Ch. 181

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When the doorbell to the apartment rang Minho had a hunch that it was Jisung's father. Jisung was still in the bathroom getting dressed though, and maybe even trying to cover the dark hickies that littered his neck.

Chan was the one to open the door however, smiling kindly, "Hello Mr. Han. Jisung is just getting ready now. He should be out very shortly—you wanna step inside for a moment?" Chan was always an adult pleaser.

When Minho and the man locked eyes Minho gave a sheepish smile. "Apologies sir, we really didn't mean to lose track of time like that.." when he didn't respond Minho elaborated, "We fell asleep."

He nodded, "Right." He seemed to be eyeing Minho up and down. It was like he already knew that he had taken Jisung's virginity.

Jisung quickly came running out of Minho's bedroom, ushering apologies to his dad. "It was late and we fell asleep, I should have called you—"

As Jisung rambled on it was clear he had forgotten about the hickies etched into his gentle carmel skin. His fathers eyes caught them immediately and glanced at Minho, who wished he would drop dead.

Jisung looked up at his father from putting on his shoes, who was making eye contact with Minho. "Appa, don't be mad at him. I should have told you—"

He paused when both men looked back at him, as if trying to figure some hidden message out. Finally, Chan decided to spare Jisung, "Your neck." He said quietly.

Jisung's face lit up with a deep red blush. "Ah.." he said quietly, "I think.. we should go."

He stood up and went to the door, but looking back at Minho and throwing him a tiny smile that said 'I'm so fucked its not even funny please save me'—"Bye Minho."

"Bye.." he called weakly.

All the way from out of the apartment towards the car had been completely silent. The tension in the air was thick and he had no idea whether his dad was mad or not.

Jisung made sure not to make eye contact. He could feel the man's eyes burning holes in the marks on his neck. Maybe he should have told Minho not to give him hickies.. but they felt so nice.

As Jisung got in the passenger side door to the car his father also got in quickly. He expected the man to say something soon and mention one of the many conversations they needed to have.

Like how Jisung needs to be more responsible, how he should have called, how Jisung had lost his virginity..

Jisung watched as they pulled out of the parking lot, glancing at his father, who's eyes were distracted. Jisung reached his hand up and felt over the bruises. If he was going to be honest, Jisung found them rather pretty.

They reminded him of Minho.

When his father looked in his direction Jisung quickly removed his hand and looked away. He had honestly forgot that he needed to hide them from his dad.. or did he?

"So.." Jisung decided to start the conversation, "I'm really sorry I stayed the night. It was an honest mistake, I promise. I would have asked you if it was okay if I hadn't forgotten."

"So, how did you forget?" He asked, "You had plenty of time to think of it."

Jisung blushed. The only reason he had forgot was, well, because he was busy getting railed for the first time. Well, not railed per say, it was a lot more gentle than that. "We got kind of.. busy.."

Suddenly the man's face got red, connecting the dots. "Yes.. about that. Is it just the hickies or.." he paused for a moment, "is this for real?"

Jisung nodded, "I'm not lying this time. We, uhm.. he took it." He rephrased, 'It' being his virginity.

Hos father nodded, "I assumed so."

"Are you," Jisung looked at his dad carefully, "mad?"

The man laughed a small bit, but it didn't sound like he actually found anything funny. "No, I'm not mad. I expected this to happen and I was prepared. I do have two questions though."

Josung nodded, "Go ahead." Though he didn't actually want to answer any questions. Especially from his father.

"Mm. Why.. why was Chan there?"

Jidung choked on water for a minute, laughing slightly to himself. "He showed up the morning after." He giggled. What a misconception.

"Oh thank god—" his father said under his breath, taking a small sigh, "Had me worried for a moment."

Jisung shook his head, "Trust me, that's never gonna happen. Anyway, what was your second question?"

"Ah, right." He gladly changed the topic, "Did he, did he treat you well?"

Jisung thought back to the constant praise and the undeniable patients that Minho held. He also felt his heart flutter when he remembered how soft and sweet he had been afterwards, and how he had fallen asleep cuddling.

"Yeah.. he treated me really well." There was no need to debate this fact. Minho had treated him like a prince, or as he liked say, a puppy. Minho had been the best thing ever..

"Thats good. Because you know all I care about is that he was nice to you. In fact, I'm not even mad about you forgetting to call me—but if you ever pull that shit again you can't go over to his house for a full two weeks."

Jisung nodded, accepting that as a pretty good response. No, an amazing response. Mayne Mayne and his dad could repair their relationship to the full extent of what it used to be.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now