Ch. 173

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Minho sat on the grass with Jisung in the far end of the field feeling like a real piece of shit. He had been feeling shitty all damn day.

One of his mutuals with benefits came up and called him the f slur. He also got slut shamed in physics and gym was complete hell for him. He wondered how bad it must have been for Jisung.

People in the hallways stared at him and kind of stopped to look at him as he walked by. He felt like an animal at the zoo.

"Are you sure your okay..?" Jisung asked for the 4th time. Minho was starting to get annoyed but he wasn't blaming the younger. He understood why he asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." He lied for the 4th time. Half of him actually felt like bursting out in tears and letting Jisung coddle him while he pretended nothing was wrong. The other half knew he needed to stand up and look brave so that Jisung would still like him.

If he showed Jisung how badly he was hurting it would scare him off—that's part of the reason he was taking every possible measure to stop Jisung from seeing him wrists.

The younger boy didn't deserve to have to try and deal with Minho's depression. He had his own.

Minho looked up from the grass, making eye contact with the younger. He knew that Jisung saw right though him—the younger knew him all too well for him to get away with lies like that.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you a question recently." Jisung changed the topic, not bothering to call the elder out on his obvious lie.

"Yeah, go ahead." Minho shrugged.

"Are you scared of the dark?"

The question kind of set Minho into surprise. Why was he asking this? Why would Jisung even wonder about those things. "Uhm.. kind of." Minho shrugged.

He slept with a dim lamp on at night because he hated the thought of not knowing if something was standing right in front of him, or what was going on around him.

"Ah. Is that why you were so scared? When we went to go get wine from your father's cellar." He let his hand glide softly over the elders hair.

"Ah.. I guess so." He said, looking away from Jisungs eye's. There he went again, avoiding confrontation of his problems.

Jisung nodded, "Thats cool. I don't like to sleep in the dark either."

"Hey, sometime.. could we talk? Like, in private. Maybe we could go to my apartment or something? I have some stuff I want to.. confess." Minho was debating whether he should have asked this.

Jisung nodded, "Yeah of course we can." He was put off by Minho's tone of voice. It sounded guilty and it worried him.

"Can I sit with you two?"

Both of their heads whirled around to see a familiar person standing a few feet away. It was Junhae and Jisung was surprised to say that he looked... normal. Unlike everyone else in the school.


Jisung was about to say something when Minho spoke up, "Why?"

Junhae seemed surprised by the question. "Well.. because.. I thought it would be nice since we all.. know eachother."

Jisung smiled, "Yeah sure, sit."

Him and Junhae got along. They had been mostly communicating over text though because they never really got to see one another.

"How has your first day back been?" He asked, worried, like he knew it would be bad, "I heard a few people.. uh, taking about you."

Minho nodded, "No doubt. My day has been terrible. I'm starting a tally chart on my wrist for the amount of times I've been called the f-slur."

Though it was a joke, perhaps it was a little bit too real. What fun is a permanent tally chart.

Junhae let off a weak laugh, "I haven't had a great day either, people keep trying to ask me about this stuff. I bet your guys' days have been 10x worse though."

"My day wasn't totally the worst—it definitely wasn't good though. I didn't know so many people could be that mean." Jisung shook his head. His therapist had instructed him to look at things as always better than they could be.

"Yeah, now I'm more or less and outcast, but honestly who cares. They suck ass anyway." Minho made a bitter face, "I hate people like them."

Jisung had a thought for a moment, 'but you were one of them', but ultimately decided not to say anything. Who cares who Minho used to be, it was who he was now.

The caring, kind, protective, nurturing and hot person he was now. He was even smart and rich. The whole package.

Ever since their relationship had started back up again Jisung finally let himself daydream about their future together. Growing up and getting married in a beautiful venue, and then going on to have one or two children..

Minho was still kind of scared of commitment though, so Jisung saved those topics for later.

They also hadn't said 'I love you' since that picnic. Jisung hoped that they would say it again soon—the words held a deep place in his heart that satisfied him every time.

"I do too." Jisung nodded, "You're nothing like them.. you probably never were." He said the last part in a small whisper that nobody else heard.

"Mm. I'm glad I'm past that part in my life." Junhae laughed, "That was so terrible. I hated every second I spent around Jeong-Hoon. He put me in edge."

Jisung nodded again, agreeing with this fully, "Jeong-Hoon was a little bitch."

"That he was." Minho said quietly.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now