Ch. 160

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"Good morning Minho." His fathers voice shook him from his sleep, the boy opening his eyes and letting reality sink in for another day.

"Nmmhg.." Minho mumbled as if to form actual words, rolling over in his sheets and covering his head with a pillow, though he could still hear his father talking.

"You need to get up now. We have plans for today in less than two hours—we'd have more time if you didn't sleep in until 3 in the afternoon." He picked the pillow up and tossed it to the foot of the bed.

Minho squinted his eyes over at his dad, "We have plans today?"

The man nodded, "I texted you at 9am but you were asleep. I figured I'd need to come pick you up—you should really start thinking about fixing your sleep schedule."

Minho didn't respond to his father's comment and instead said, "Tell me Appa, what do you have planned today." Sitting up in his bed and dubbing the sleep from his eyes.

The man gave a smile that set Minho's stomach nervous, "I've invited Mr. Han and his son to dinner at home. Specifically my home, and you're going to join us."

Minho stared at him blankly, "No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I am not."

The man sighed, "Don't you want to see Jisung? It's a chance to make a good impression on his father as well."

"Do I not get a single chance to rest after winning the biggest fight of my life? Jeong-Hoon just got put in jail and I don't get to celebrate?" Minho flopped back onto his bed, defeated.

"This is your chance to celebrate. Jisung will be happy to see you, finally."

Minho thought back to when they met eachother at the lake and they had hugged... he hoped to be able to do that again someday—which was the only reason he agreed to go.

Doing it for Jisung. Like always.

. . .

Minho straightened out his shirt in the mirror of his old bedroom, making sure that he looked his best. It was times like this that he really needed to worry about his image.

He left the room, pulling his sleeves down just a little but more, and walked down the hallway. He heard chatter coming from the lounge and assumed that that was where his father was entertaining Mr. Han.

Poor Jisung was probably bored to death from their conversations.

Minho peeked in at first, walking in soon after. He smiled at Mr. Han, "Hello, sir." He bowed deeply. He had to be respectful.

Jisung watched intently at the interaction, and how his dad didn't even seem annoyed when he greeted Minho back. It was both a surprise and relief to see how his father seemed rather accepting to the idea of Minho.

Minho then looked over and made eye contact with Jisung, then glancing away. The elder took a seat on the opposite side of the couch to Jisung, scared that Mr. Han would get mad if he sat any closer.

The both of them listened as the adults continued to have a conversation on whatever it was they found interesting, the two boys awkwardly glancing at eachother once and a while.

Around 5 minutes of this past before Mr. Lee let off a sigh, looking at their children, "Do neither of you know what it means to socialize? Talk to one another."

Minho glanced at Mr. Han, as if asking for permission.

"It's what the two of you wanted is it not?" Mr. Han asked, shifting his attention away from the two.

With that Minho got up from his seat and moved to the other side of the sofa, sitting about a foot and a half away from Jisung. He made sure the adults weren't paying attention when he decided to speak, "Hi..." he said softly.

Jisung nodded, playing with his thumbs, "I see my dad's not mad at you anymore.. well, not as mad."

"Yeah, we had a conversation yesterday. Outside the courthouse."

Jisung suddenly remembered the conversation he had with his dad, "Oh uhm, you know that whole thing about.." his voice got quieter, "Me loosing my virginity—"

"Don't even mention it." Minho shook his head, "It's just one less reason for your dad to be mad at me, I don't even care if it wasn't true."

The younger nodded, looking at his feet then looking up at Minho, "How do you feel.. now that it's all over."

Minho let a smile tug at the corners of his mouth, "Good. I feel a lot better now, I'm gonna be honest."

Jisung bit the inside of his cheek. Was he the only one that didn't feel better now? "Ah.. me too. A lot less stress." He lied. He still felt as stressed out as ever, "My dad says I need to go to a psychiatrist though."

Minho seemed to scootch forward a bit, "I can see why. I bet Jeong-Hoon fucked you up. I'm so sorry."

Jisung let out a small laugh, "Not anymore though. As soon as I can get over the past I'll be all set to live in the present."

Minho smiled back at him, a little bit of guilt melting away, "I hope to be there with you the whole time. Maybe even with your dad's permission." He shrugged.

Jisung let an even bigger smile pull at his lips, "I think we can make that work. Keep up your good boy attitude and he'll treat you like a son in no time."

"Minho leaned in a little closer, "Maybe someday I'll be his son."

Jisung let a flurry of blush settle over his cheeks. He had never thought that far ahead. If all went well, they could end up married.. they would end up married.

"You're cute when you blush, did you know that?" Minho spoke softly as to not let the men on the other side of the room hear. He technically still wasn't supposed to be flirting with Jisung.

"I think you might have mentioned before." Jisung whispered. If there weren't other people in the room Minho might have continued to tease him, but he decided not to.

He sat back, changing the topic, "I'm going to a therapist as well. Maybe we can be therapy buddies."

"We probably will be. We might end up in partner therapy, considering how close we were when all of this stuff went down." Jisung let his hand move slightly closer to where Minho's sat on the fabric of the couch.

"True." Minho nodded, "I can't wait to see you happy."

"I can't wait to see you happy."

"I'm already happy. Now that Jeong-Hoon's gone I have no reason to be sad." Minho shrugged. It was a lie though, he still kind of felt like shit.

"Well I assume you have some new issues to deal with, don't you?" Jisung tilted his head a little bit.

Minho shook his head, even though it was another lie, "I'm not the victim here. I'll be fine."

Jisung shrugged, "If you say so."

Even though Minho knew he was not fine. He was far from it, in fact.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now