Ch. 167

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Minho watched as Jisung lay on the grass staring up at the stars that had started to come out. He was rambling on about how he always thought astrology was so cool and Minho simply listened.

It worked out because it's not like he was in a mood to talk anyway. His stomach was too busy doing flips about asking Jisung out again. It wasn't likely.. but what if Jisung said no?

If he willingly said no it might break Minho's heart even harder than before, and that might not be something he could handle.

Minho got up from the cushion he was seated on and walked out from the cover of the gazebo above him, sitting on the grass beside the younger.

"I'm not saying I believe in nonsense, don't get me wrong, but I do think there's some truth to—" he stopped, staring up at the elder as if he just noticed he had joined him under the stars.

"Please," Minho smiled, "Continue."

Jisung sighed, "Well now I've lost my train of thought and it's all your fault."

Minho scoffed, "Oh I'm sorry."

Jisung just looked at him for a while, as if he had no more to say. Minho suddenly asked another question, "Do you still have my sweater?"

"Yes I do. Do you want it back?" As he asked it seemed like a little bit of disappointment lingered in his voice.

"No. Just asking.. I thought maybe you would have gotten rid of it when we broke up." He shrugged. He said it like they were dating again..

Jisung laughed at this, then laughed a little harder. Soon he was laughing as hard as he could, rolling on the ground and Minho had no idea why. He watched with his eyebrows kinked together in confusion.

After a little while Minho just let it be, chuckling slightly at the younger boys behavior. It was so uncalled for yet it felt like it was... safe. 

When the laughing started to subside Jisung rolled back over, looking up at Minho, "You think I'd get rid of it?" He breathed out, still partially giggling.

Minho shrugged, "I dunno.."

Jisung sat up, flying forward and grabbing Minho's face, placing his nose only inches apart, "You listen here Mr. Lee Minho," he started to scold the elder, "If you ever think that I'd dislike you enough to get rid of that sweater you're delusional!"

Minho laughed, "I'm delusional?"

Jisung squinted his eyes at the elder, "What's that supposed to mean? Hm?"

Minho shook his head, not willing to say anything more on the subject. He moved forwards so he was sitting excruciatingly close to Jisung, feeling the youngers body heat mixing with his own, "Tell me Jisung.." he whispered cooly, the younger getting somewhat flustered.

"What.." he responded weakly.

"How much do you really like me?"

"Uhm.. a-a lot?"

"Do you wish we could get back together?"

The younger stuttered his answer, "Sure, but my dad—"

"Forget your dad for a minute, would you be my boyfriend if you could?"

Minho looked deep into Jisung's eyes, the younger starting to panic under the pressure. "Yes or no." Minho sang. He forgot how much he loved to tease the younger like this.

"Yes.." he nodded a tiny bit.

Minho let a small smile appear on his face, "Then it's a good thing your dad would let you."

Jisung's eyes widened, moving back to sit on his butt instead of his knees. "What?"

"Mm. I talked to him a few days ago—I'm sorry it took this long to bring it up."

"So, so like, we could date? Like actually?" Jisung asked, palms digging into the grass.

"Mm." Minho stood up, crouching in front of the younger. He cupped his face in his hand and spoke softly, "Would you like to be my boyfriend.. Sungie?"

Jisung bit his lip but said nothing. Minho's heart started to sink and his smile faded, Jisung just looking at him.

Jisung shook his head, springing forward and pressing his lips against the elders. The two of them danced with one another as Minho quickly joined. It seemed like a yes to him.. 

Jisung parted his mouth slightly and Minho gladly took the opportunity to glide his tongue in, letting out a sigh into the kiss. He had forgotten why he craved Jisung so much..

His lips tasted sweet like candy and he could taste the food the Jisung had eaten still. Their saliva mixed as they pulled away, Jisung licking some spit from his lips.

"A yes?" Minho asked, a tiny bit breathless.

Jisung laughed as he nodded. "A yes."

"Fuck Jisung, you had me worried. I thought you were gonna say no for some reason.." Minho shook his head, now seated on the ground.

Jisung smiled, crawling foreword and seating himself in Minho's lap and wrapping his arms around him. The elder pressed the boys head into his shoulder slightly, putting his hands in his soft hair.

"I'm sorry.. I just didn't believe it. Did my dad really say yes or am I about to get my ass whooped for kissing you."

"He said yes to us dating.. not sure about the kissing part. He might not like that."

"I just won't go into detail about tonight then." He sighed, voice muffled by Minho's neck.

The elder nodded, "Good idea." He suddenly got kind of shy, looking down at the grass, "Would you.. stay for a while? I've missed you.. I've really missed you." His voice cracked

Jisung laughed, finding this side of Minho cute,

"I'd love to."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now