Ch. 183

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Jisung and Felix had decided to show uo together, not wanting to be a public nuisance alone. They both feared their boyfriends' father and his ice cold demeanor.

Jisung saw the man in a whole new light now. He might just seemed cold, but on the inside he was actually abusive and neglectful towards his children. Or at least used to be.

Felix looked over at Jisung expectantly, "Well, are you going to press the bell?"

Jisung looked at his friend, appalled, "It was you're boyfriend that invited us here in the first place, why should I have to ring the bell?"

Felix opened his mouth to speak, but swallowed his tongue. He reached out and rang the bell, not long after the door opening to a woman dressed in a business dress. "Ah, you two must be Jisung and Felix..?"

Though she didn't seem rude, Jisung and Felix still exchanged a quick look. Her kindness seemed rather forced. "Yes, it's nice to meet you. I'm Felix and this is Jisung. You must be their mother?"

She shook her head, "Only Minho's."

Another red flag struck the two friends. She would be Chan's stepmother, right? Wonder why she didn't see Chan as her child. "I see." Felix, although having on his award winning smile, still didn't seem to crack though this woman's tough shell. She still seemed very pressed, as if she was trying her very best to show that she hated their guts.

"Mm. Come in," she opend the door wider. Jisung swallowed as he stepped inside; something about her made him feel uneasy. It was probably just his anxiety.

As she led the two of them past the front entrance and through the maze that was their house, they came upon a common lounge where the other three men sat.

Minho smiled at Jisung, shifting over to give him a spot on the sofa. The younger gladly accepted, Felix taking a seat just beside him and in between Chris.

Mrs. Lee sat down beside her husband, crossing her legs delicately. She pressed her lips together and seemed to let her eyes snap from one boy to the other, criticizing them in her mind.

"Welcome Felix, Jisung. I'm glad to see you could make it. I figured having a dinner like this would be a fun little thing to get to know eachother." He swirled some whiskey in his hand, "Don't suppose either of you are old enough to drink."

Felix laughed politely, "No sir. A few more months to go."

Mrs. Lee's eyes landed on him, "Your not even old enough to drink but you've already started dating Christopher?" She gave a subtle look that made Felix blush, embarrassed.

"Not officially." Chan said, "I'm pretty sure I told you that."

"Well it must be a large age gap.." she eyes Felix up and down, "Don't see why a boy like you would be dating so.. out of your leuge. Unless.. money perhaps?"

Felix was now blushing hard. He felt humiliated being called a gold digger by this woman, right off the bat. He opened his mouth to speak, but Chan got to it first.

"Our relationship isn't much of your business." He licked his lip, "Considering I'm not your son."

Minho pressed his lips together tightly. No one in this house really got along with his mother, especially Chan. The two of them had a terrible and tense relationship. It was a shame that this dinner party had been ruined so quickly.

"Moving on." Mr. Lee spoke, as if to warn the two of them. "Why don't we get some drinks, hm? What would the two of you like—and I'm not giving you alcohol."

Jisung laughed awkwardly, trying to ease the tension, "Just water?" He looked over at Felix, "Water too?"

Felix nodded to his friend, too embarrassed to speak. His freckles disappeared into the hot blush that stuck to him. His happy go lucky personality crushed. Chan felt awful for the way his step mother had treated the boy.

"And you two?" Mr. Lee asked his children, not noticing how Jisung reached his hand out to give Felix's fingers a comforting squeeze.

"Wine." Chan said shortly, angered by this whole event as well.

"I'm okay." Minho shook his head, "I'll drink with dinner."

"I want a white wine." Mrs. Lee spoke, somewhat trying to seem kind again.

Mr. Lee called in a maid and gave his order, the man quickly running to fetch the beverages.

"So Jisung," Mrs. Lee got ready to lay into the next boy, "I hear you got Minho into quite the trouble this year. It did a number on his reputation."

Minho sighed, but Jisung cut him off. "I apologize for dragging him into that mess. I suppose it paid off though." He half joked, trying to ease the mood.

While Minho and Chan made sure to at least smile at that, Mrs. Lee gave no attempt to laugh. "Yes. You sure got quite the reward—dating a member of the Lee family will get you quite a bit."

Jisung knew what she was insinuating. That he was only dating Minho for the status. What bullshit. "I'm sure it would. I didn't really want to go public with any of this but the media found a way in."

They always do.

"No. I don't see why you would—that entire situation was quite the embarrassment to you. I can't imagine making that big of a fuss over a little bullying." She smiled tightly.

Jisung wanted to say something, but wasn't really sure what. Maybe flip her off. "I guess so.." he said quietly.

Minho wanted to speak up for the younger but his father shushed him as the maid came back into the room. He handed the individuals their drinks and left the room in complete silence.

No one said a word, Jisung and Felix both left feeling humiliated and Minho and Chan left feeling furious. Their mother was only trying to break up their relationship.

She wasn't the biggest fan of the gays.

But it's not like she was ever around to play much of a role in anyone's life anyway. She was like a small whisper that you sometimes had the displeasure of overhearing.

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