Ch. 164

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It had been a normal day for Jisung. He was just sitting on his bed working on some Chem catch-up when his phone buzzed with a text from a number he didn't recognize.

Ever since Jeong-Hoon called him from Jisung was extremely careful when answering someone with an unknown caller ID.

This being said though, he was still scared to ignore the call. What if it was important information? Or his dad was dying? He still had to check who it was.

He picked up his phone a read over the message, only then clicking on the notification. The message read:

Hi Jisung, it's Junhae. I got your number from a mutual and thought I might reach out. If your free today I'd love to meet you at a coffee place or something. I obviously understand if you don't want to see me, but I thought I'd try to reach out anyway.

To be completely honest, Jisung didn't have an issue with Junhae. He never made an attempt to hurt him or anything, unlike his friends. In court he had also noticed that his and Minho were a little bit friendly, so he had higher hopes.

He responded back and the two of them made plans, though the back of Jisung's mind was ringing with worry. He wondered if this was some type of set up—like when he'd received that text from Minho's phone.

It was in a public place though, and he had to remind himself that Jeong-Hoon had been locked up by now, so there was nothing to worry about.

So when Jisung walked into the small shop, the bell on the ring jangled, and spotted Junhae nearly immediately he felt some relief wash though him.

He had no idea why he was so paranoid Jeong-Hoon would show up.

He smiled at him, the elder smiling back. Junhae was also a year older than him, just like how the other 3 boys were.

He had never really had more than three conversations with Junhae so he was interested to see how this went. He always wondered what the teenager was like, because he never seemed to get noticed while he was around his friends.

"Hi," Jisung said, slipping into the bench across the table from the elder.

Junhae nodded, "Hey." He let the words fall before speaking again, "I know you might not really like me, but I just thought that now that this is over we should like.. talk about it or something."

Jisung nodded, he had actually been getting people saying that a lot. It seemed like everyone who knew him wanted inside details and drama, but there was none.

"It's not that I don't like you," Jisung clarified, "I don't have an issue with you at all actually. I think maybe we should talk about this.. yeah."

Junhae had a small smile poking at his face, "I'm glad.. that you don't hate me. And I wanna start off by saying that I'm sorry for never trying to help you—I was just very scared at the time. I still am."

"No, I get that. It wasn't your battle to fight, yet somehow you still got sucked in." Jisung laughed, Junhae smiling bigger.

"Well I did most of that willingly." Junhae shrugged, "In fact, I'm the one that came up with the idea for the video."

Jisung couldn't help the but of confusion the dampened his facial expression, "I'm sorry, the video?"

"Mm. The one that drove Jeong-Hoon absolutely crazy." He laughed triumphantly, feeling victorious.

"Ah—" Jisung remembered what he was talking about, "I had no idea you took that video. That whole aspect totally slipped my mind."

Junhae didn't seem offended by this however, "Yeah, I can see that. You have bigger things to worry about I'll bet—like getting Minho back." He wiggled his eyebrows at the younger, "I guess I just thought you knew."

Jisung laughed, "Getting Minho back?" He repeated, this time a question.

"Of course—wait, you are trying to fix that whole thing right?"

Jisung nodded slowly, "I think so. I don't know if we'll be able to actually do anything for a long while though—my father isn't the best fan of him."

Junhae seemed to recall this fact, "Right, I forgot about that. It's not much of a secret that he hates Minho, is it."

Jisung shook his head, "He says he doesn't hate him anymore though, which is great. Means we might be able to start dating or something soon."

The elder seemed to be supportive over this, kind of like an older sibling would be; the type of person to give you good advice.

"That sounds great. I bet you Minho is feeling the exact same thing."

"Yeah.." Jisung slumped a bit, "Well I'm not sure if Minho still likes me that way. He's the one that broke up with me—but I hope he doesn't still think that way. When I saw him about a week ago we got along fine honestly."

Junhae seemed to put a smug smile on his face, "Trust me on this one Jisung, Minho wants you. He's probably been suffering with a bunch of guilt that he ended things that way—just promise me something."

Jisung nodded, urging him to tell.

"If he does ask you to get back together, don't reject him for some doubt in that back of your mind. It's not worth it."

Jisung nodded again, "I probably wouldn't reject him if he accidentallykilled my dog. In my opinion,

He's worth anything."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now