Ch. 175 🔞

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"Jisung?" Minho now asked, cupping the youngers cheek with the palm of his hand.

"Yes?" He seemed to lean into the touch, craving more of the elder.

"I want to have sex with you."

The room fell silent, the sounds of the vents getting even more loud. Jisung simply stared into his eyes, unable to think of much. Was he ready to have sex?

"Right now?"

"Right now."

"Oh fuck it—" Jisung leaned over, connecting his lips with Minho's. He assumed the elder would have lube and what not already lying around, considering his fuckboy days.

Minho wasted very little time in kissing back, pushing Jisung to lay down on the couch underneath him. His salty tears mingled with their hungry kiss as they still fell from Minho's cheeks.

As soon as he looked into Jisung's eyes he had known that the boy was the most important thing in the world to him. The person that he'd protect with his own life—more so than before.

He became aware that Jisung wasn't just a boy that he fell in love with, Jisung was the one he fell in love with.

At first Jisung seemed to try and fight for dominance, attempting to keep up with Minho but he ended up giving out, allowing Minho to take the lead.

The elder lightly pushed his tongue into Jisung's parted lips and the younger hummed in satisfaction. He let Minho do whatever he wanted with his body, trusting the elder to take care of him completely.

Minho started to let his hands roam under Jisung's shirt, the younger tensing. An image of Jeong-Hoon using him in the school bathroom slapped him across the face. He wanted to pull away, but Minho did it first. He leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Remember that it's just me baby.. I'm not here to hurt you."

Jisung screwed his eyes shut, focusing in on Minho's sweet words, melting in his ears like honey. It wasn't Jeong-Hoon. Jeong-Hoon was long gone.

As his muscles started to untense Minho smiled, "Good boy." He whispered. Jisung shivered as he heard the name, feeling a special something bubbling in his chest.

Minho left a few more kisses on his neck before helping Jisung off the couch. He led the boy back into his room, still laying soft pecks onto his face.

He pushed the door open with his free hand and when they got in Jisung closed it with his back, being gently pushed against it so Minho could hover over him. He continued to place kisses onto his cheeks and forehead before moving to his neck.

Jisung let out soft breaths, running his hands over ever inch of Minho's chest and craving more contact. He whimpered when he started to feel Minho sucking on his neck, something he'd only had the pleasure of feeling once before.

But this time, it was out of love, not lust.

"Are you sure you want this?" Minho whispered, finishing up with his hickies and removing Jisung from the door.

Jisung nodded quickly, "Yes.. do you want this?"

Minho smiled, biting at the skin underneath his ear and mumbling, "Since I met you." With that he pulled Jisung away and gently layed him on the bed with his feet hanging off the end. Minho placed himself in between his thighs, kissing at his stomach.

Jisung reached down and pulled off his shirt, Minho giving somewhat of a smirk that Jisung couldn't see. He continued to mark up the youngers body with dark purple hickies, finally making in from his chest to his v-line.

"A-ah—" Jisung bucked his hips and arched his back slightly as Minho pulled down his jeans slightly and kissed the skin above his dick. The elder let out a small laugh, moving back over and giving him a long kiss on the lips.

He removed his own shirt and placed his hands on the waistline of Jisung's jeans, giving the younger a look, as if asking for permission. When he nodded he pulled the jeans down, now being able to clearly see the outline of his dick through his cotton underwear.

Jisung took in a sharp breath with a slight wine at the end, "Please, Min'.." he said, giving a small roll of his hips into the mattress.

It was amazing how fast he had crumbled into a needy mess.

"Use words baby. What do you want?" Minho said in a low voice, filling Jisung's ears.

The younger whimpered, a hot blush trailing his cheeks. "W-want you to touch me.." he stuttered over his words, his hand reaching out to touch the other male's neck and chest.

Minho smiled, reaching down and starting to palm the younger through his boxers, Jisung gasping and gripping at the mattress slightly. Minho had to remind himself to take it slow, careful not to overestimate the boy, especially considering he was a virgin.

Jisung let out a strangled moan as Minho pressed down a little bit harder. Minho felt a little bit of confidence build up inside himself. "May I?" He asked, tugging a little bit at Jisungs boxers.

The younger nodded, "Please.."

He pulled the material down and off of his legs, throwing it off to the side somewhere. He carefully gripped the youngers dick, it being so hard it was starting to turn a deep red.

He pumped at it at a painfully slow pace. Jisung bit his lip, "Nggh—ah!" He let out, thrusting his hips upward into his hand.

"Patience baby, you've been doing so good. So pretty for me hm?" He watched as Jisung shuddered, clearly enjoying the praise. He still remembered the conversation the two of them had had so many months ago. "Are you ready for me to start stretching you, Sungie?"

Jisung nodded, desperate for more. He watched as Minho stood up and started to walk across the room. He reached into a drawer of his dresser and pulled out two items: lube and a condom.

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