Ch. 159

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The car ride home was quiet, but in a peaceful way. Jisung didn't mind it at all actually; the way the lsst of the sunset filtered in through the windows, or the low hum of the car on the road.

He was tired and just wanted to get home and take a nap, y'know, wake up in the morning knowing that nothing was wrong anymore, and all his problems were fixed...

Were they though? Nothing felt different after Jeong-Hoon was escorted out of the court room and the final decisions were made. He still felt exactly the same.

He expected to feel like there was some huge weight lifted off of his shoulders, but there wasn't. Maybe he just needed to let the information sink in..

Or maybe he had just been deceived. He was under the impression that once Jeong-Hoon was gone everything would be perfect again, but the problem with that was; anxiety and depression don't just disappear.

The things that Jeong-Hoon had done wouldn't just evaporate, Jisung wouldn't just be healed from all of his trauma the minute Jeong-Hoon was punished. Now he was just feeling even worse from the let down. Suppose he shouldn't have gotten his hopes up like that.

His eyes wandered over to his dad who was driving the car. He also looked rather tired. Jisung wondered if now that all of this was over his dad would go back to paying no attention to him. Back to his work.

He prayed not, but if felt like he shouldn't hope. He didn't really know what it felt like anymore to have a decent parent, the past month had been hell for their relationship and it might take a little bit to repair.

Jisung looked back at the road they were driving down. It was nothing special. He didn't know why he thought everything would be perfect now.. it wasn't.

In two weeks he would be going back to school as well, which was huge in and of itself. He hoped that Minho would be doing well enough to go back—if he went back.

It wouldn't be a surprise if Minho didn't want to go back, considering all the news anchors and stuff. Everyone probably knew by now..

"How are you feeling?" His dad suddenly asked, voice steady.

Jisung blinked a few times before answering, not sure exactly what to say even though it was such a simple question, "Exactly the same.." he shrugged.

The man nodded, "Things will seem better soon. I promise." He seemed to have a smile tugging at his lips that made Jisung feel a little bit better.

"How do you know..?" Jisung asked.

"Trust me. Things always seem worse before they get better. Things will get better." There was something about the way he spoke that truly made Jisung feel more at ease. "I spoke with Minho." He suddenly changed the topic.

Jisung looked over at his father now, "Oh?"

The man nodded, "Yeah. He doesn't seem as bad as I thought he would be. We're off to a good start." He assured.

Jisung smiled a bit, "I knew you would change your mind about him. Right? Just you see, hes amazing.."

"I haven't changed my mind quite yet—I'm still on the fence about him. I'll admit him to be better than I assumed though." He hands layed steady on the steering wheel.

Jisung nodded, still smiling.

"I did talk to him about something though, and I'd like to ask you about it." He now said, somewhat rushed.

Jisung nodded again, "Yeah, sure."

"We had a small chat about the early stages of your guys' relationship.. when I first found out the two of you even knew eachother."

Jisung knew what he was talking about, and a small 'oh' left his mouth. It wasn't his favorite thing to talk to his dad about his sexual life.

"Remember when you told me you gave him your virginity..?"

Jisung tensed for a moment, realizing where this might be going. All this time since he lied about that, and only now is it coming back to bite him?

"Yeah.. I remember that." He couldn't really back out now, could he?

"Right, well according to him that never happened. Did it?" He asked, as if interrogating the boy.

Jisung let out a deep breath, "No.. I'm sorry I lied."

"Why would you lie about that?"

"I don't want to talk about this—" Jisung didn't know whether he should be blushing that both Minho and his dad knew he lied about that, or that he was even having this conversation.

"I'm not judging Jisung, I'm sure there was a reason. I know I wasn't the best dad then, so please just explain this to me now?" He asked, seemingly actually caring for the situation.

Jisung sat with his legs tight together and his hand resting in his lap, staring at his feet, "I just thought that it would make you believe that I was really gay, because at the time you thought it was a phase. Then I kind of just.. rolled with it. I didn't think any of this would happen."

"Ah.. I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't believe you. I guess.. it was just hard for me to wrap my head around." The man said quietly, as if he were just as ashamed as Jisung was.

"It all started off so.. innocent." Jisung noted, "But it grew into a real monster."

The man nodded, "It's all over now. No more need to worry.."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now