Ch. 177

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More.. smut.

"Ah—really hurts," Jisung said, using his hands, pressing into Minho's stomach to keep him upright.

"You've gone so far baby, just a little bit more." Minho leaned up and kissed his lips tenderly, distracting him momentarily. "You've been so good baby. You deserve a reward for how good you've been for me. So brave.."

Jisung, feeling motivated by the words, dropped himself the last little bit and bottomed out. Letting out a sigh of relief and a little bit of pleasure. A stray tear spilled down his cheek.

"You feeling okay puppy?" Minho asked, Jisung moaning at the new nickname. A thought struck his mind:

When you're good you get new nicknames..

Jisung looked up shyly and nodded, "Hurts a little.. a lot"

"Thats okay," he pressed their chests together, pecking and nipping at Jisung's neck, "Move around a little, try and get used to it.."

Jisung sighed shakily, rolling his hips a little. It felt.. nice.. he hadn't expected it to feel so good. He sucked in a breath, doing it again, "Ah," he let out softly, feeling Minho smile against his neck.

"Feels good?"

Jisung nodded, "Want more..." he said quietly as he raised himself back up and moved down slowly again, feeling himself fill up in all the right places. His legs were shaky though and when he tried to do it again he wasn't able to lift himself properly.

Minho chuckled, "Want me to take control baby boy? You've been such a good puppy.."

Jisung whimpered, "Good puppy.." he repeated to himself, feeling Minho start to flip their positions so he lay down with Minho over top of him in missionary. "Ple-ease.. please move.." he breathed out.

Minho did as was requested, going slowly but moaning out in bliss as he felt Jisung's walls engulf him again. He was moving painfully slow though, too slow for Jisung's liking.

"Faster, please.." he burried his head in Minho's shoulder, taking in his scent.

Minho went faster, searching again for Jisungs sweet spot. He paced in and out, careful not to hurt the younger—

"Nnnghh—aAh!" Jisung let out of pure pleasure, "Mhmmmh—please, God more there—" he begged, disparity lacing his voice.

"You like it there?" Minho asked, going harder on that spot and growling in his ear. The feeling in the room finally started to pick up, his thrusts narrowing in on that one place.

"AHhhaA—!" Jisung's eyes screwed shut for a moment as his legs started to shake, his sensitivity getting the best of him.

"Mm.. what a needy little baby, hm? So desperate for my cock, aren't you?" He growled, his Dom space bubbling up to the surface slightly.

"Mhm—" Jisung nodded into his neck again, "Want daddy so bad—AnnGgh—" he let out, probably not even realizing the name he had used, "Ah—fuck!" He called out, "Da-daddy! NngGh—" he yelled out loudly.

Minho moved his thrusts not only harder but slightly quicker now, Jisung's dirty moans getting to his head, "Don't swear baby boy, you don't wanna be bad do you?"

Jisung whimpered loudly, "Ng—N-No—" his eyes suddenly went wide as Minho accidentally made a wrong thrust. Jisung nearly screamed, slapping his hands down to dig his nails into the sheets, his head flying backwards, "AnggGhH—!!" His moans turned staccato.

Minho then knew that he had hit his prostate and whatever he was hitting before had been something else. He started to narrow into that one place, Jisung's eyes rolling into that back of his head for a moment.

He felt a knot start to build in his stomach and he could tell that Jisung was feeling the same. "You gonna cum for me soon puppy? Hm? Gonna be a good boy,"

Jisung nodded, his eyes shutting again. He wrapped his leg over Minho's shoulder, allowing for his dick to hit deeper inside him, "Yeah, 'm gonna be a good boy and cum for daddy," he moaned out.

Minho smirked, moving only a little bit harder. He felt himself get close..

Jisung sucked in a sharp breath, "D-daddy—puppy's gonna cum—!" he yelled at a short warning, spilling all over both of their chest. Minho had never seen so much cum at once..

Just watching Jisung unravel in front of him was enough to make him cum. He started to pull out before he did so, but the younger stopped him, "M—no, want it inside me—"

Minho didn't deny this request and instead gave a hard thrust, deep into his tight ass before releasing all of the built up pressure. His chest muscles spasmed and he could feel Jisung's legs shaking.

"Mmm," Minho moaned out, Jisung whimpering as he felt the hot liquid spurt out inside of him, a small amount of cum releasing from his own dick again.

Minho breathed heavily, bending to kiss Jisung warmly. "God, you did so amazing.. You've been the best puppy.." he mumbled into his lips.

Jisung sighed, giving him a peck on the lips. His eyes looked sleepy and Minho laughed. It looked like he was already half asleep. "Good puppy.." Jisung said lazily, repeating what the elder had said.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now