reason; Jisung." He clasped his hands together, "I understand if you don't think I've changed, but I believe I have, and with that change, I would like to ask you a favor.."

Mr. Han looked like he knew exactly what the boy was about to say. It's not like he was attempting to keep it a secret anyway. He nodded, urging him to continue. Even if he knew what he was about to ask, he still wanted Minho to ask for himself.

"First I have to ask though, do you see me as a good person..? Please, just be honest.." Minho maintained eye contact with Mr. Han even though it was hard to do. The man seemed so.. scary.

He leaned back in the sofa, "Thats.. complicated. It's not like I don't like you, but I wouldn't say I like you either. Right now I'm.. undecided. I don't know you well enough."

Minho nodded, "But you don't completely reject the entire idea of me as a person anywhere near Jisung?"

He shook his head, "No, I don't."

Minho had to smile at least a tiny bit at that. He considered, even this, to be a small victory—who knows, it might lead to bigger things.

"Then, tell me, can I ask you a really important question?"

"Go ahead."

"Will you allow me to date your son?"

A silence.

"Will you allow me to ask you a question?" Mr. Han then spoke, instead of just saying yes or no.

"Of course."

"If I let you date my son do you promise not to ever try to hurt him like you've done before? You have to be confident that your competent enough to take care of him like you should."

Minho quickly nodded, "I'm very confident—I've never felt like I couldn't. Me and him.. we work."

Mr. Han let silence fall over the room, thinking for a moment, but what better way to get to know Minho, than to let him date Jisung?

"Yes. You and Jisung can try again."

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