Ch. 182

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Chan stared intently at Minho, who was seated at the kitchen counter typing something on his phone. Perhaps he was writing a cheesy Wattpad story that he would regret in 5 years time.

"Appa wants you and Jisung to go and eat dinner with him." He suddenly said, catching the youngers attention.

Minho raised his head with a look if disdain, heaving a sigh, "I don't wanna," he whined, "That would be so awkward."

Chan nodded, "I agree. You kind of have to go though, this is one of our fathers orders disguised as a suggestion. If it makes you feel any better me and Felix have to go aswell."

"Like a double date plus our dad?" Minho asked, kinking his eyebrows together, "Thats doesn't sound fun at all.."

Chan nodded, "I agree. I'm worried Appa will say something rude about all the gay children in his house. What if he offends Felix or Jisung—"

"Or worse yet, what if he exposes who we were as children."

Chan put on a horrified expression, "Felix does not need to know that I watched the Cars movie a total of 13 times,"

Minho nodded. "I have many secrets about my youth that Jisung does not need to know.." Minho remembered something, "Oh yeah.. I told Jisung about our father.. and the cellar."

Chan nodded, "Yeah I told Felix about that about a month ago. Speaking of Jisung though, how did he react to your wrists exactly?"

Minho shrugged, "A lot of crying.. on my part as well. And then a lot of confessions and then a painful process of Jisung kind of.. I dunno, 'protecting me'."

Chan laughed a small bit, "Ah you must have hated that. You hate to have someone else in charge."

Minho thought about that for a moment, "Yeah.. I kind of liked it though. It was so.. soothing, y'know? To have someone care for you."

Chan nodded, "I care for you. At least I try to."

Minho nodded. This was true, ever since they were little boys Chan was always the one to comfort him, acting as a real guardian figure considering their dad wasn't acting one. "Yeah, but since I grew up with that it's easy for me to let you see me so vulnerable, but Jisung on the other hand.. I didn't want to open up, y'know? I was scared."

"Are you still scared?"

Minho nodded, "It's terrifying Chan.. to give someone the whole of your heart and soul and just have to pray that they don't turn their back on you or crush it to a million pieces once they have it." He shrugged, "Call it a result of my daddy issues."

Chan laughed dryly at this, "I've never really had that issue.."

"Well you portray you're daddy issues in the sense that you act like a dad. You were forced to grow up too fast and now you can't control it—you don't like when things aren't within your grasp and you work 10x as hard as anyone to make sure that nobody feels as alone as you did."

Chan stood with his mouth slightly open, looking skeptically into his brothers eyes, "No I don't."

"You act like the dad of our friend group Chris, just think of the way Jeongin sees you. Jisung sees you as an older brother and as long as I can remember youve always been more of a father figure to me than Appa ever was. Not to mention Felix." He went back to typing on his phone.

Chan felt called out and absolutely exposed. He had never expected Minho to be so.. observant. "What about Felix?"

Minho shrugged, "He's younger than you and you still see him as super young. Even if he really want to be with you by his own will, you won't take him until he's an adult because you're scared that your forcing him to grow up before he's ready; just as you were."

Thinking about that, it definitely made sense. Sure Chris had been at least partially aware of this internalized feeling, but never had he really realized to the full extent that it effected him.

Crazy what your mind can hide from plane sight.

Chan sighed, "Nevermind all that, I'm fine. Appa wants us to come over tomorrow night. I've told Felix, you should talk to Jisung—maybe buy him a good concealer for those hickies."

Minho nodded, "Classic deflection." He muttered.

"Hm? What did you say?"

"Nothing, never mind me. I'll be there."

. . .

Hey Jisung
Bad news
My dad want you me Chan and Felix to come over for a gay dinner party

Squirrel face (Jisungie ❤)
A gay dinner party?
Didn't think your dad was so into that stuff

He's not
He just want to get a grasp on how gay his chdren really are
And future children ;)

Your making some big plans already 😳
We haven't even been officially dating for more than two weeks and you're already making wedding plans?

And you thought you were the one who over thought things

You've over thunk me

I try my best 👌

Always <3

Ah wait
How'd your dad react to.. yknow

gee calm down
He actually didn't get that mad
He said if I forgot to tell him I was staying the night again though, that I wouldn't be able to go over to your place for two whole weeks

But he didn't get mad about me taking your virginity?

Uhm.. no
He was just concerned if you treated me well

Oh okay
That's good
Did I treat you well?

Best night ever

I'm glad to hear it
I'm sorry I didn't give you more aftercare..
We got carried away with the whole wrist thing

I don't mind
I thought the after routine was perfect
I enjoyed holding you for once
You dug your face into my chest, it was adorable

I'm blushing
I have to go uhmm.... walk my fish
Goodbye Jisung

Minnie blushes

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