Ch. 185

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"Have you ever.. thought about living forever?" Jisung asked, laying on the cold hard floor of his boyfriends room.

"No.. I don't want to live forever. Sounds boring.. don't you think?" The elder was on his bed, peering over the side at the younger boy who appeared to be staring at the ceiling.

"I guess so.. but you'd have endless time to fix all of your problems. All the pressure of living up to a certain expectation by a certain time would be lifted."

"But that might make it feel like there are no expectations at all.. you'd be poisoned with time." Minho let his eyes graze over his boyfriends features, appreciating every single one of them.

Jisung sighed, "I guess you're right.. you'd outlive everyone you loved as well. A few months ago I might have been glad to see a time where I didn't have to deal with my dad but.. well I think I'd rather stay with him."

"Yeah, you and your dad are getting along now. That's nice.." Minho was glad to see Jisung's life falling back into place, "One less issue to deal with."

Jisung nodded, "I don't think I have many issues left. I'll keep on seeing my therapist but that's about it, yeah?"

"What about you and food."

Jisung lidded his eyes slightly, looking a tiny bit guilty. "I'm good now.. you and my dad helped a lot with that. Thank you."

Minho smiled, "I'm always here to help." Minho thought about the issues he still had left. He was going to graduate into a prestigious college soon too.

He had mostly learned how to be vulnerable and he wasn't even cutting anymore. He was doing great.. maybe he would even start going to a therapist like he had originally planned to. He was ready to spend his life with Jisung.

"Have you ever thought about prosecuting your dad? For like.. neglecting you and Chan." Jisung asked delicately, not wanting to strangle the difficult topic.

Minho sighed, thinking for a moment, "When I was younger I used to tell myself that the second I turned 18 I would run away and cut all ties with my family. I planned to get my father in trouble and serve my revenge but when I actually turned 18.. I didn't want to. It wasn't like he was hurting me anymore, in fact, our relationship was the best it had been for a while. When he was so supportive over this whole court thing I also knew that it wasn't worth it. When we were growing up he.. just didn't know how to handle us."

Jisung nodded, "I guess I get that. I wouldn't want to get my dad in trouble for someone he used to be."

"Well it's not like he changed, it was more like I entered the stage of life that I saw things for what they really were. My dad wasn't emotionless, he just didn't show them. He's just as confused and burnt out as all of us.. he never wanted children and never knew how to care for them." Minho shrugged, rolling over on his back, "Not to say that was an excuse for him to treat us that way.. but I just don't see why I should be mad at him anymore."

Jisung stood up, crawling onto the bed and sitting over top of Minho's torso. "I understand.." he said, leaning down to hug the elder, "Whatever you want, I'll be here to support you."

Minho smiled, fiddling with the youngers hair. "You messed me up Sungie.." Minho suddenly thought of something, sitting up and lightly pushing Jisung off of him, "Wait here." He instructed.

Jisung nodded, watching as Minho went digging through one of his dresser drawers. He pulled out a familiar leather bound book and the youngers eyes widened.

His old diary.

Minho came back, smiling, "Here.. I thought maybe you'd want it back." He held the book out.

Jisung smiled but didn't take the book. Instead, he pushed it back towards Minho. He shook his head silently, "No.. you keep it. I don't need it anymore."

"You know I never finished it.." Minho said sheepishly, "After I realized my feelings for you.."

"Then finish it. There's nothing in there that you can't see." Jisung shrugged.

Minho looked at the book for a moment, "No.. I don't think I will." He tossed it to the side, sitting down on the bed, "You know why?"


"Because why would I need that when I have you sitting right here." He asked, placing a tender kiss to the boy's lips, "You're all I need.. forever."

"Same here." Jisung giggled.

Minho pulled away, "You know what? I think I have a different answer to that question of yours."


"I would like to live forever.. but only if it was with you." He ran his thumb over the other male's cheek, cherishing the soft feeling.

"Well why can't we be in love forever?"

"Because precious, someday we'll all die."

"But not our love.."

"Ah, to have the heart of an immortal."

Minho suddenly pulled Jisung to his feet nearly spiraling him out of balance, and started turning them in a few circles around the spacious room. When they got too dizzy Minho stopped the movement.

He gave one last glance into Jisung's starry eyes before leaning in the hug him tightly, not wanting to let go of his warm and cuddly body.

He swayed back and forth for a moment, still holding Jisung close. The younger rested his head on Minho's shoulders, relaxing his half lidded eyes.

Minho smiled, giving the boy a squeeze. "Hold on." He said, leaving the hug to go and turn on some music from his speakers. He put on some romantic classical music he didn't know the name of, and immediately went back to where the younger waited in the middle of the room.

Minho flicked the lights off on his way over, wrapping his arms slowly around the boys small waist. He remembered the first time he had felt Jisung's waist, and the way he had been surprised at how small it was.

He remembered when he had kissed Jisung for the first time, and how stiff he had been.

He remembered messing Jisung up entirely with the simple action of a hicky for the first time.

He remembered seeing Jisung for the first time. How he had seemed so painfully basic to the point where he was nearly 2D. Turns out he's got quite a few layers to him.

He remembered all of the memories he had made with the younger over the months that they had gotten to know one another. In a wave of passion Minho pulled back only to kiss Jisung deeply, sending chills down his spine.

After a few moment when they pulled away, the two looked into eachothers eyes for a moment too long, Minho's heart nearly exploding, "Even if we can't live forever," he elaborated on their past conversation, "I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you.. is that okay?"

Jisung smiled big,

"Minnie, I'll love you until The End."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now