Ch. 184

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Chan watched longingly as Felix sat away from him, all the way across the room. He felt so terrible for the other day, and the things his step mother had said.

Felix had seemed very hurt by the words and didn't seem to want to talk to Chan about them. He was probably embarrassed or offended. Felix's usual joyful demeanor had been dampened significantly and anyone could tell.

"Lixie.." Chan called across the room. They sat in Chans bedroom after he had finally convinced the younger to come over. "Are you feeling okay?"

He looked up from his phone for a moment, "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" But Chris knew better than to listen to that.

"Well you've just seemed... down for the past few days. I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to make you feel better? Cuddles maybe?" He asked, slightly desperate.

"I don't really want cuddles."

Chans heart sank. Felix never didn't want cuddles, Felix loved cuddles. They were his absolute favorite thing. "Oh.." Chan said quietly.

The room fell back into silence while Felix looked back down at his phone and continued doing whatever it was he was doing. Chan messed around with his fingers.

He felt so terrible about the things Mi-Young had said to him. He wished he had stood up for the boy more instead of just dismissing her remarks. She deserved to know how important Felix was.

Felix deserved to know how important he was.

"Lixie please." He said now, his eyes filling with a glassy look of guilt. He felt like he was going to cry and he knew it. "Just talk to me.. I know you're mad about what my step mom said."

"I'm not mad." Felix didn't even bother to look up from his phone, speaking quietly.

"I know you are, why else would you be acting like this. She was wrong Felix, you and I both know it—"

"Really..?" Felix asked, still looking at his phone, but only because he didn't dare to look at Chan.

"What?" The elder asked, "Yes really. Of course she was wrong."

Felix swallowed, turning off his phone but still staring at the empty screen, "You.. you don't think that way about me? That I'm only with you for your money or your body or fame..?"

Chan got up, laughing to himself. He walked over to where Felix sat in his desk chair and stood him up, hugging him tightly, "If I thought you were with me for money, my body or fame, well, you wouldn't be with me. I dint tolerate those kind of people.." he pulled away, "So its a good thing you're not one of them. Hm?"

Felix had tears brimming his eyes, "But when she said those things.. you didn't deny it."

Chan gave a small squeeze, "I know, I should have defended you more.. I just didn't want to completely ruin the dinner so early."

Felix sniffled as the two of them swayed around for a moment. "Okay.."

"Okay." Chan repeated, fiddling with the younger boys soft hair.

"So.. about those cuddles." Felix asked, burying his nose within the nape of Chan's neck.

The elder laughed, "Yeah, yeah. Alright. We can cuddle I suppose.. but only because you're so damn cute, hm?"

"I'm not cute." Felix muttered.

"Yes you are."

"Am not."

"Are so."

"Am not."

"Are so."

"Am not."

"Are so—"

"Ok fine. I guess I'm kind of cute, just shush already." Felix demanded the two of them climbing in bed. Felix was the first one under the covers, even wearing his jeans.

Chan smiled, slowly getting in after the eager boy. "So are we all good now? No more listening to the shit Mi-Young says."

"Okay. No more listening to the shit Mi-Young says." Felix promised, head seeming to bury itself in the elders soft chest.

"I'm sorry she even said that. She's been like that as long as a knew her. She's not the most accepting person I've ever seen and I'm sure if you had been a girl she would have given nothing but support."

"I get it. I can't expect everyone to like me I guess. She's only one person.."

"One person that's not even important. If my biological mother was still alive she would have loved you. She was always drawn to people so naturally happy like you. That might be what drew me to you in the first place." Chan spoke softly.

Felix smiled, "I bet your real mom was just the best.."

"She was, but without Mi-Young I never would have gotten Minho. In some ways you could call me lucky to have had a second mother.. I just wish mine was still alive."

Felix sighed, "I guess you can't have everything, huh?"

"What are you talking about? I've got you. You're my everything."

"Thats so cheesy.. I like it." Felix giggled, "You're my everything as well."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now