Ch. 170

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"Jisung!" Felix called, rambling through the house and throwing himself at said boy. He hugged the boy tightly before giving one last squeeze and peeling himself away, "I hear the news! Im so proud of you!" He smiled widely, Hyunjin appearing behind him.

Jisung nodded, also letting a usual goofy smile appear on his face, "I guess Minho spread the word, huh?" He asked as the two new boys took off their shoes.

"Yeah, he told me. I'm not sure who else knows." Hyunjin placed his shoes down and quickly followed after the two boys that were already on their way to Jisung's room.

"We have come on a special mission Jisung," Felix said with a shit eating grin, "I think you'll love the conversation we're all about to have."

As Jisung closed the bedroom door he threw a worried glance to Hyunjin as if to ask if he knew what this was about. "Maybe I shouldn't have let you two come over.."

"No, no, trust me it's gonna be fun." Hyunjin seated himself in the desk chair, "Just take a seat and get comfortable."

Jisung did as he was told and sat down on the bed along with Felix who was seated over on the other end. "Kay, now tell me what's going on." He demanded, "Because I don't like the looks of this."

Felix and Hyunjin exchanged a glance and Felix took the honor of speaking, "In light of our new advancement in the MinSung realm we've taken it upon ourselves to prepare you for the exciting new stages of life."

Jisung kinked his eyebrows together.

"A sex talk Jisung. A sex talk." Hyunjin clarified.

"Ah!" Jisung jumped to his feet, ready to bolt the room, "No! No you two are not doing this to me—"

"Jisung!" Felix deepend his voice, "Sit down right now and let us educate you, or else I'll.. well I'll tell Minho you have a daddy kink!"

"Sshhhhh!" Jisung slapped his hand over his friends mouth, "My dad is in the house, keep it down—and there is no way in hell your telling Minho that!"

"Is it true?" Hyunjin suddenly asked while Jisung regretfully sat back down.

"Well, I—how would I know?" He asked, folding his arms and pouting like a little kid.

"Okay, anyway," Hyunjin sighed, "Both of you, listen up,"

"Huh? Why am I listening up?" Felix asked, "I'm not the one getting the sex talk—"

"Well you sure as he'll aren't the one giving it. You're a virgin Felix and as much as it deeply disturbs me to think of Chan railing you it's bound to happen eventually so suck it up and open your ears."

Jisung came to the term that Hyunjin would be a mean teacher.

"Okay, sex hurts. Especially the first time or when you haven't done it in a while—does that make sense?" They nodded, "And now I don't mean to scare you off of it or anything but your first time might really hurt, but that's perfectly normal."

Felix raised his hand as if he were in actual class, "What happens if it doesn't hurt?"

"Either they have a really small dick or you have a huge ass."

Jisung giggled at this. It was kind of a fun conversation to listen to, just not part take in.

"Mm, lets talk prep, okay? Do you both know what prep is?" They nodded, "Great, well if they don't prep you enough it's gonna be living hell so make sure they prep you, like, a lot, mmk? Now Chan won't have a problem with that—he'll probably have a panic attack about hurting you—but just.. keep and eye on Minho I guess?"

Jisung nodded, though he knew well enough that if they were going to have sex that Minho would probably be extraordinarily caring and gentle. If he wasn't, Jisung would be both disappointed and astonished.

"You guys probably won't use toys for your first time so I'm not even gonna go into that. It's a whole conversation that neither of us wants to have but if you ever have questions feel free to ask."

The both of them nodded, again.

"Ohhh, this is a fun topic. Orgasms. The first few times that you orgasm like this are gonna be pure bliss, trust me. It's a mix of overestimation and a new sensation that really sets your head on fire. You'll understand what I mean when it happens—speaking of which if you guys don't 'finish' the first time you do it that's totally fine. If it hurts too much you can and should stop. Can you guys repeat that for me, because it's super important."

"If we feel too much pain we should stop." Both of the boys mumbled something along those lines. Crowd engagement wasn't big on them.

"Good, good. Oh," Hyunjin let a sly grin turn at the corners of his lips, "Since I'm such close friends with your guys' partners, why don't I tell you a few of their kinks."

Jisung started laughing. At the start Minho made him give a list of his kinks—which had proven useless and stood as humiliation that Jisung did not need. This was like pay back for that. "Absolutely I would."

"Amazing." Hyunjin leaned forward, "First let's start with Chan, and a lot of these things won't appear right away mind you." He cleared his throat, "He has a huge thing for praising people, a daddy kink, bondage, probably at some point he'll go rough, it's a matter of his mood."

"Now Minho.." his smile got even bigger, "He likes degrading but also praise—he'll probably stick to praising you—he has a thing for toys, overestimation, he likes to humiliate people, it's a kind of long list. That guys is freaky."

"Well thank you Hyunjin.." Jisung had a shit eating grin on his face, "I'll be sure to keep this in mind."

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