Ch. 165

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Minho was less than sure how he was going to go about this. There was a lot of things he could do wrong, but he was looking for the perfect combination of things to do right.

So how was he to solve this very complex problem? Simple. He employed his friends to give him instructions on how one was to ask someone out. But.. was that a good idea?

No. Bad idea. Bad, bad nightmare idea. None of these guys had any idea what they were talking about, and it only made things harder for Minho, he still appreciated their willingness to help though.

"I think it would be romantic to do it at night, y'know, under the stars." Hyunjin suggested, very invested in the topic.

"But it's kinda cliche don't you think?" Jeongin asked, "Maybe we should do something romantic yet unique."

"Take him to your apartment and have a beautiful at home date." Seungmin threw out yet another suggestion.

"I can't." Minho whined, "His dad probably wont let him alone with me like that yet. He doesn't trust me, like, at all." He threw his head over the edge of Hyunjin's bed, sprawled out like star fish.

"Ah.." Seungmin nodded.

"Well one thing is for sure," Changbin finally spoke uo after a while of thinking, "Jisung would only like a private date—you know, like just you and him."

"Very true, Jisung isn't one for social events." Hyunjin sat on his desk chair across the room.

"Well duh." Minho rolled his eyes, "I know at least that much about Jisung. I just want to know the best way to say 'hey I know I'm a fuck up, but kiss me?'"

"Oh, then just say that." Chan shrugged, "Problem solved."

Minho groaned at the answer. This was no time for jokes—he had a heart to win over and he couldn't do that with lazy work. "Okay, but where am I supposed to say that? What setting? Do I ease into it? There's so many things to consider—"

"I have a plan of action." Jeongin suddenly sprouted into the conversation, "Just hear me out, okay?"

"Okay.." Minho said wearily.

"Take him to a marine life exhibition—"

"No," Minho stopped him, "Jisung hates the smell of fish. Makes him gag."

Jeongin sighed, "Well fine then, but I think watching fish blub about all freely like that would be awesome." He shook his head, "The problem is that none of you have any taste in romance."

"This is why we dont always get along." Seungmin said, "He's got some funky ideas and a very persistent attitude."

"Two very likeable qualities." Jeongin retorted.

"Okay, likeable or not," Hyunjin made a point of stopping the forming argument, "Lets talk romance. I think maybe you should ask him out the first place that you two met."

"In the school hallway?" Minho laughed, "With the hell that we'll be living living we go back, I don't think that's the best place."

"Oh.." Jeongin said through clenched teeth, "About that.."

Everyone listened intently.

"You and Jisung are kind of.. a big thing right now. People either love you for getting rid of Jeong-Hoon or they hate you for being gay. A lot of people are kind of a little bit mad that Jisung 'turned you gay'.."

Minho nodded, forming a line with his lips, "I expect no more from that school. Good thing I'm only going back for 3½ months.."

"What about Jisung?" Chan inquired, "Doesn't he still have one more year to go?"

Minho gave confirmation, "Yes, indeed he does. I think he's going to switch schools sometime though. Maybe after this year."

"Ah, he told me about that." Hyunjin nodded, "I remember he was sad that he was leaving you, but now he's happy that he won't have to deal with all that shit. He's switching at the end of the year or something."

This wasn't new information to Minho though, he had been aware of this since the first time his dad made them 'break up'. You remember; the time that they hid behind the man's back to steal kisses from one another?

"Ooh!" Seungmin perched up, "I have a great idea! The two of you should have a picnic in his backyard during the night."

"But how would I set that up? His dad might not want me to—"

"His dad wants his child to be happy right? You giving him the best boyfriend proposal ever will only make Jisung giddy with joy." Changbin smiled.

"True.." Minho simply wasn't sure if that was really what the man wanted though. He didn't seem like the kind of person to make exceptions for Minho, let alone people. He really just didn't want the man to get mad at him and take away his Jisung privileges again.

It was bad enough the first time that he wouldn't want to do it again. At all. Loosing Jisung hurt like a constant migraine that wouldn't leave you alone no matter what Advil you take.

It was just a pain in the ass to deal with all together and Minho wasn't down to do it again. He'd hold on to Jisung until the very last moment, and even then, he might not let go.

"Well tell me when you find an idea that's good enough for you." Seungmin pouted, looking like a puppy, "Because appearantly we aren't good enough for you. No problem."

Suddenly and idea popped into Minho's head and he stood up quickly,

"I have the best idea ever!"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 ♡ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now