Ch. 162

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Jisung watched as cars and people moved past the house under the lessening light of the sun as the bright sky started to turn a dark blue, soon to be black.

He was taking a moment to think for himself and about everything that seemed to be going down around him. It had only been a day since he last saw Minho but he already missed him.

As he thought about the elder he thought about what had gone down in the cellar of the Lee's house. Was Minho really that scared of the dark? Surly he couldn't be. Minho never struck Jisung as the type to be scared of the dark—but then again, how would he know?

Jisung still had some school work to complete before he had to return to school, though the lessons he had missed were the least of his problems. His absences probably didn't even matter anymore, considering how many days he'd been away.

There was the time that he was in the hospital, paired with the time it took for the court cases. They were all excused absences so it's not like he wouldn't graduate or anything though.

His grades were also doing fine, as he often used school work as an escape from his shitty life. Was his social status doing fine though? No. Not at all.

People at school either pitied him or hated him. He wasn't sure which one was worse, honestly.

A bunch of Minho's old friends and the girls in the school were mad at him for 'turning Minho gay'. He didn't really expect much more from them though, it was a pretty homophobic high-school to begin with.

One of the reasons he wished he went to school with Felix. That school seemed to be the best thing ever, not to mention that Felix wouldn't hesitate to make anyone pay for hurting Jisung.

Jisung heard his bedroom door open and close behind him. "Hey Jisung." His fathers voice sounded rather comforting at a time like this.

Jisung turned around, swinging his feet off of the window sil he was perched on and looked over at the man, "Hi."

His father took a seat on the bed, indicating that he was probably going to stay for a while. "So, how are you feeling?"

"Good." This time it wasn't as much of a lie. He was feeling a little bit better now that he had started therapy—talking to someone with zero judgment was the best releif ever.

"Thats good. So you and Minho took a while to get that wine yesterday."

Jisung sighed; here they went again. "Nothing happened, I promise. We just made some conversation is all."

The man nodded. "I'll be honest with you Jisung... Minho doesn't seem that bad."

Jisung smiled a small bit, maybe too little for his dad to even notice, "So.. you like him?"

His father sighed deeply, "'Like' is a strong word.."

Jisung sighed, pouting for a moment, "Fine. But you at least have a good impression now?"

"Better than before." 

This was a good enough answer for Jisung, leaving him satisfied. "Hey Appa," another thought popped into his head, "Am I still changing schools?"

The man thought for a moment, "You can stay at your current school if you want to.. but only if Minho turns out okay." He added quickly.

Jisung nodded, "I have a proposal."

The man listened.

"What if I stay at this school for this year, but next year I switch to Felix's school. That way I can stay with Minho while he's still in high-school.."

Mr. Han let out a sigh from deep in his lungs, "Let me think about that, yeah? I'll get back to you.. sometime this week."

The teenager nodded, the room falling into somewhat of a silence. Jisung wanted to stay only for Minho, even though he knew the school would be hell.

Now that him and Minho had become so focused in the public eye.

"So.." Jisung let out after half a minute.

"How did things go with your therapist?" His father asked, among appropriate conversation. The two of them didn't have much else to talk about.

"He's nice. He gave me a few strategies to cope with my anxiety and he's saying that I might get some medicine for it." Jisung recalled the appointment.

"Anything about Minho?"

"How so?"

The man leaned back in his seated position a small bit, "I mean.." his words turned into a sigh, "What does he think of Minho.. in term of your guys' relationship."

"Oh.. you wouldn't want to know." Jisung laughed to himself, shaking his head.

"No, tell me." The elder insisted.

"Okay.." Jisung thought hos to put this into words, "He said that Minho seems like a nice person, and that it was wrong of you to separate us."

Mr. Han scoffed, "Well he doesn't even know Minho.." he argued, "If he knew that boy he'd understand."

"But you yourself said you were in the wrong. You admit that you should have tried to get to know Minho first, right?" Jisung leaned forward, eager to hear his father's answer.


Jisung smiled, again being satisfied with the answer. He nodded, "Good enough. We'll work on that." It felt nice to joke with his dad again, even if they were still kind of tense around one another.

And he had to admit, the man had done a wonderful job at keeping his personal and work life balance. It was impressive, considering their past.

"Hey.." Mr. Han spoke again.


"What would you say if you and me went out to go get ice cream.. tomorrow or something." It almost sounded like he was nervous to ask, as the man looked sheepish.

Jisung nodded, "Yeah, why not?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now