Ch. 172

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Jisung sat in his fathers car, face pale and hands shaking. He was sitting in front of the school watching helplessly as students went about their day to day life.

The night before hadn't gone too well and Jisung fell asleep crying on the bathroom floor so now half of his body felt like cement.

"Jisung you have to go back sometime, just do it today. It probably won't be as bad as your mind makes it out to be." His father reached out and put a comforting hand on the boys forearm, "Jisung?"

"Mm." Was all he managed to respond. His mind was in other places. His jolted when he felt a vibration in his back pocket, a notification popping up. He went to check it and the text, from Minho, said:

I'm waiting out back of the school for the bell to ring
Care to join me?

I mine as well...

See you soon


. . .

Jisung kept his sweater hoodie up as he walked, still feeling all eyes on him. He normally felt that when he walked in public places, but today it felt... real. Most of the time he told himself it was all in his head, but today he could actually see people glance over at him.

Something like this might not seem like something that should gain school wide attention, but Jeong-Hoon was known by everyone and so was Minho.

Their popularity combined made this one of the most dramatic things that's happened to the school in years.

The bully turned gay by some nerdy fag. Oh yeah, and Jeong-Hoon was a psychopath.

There were some girls that seemed to be glad that all this happened though. They didn't care about Minho and Jeong-Hoon was their main preditor.

"Jisung," Minho sighed, finally seeing him appear, "You made it. Did anything happen on the way over?"

"Uh.. no. I think I got some stares though." He admitted, feeling on the verge of tears.

"Thats good." Minho leaned in for a hug but Jisung stepped away, eyes wide. "What?" The elder asked, confused.

"We can't do that here. Us being together is enough for people to use against us..." Jisung felt bad that he wasn't going to show his affection at school, but kissing and hugging Minho for people to see would only make this so much worse.

"Ah.. right. Sorry I forgot." He rubbed his bicep, "Are we gonna stick together at lunch? Be targets together?"

Jisung nodded, "Can we please?"

"Of course we can. I wouldn't have it any other way." Minho said, adding quickly, "Let me know if anyone bugs you in your other classes, kay?"

Jisung noted how Minho was pretending that he could be a protector, when in reality, he was in just as much danger as Jisung.

"Yeah, let me know the same. I'll beat them up." Jisung smiled and the elder did too, slightly.

They were interrupted by the bell, signaling that class would start in 10 minutes. They gave one last glance to one another before separating to go find their lockers.

. . .

Jisung slipped into the cafétéria, glancing around for Minho. He needed to find the elder and get out of there so they could be somewhere where there way so many.. people.

Maybe they could eat lunch in a fucking storage closet.

Jisung's day had not been the best. He got a few questions during math and people kept staring at him in the hallways. He got one girl that said thank you, and another that called him the f slur for 'turning Minho gay'.

Jisung assumed that that girl was one of the people that Minho used to sleep around with. Sometimes he forgot that Minho was like that.

Jisung was about to give up on looking for Minho in the cafe when he heard a loud boom, like a fist hitting a table that shut everyone up. After that someone that he couldn't see yelled,


Jisung froze, standing like a dear in headlights in the middle of the cafétéria. He knew this would happen eventually. His eyes wandered, now spotting Minho at the entrance of the room.

Then he realized, that had to have been directed at Minho. Everyone was looking at the elder right now, and Jisung could see the panic building up on his face.

The yell had come from the group of boys that Minho used to sit with at lunch. Those backstabbing bitches should go shove their words so far up their asses that—

"Like it up the ass pretty boy?" Someone new called, another one of his old friends.

Nobody in the cafe spoke a word anymore. The more silence that passed the more Jisung started to build up his courage. It didn't look like Minho was going to move anytime soon.

Jisung started to move his feet before he even knew it, walking across the room towards the elder. As he reached him another person called out, still from the same group, "Saved by you boyfriend Min—"

Jisung paused for a moment, "Go shove your head so far up your ass you suffocate on your own bullshit you gullible cunt!!" He hollered back before the boy could finish what he was saying.

He grabbed Minho by the hand, carefully pulling him out of the cafétéria. As they walked Jisung felt pale like he was going to faint and his hands shook incredibly, but he kept a brave face on.

He could tell that Minho was tense just by looking at him. He knew that Minho would deny being affected by that situation, but that didn't mean he didn't feel like kissing him softly and telling him it would be okay.

They were now in the hallways that Jeong-Hoon had loved so much—but forget that.

"You didn't have to do that Jisung—"

"Well what were you going to do?" Jisung asked quickly, "We're protecting eachother so don't think your entitled to being the hero."

Minho sighed as he followed along behind Jisung. "I could have handled that myself is all I'm saying." He mumbled. Minho felt.. embarrassed.

Not only because of what had happened in the Cafe, but because Jisung had been the one to save him. He knew he shouldn't be insecure like this.. but he didn't like it when Jisung saw him as vulnerable.




"Well good news, I handled it for you." He smiled back, all of Minho's worries sinking away, "How about we go eat in the field? It'll be a little bit cold but it's better than in there."

Minho nodded, "Yeah.. okay. I'd prefer that." He admitted. Why did they even go in there in the first place?

"Alright. We can sit on our jackets so we don't get wet." The younger suggested. It was almost like the events of the cafétéria hadn't even effected him.

Minho had to admit though, Jisung had been pretty damn badass.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now