Ch. 179

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When the two of them got out of the shower they didn't speak. Not because they were mad at eachother, just because there was simply nothing to say.

Minho grabbed two towels and gave one to Jisung. Once he had wrapped his around his waist he went to go help Jisung dry himself off. The younger still looked half asleep and was probably aching from having sex—they went pretty hard for his first time.

"I'll grab you some of my clothes," Minho said quietly before trying to leave the bathroom, but Jisung grabbed his arm.

"You stay here. I'll get them." He instructed, pushing past Minho. The elder felt a pit in his stomach. Jisung was clearly trying baby him now that he.. knew.

Only a few moments later Jisung came back with two sets of comfort clothes. He handed some to Minho and half watched as he put them on before going to work at his own. He specifically gave Minho a T-shirt.

"Sit." Jisung patted the counter top behind Minho. The elder gave him a confused look before Jisung elaborated, "Some of those cuts are pretty new. You have to take care of them before they get infected."

Minho sighed, "Jisung—"

"This is non-negotiable. Sit." The younger cut him off and Minho gave in, hopping up onto the counter. He was only a few inches taller than Jisung now. "Good boy. Now where do you keep your first aid stuff?"

Minho had not the energy to fight on the new nickname and simply ignored it, pointing to the medicine cabinet above the toilet. Jisung pulled the things out and quickly returned.

"Arm?" Jisung asked gently now. Minho hesitated to put it out, palm facing up. He stared down at the same cuts that Jisung was seeing in shame.

The younger took out some type of cream that Minho had never even used before and gently applied it to the textured skin. "...'t's cold.." Minho whispered.

Jisung smiled, "It'll warm up." And he continued with something else. This one was a smaller tube and he only applied it to certain cuts that still hadn't really closed yet.

Minho's fingers stared to tremble and he scolded himself in his head. The more he stared at the cuts lining his arm the worse he felt, tears starting to well at his eyes.

Jisung simply continued to work, now pulling out soft bandages to wrap the arm. Sure he noticed Minho's fingers trembling but he figured he'd let it be. As he started to wrap the arm he noticed the sniffles, momentarily leaning up and pecking Minho on the forehead.

While it had been meant as an act of comfort Minho only seemed to cry so much harder, as if he were a breaking dam.

Jisung knew that he should simply keep working and get this whole process over with. Him messing around with his arm would only make the elder feel worse about all of this.

As he wrapped up the last bit he cut the extra off with scissors and sealed it with some special tape. As he set everything aside he finally looked up to his.. what even was Minho to him?

"Minnie?" He asked, the elder being hunched over with his face burried in his hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry," it sounded as if he was pleading with someone, "Please don't be mad at me," he took a sharp breath in.

Jisung leaned in, allowing the older to rest his head on his shoulder. He pet his hair gently, listening as the sniffles persisted and his whole body continued to shake like a leaf.

"I'm not mad.." Jisung said softly, attaining the boys attention, "How could I be mad at someone I love as much as you.. come on, hop down. We can take a nap together.."

Minho nodded, gently placing his feet down from the counter and following Jisung walk over to the not so neat bed. Had they made a mess on it?

Jisung was the first to crawl onto the bed, making grabby arms towards Minho. The elder obliged and got on with him, helping to slide the two of them under the covers.

Minho attempted to rest the other male's head on his chest but Jisung denied the action. "No, I wanna protect you." Jisung said, pulling the elder into another hug. This time Minho had his face burried in Jisung's neck comfortingly.

He would complain about being treated like a sub.. but he loved it so much. The way that Jisung played with his hair, the way salty tears ran down his face still, the way that he could smell his clothes on Jisung...

"Minho.." Jisung said softly, "May I ask you a question?"

Minho gave a small hum as a response.

"Am I.. your boyfriend?"

Minho wasn't sure how to answer that. "If you want to be.. I want you to be.."

Jisung smiled, "Then I will be. And you'll be my boyfriend. We'll be a true couple and introduce eachother as such."

Minho giggled from where his head was burried in Jisung's chest, "My boyfriend.." he repeated to himself, letting the words roll off his tongue. It felt so normal.

"Well then, as your official boyfriend, it's my job to protect you, got that? So the next time you feel like hurting yourself you should call me or something. I'll be right there to pull you into a nice warm hug."

Minho sniffled, clenching his fists around the sweater Jisung was wearing and tightening his grip. He didn't want to make any promises, but he'd try. "With you by my side I probably won't even need to anymore.."

He knew damn well that mental illness didn't go away like that, but it was true. Instead of self harm, Jisung had been his new therapy. He was happy with that.

Jisung carded his fingers through his boyfriends hair, "I love you so much.." he whispered, "So, so much.."

Minho shook his head, "No," he denied, "I love you."

Jisung giggled, "I guess we both love eachother."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now