Ch. 180

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Minho only slightly woke up when he heard the front door to his apartment open and close. He hugged Jisung closer, not really registering much.

If he had been awake he would have known not to stay in this position, head burried in Jisung's stomach, the youngers hands fiddling with his hair through his sleepy daze, blankets half strewn off the bed.

It didn't help that there was still clothing scattered around the room, signaling what they had gotten up to some time before.

The two of them had fallen asleep and Minho had no idea what time in was now, not really caring either. He heard someone walking though the apartment, probably heading for his bedroom. He shifted around and moved up the bed to hide Jisung's face in his chest.

He knew that someone was in his apartment now and they would see the two of them like this if he didn't move, but he didn't really think about that. It felt so natural to hold the younger like this—

"Wow.." Chan's voice rang out as the bedroom door opened, "Something happened last night and I have a hunch as to what.." he had probably spotted the clothes on the floor, or the hickies on Jisung's neck. Maybe the towel Minho used to clean up.

Mimho grumbled lightly, stirring a little more from his sleep. He figured Jisung was still dreaming soundly. "Chan..?" He asked, opening his eyes.

Chan stood in the doorway, smiling at him. "I see Jisung stayed the night."

"The night?" Minho got up onto his elbows, leaning to look atbthe alarm clock beside him. It was, in fact, around 11:30am. He had no idea what time they had fallen asleep. Maybe around 7?

"Yeah." Chan laughed, "You tire yourself out last night or something?" He snickered.

Even through his sleepy mind Minho caught the joke, lightly glaring at his brother, but looking down at the bed as Jisung shifted a bit, waking up.

"Minho?" His small voice croaked, squinting up, "Why are you awake." He closed his eyes again, "It's late."

"Nah Sungie, it's late in the morning. It's 11:30am already." He said gently, looking back over at his brother.

"11:30? In the morning?"

Minho nodded, "It is."

Jisung muttered something before fully sitting up and dubbing the sleep from his eyes. He nearly fell off the bed as he spotted Chan, not expecting someone to be in the room.

"Hi." Chan smiled, leaning against the door frame, "You sleep good last night? You look pretty well rested."

Jisung blushed, nodding. He then looked around, spotting the clothes. He blushed even more, a crimson colour pulling at his skin. "Yeah.. I slept well." Suddenly it looked like he remembered something, reaching over and pulling at Minho's arm, "Do you feel okay? The bandages didn't pull at your circulation did they? I can loosen them."

Minho shook his head, crawling out of bed. "No, they felt okay. Just stung a tiny bit." He added.

Chan gave him a knowing look, as if to say, 'so you finally told him about that'. Minho took a sigh, honestly feeling relieved. He had to admit, maybe not out loud, but he liked it, being taken care of last night.

He was glad to have Jisung to.. protect him.

"Ah, maybe they got infected, let me see—" Jisung swung his legs out of bed, his shorts riding up his thighs slightly to reveal a few hickies. When Chan saw this he raised his eyebrows in a surprised kind of look and gave a glance to Minho. In return Minho gave him a solid hit on the arm.

"No, Jisung, it's okay. I can take care of them myself."

Chan was quick to change the subject, "I'm surprised your dad let you stay the night Jisung. He must be really getting to like Minho."

Jisung's heart dropped and his eyes widened, "My dad, I told my dad I'd be home by 7—" he ran over to his jeans, laying on the ground, and fished his phone out of his pocket. "Oh my god I'm so dead—I have so many missed calls."

He quickly typed some message into his phone and clicked send, gathering his clothes and rushing into the bathroom. A look of panic settled into his features.

Once Jisung had closed the bathroom door behind himself, Chan pulled his brother to the side. "So.. finally happened, huh?"

Minho nodded, "Yeah.."

"How do you feel? How'd it go?" He reffered to, obviously, them having sex for the first time.

"Y'know.. Great. It went great. And then we took a shower and Jisung found my arms.. that wasn't so great." He mumbled, looking down at the bandaging work Jisung had done. "I'm.. glad though."

Chan nodded, "I'm proud of you Minnie—I mean Minho, you've really changed yourself."

Minho shook his head, "No.. call me Minnie.

I think I like it."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now