Ch. 166

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With only one more week until he had to return to school, Jisung's nerves were at their worst. Every time he went out in public he feared that someone from his school would see him and recognize him.

So far though, nobody had recognized him—thank God.

He wished so badly that he could just never go back to school at all, but of course that was unrealistic to hope for. He still had to graduate or whatever.

Not to mention that him and Minho had to be in this together. He wasn't about to leave Minho to the wolves with no one to get torn torn shreds right beside him. He would transfer schools next year to be with Felix.

Sometimes he wished he had just gone to Felix's school in the first place. Too bad at the time he had no excuse to.

But anyway, with all of this sitting on his shoulders Felix came and swept him away. No literally. He was sitting in Felix's car being driven to God knows where.

The boy refused to tell him where he was driving or even why. He knew it couldn't be anything bad because Felix would never do that to him, but he still found himself worrying.

There was very little he could do in this situation however, so he simply sat, powerless. He'd just have to let Felix do his thing.

When he heard the boy let out a small laugh Jisung turned to see what it was. "Why are you laughing? Is this a trap?"

"Nothing. No its not a trap." Felix still had a shit eating grin on his face though and Jisung found it hard to believe that this was actually true. Clearly sometimes was up.

"Seriously Felix, if you're about to screw me over I'm gonna be so mad.." he warned, suddenly feeling like the houses around him had gotten two times bigger than usual.

"Just trust me. I was employed to do this."

Jisung failed to respond, now feeling like the houses were somewhat familiar. "Felix.."


"Why I the fuckity fucking fuck are we going to Minho's dad's house—" he was about to go ballistic when Felix shut him up.

"Minho is here, don't you wanna see Minho?" Felix asked, wiggling his eyebrows and nudging the boy.

"Well yes but—"

"Don't even start with that." Felix scolded, "Everything is worked out already, his father knows your coming, you won't get in trouble, your dad is fine with it." He listed off all the things that seemed to worry the younger.

Jisung nodded as the car pulled up in front of the huge house.

"Okay, grab your things and go around back through the gate." Felix instructed, basically pushing Jisung out of the car.

"What? But Felix it's already dark out—have you seen their backyard? I'll get lost or some shit—" He said, being forced from the car.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. Trust me," Felix smiled, tossing Jisungs phone at him through the open door, "You look really hot by the way." He said as he pulled the door shut, the car driving away.

Jisung stood there with his mouth wide open. He looked around, the streetlights illuminating the dark street. He peered up at the house, carefully making his was along the path to the gate the led to the back yard.

Their backyard looked a little something like this:

Their backyard looked a little something like this:

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now