Ch. 169

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"Hyunjin!" Minho sprung through his bedroom door, showing up at his house unannounced was something only Minho was allowed to do.

"Ahgh—!!" the taller nearly fell from his chair, his soul effectively leaving his body for a solid 5 seconds, "Dude what the fuck!?" He hollered, throwing a pillow across the room.

Minho didn't even flinch, keeping the goofy smile plastered on his face. He walked in and closed the door behind himself, "Guess what?"

He sighed, "What?"

"He said yes!" He clapped his hands, "Jisung said yes and now I have a boyfriend! I have Jisung! Me and Jisung are actually dating—"

Hyunjin smiled, "Nice going." He approved, "It only took you 5 months and a whole court case."

Minho rolled his eyes, "At least I'm not single like you."

Hyunjin nodded, "Yeah, yeah, being single must be the worst thing ever. Anyway, tell me how it happened."

Minho nodded, sitting down on the edge of the bed getting ready to tell the story, "Well he showed up to the picnic thing and we talked for a long time. He got comfortable and I popped the question, he said yes, we kissed, then we hugged, then I cried, then he comforted me and then I drove him home. I even got to give him a kiss goodnight."

Hyunjin nodded, "Nice. Why were you crying again?"

"Oh you know commitment issues the usual—it's no big deal everything is fine." Minho blew it off even though it was a big deal and he might take a hot second to get over them.

"So when are you planning to loose your virginity?"

Minho gave him a weird look, "My virginity? Dude, I've been there done that. My purity is out the fucking window."

"No, I mean your man virginity." He rolled his eyes, "I assume that's important to both you and him."

"My man virginity? What's even the difference. Sex is sex."

Hyunjin slowly shook his head, "Yeah no. Sex with a guy is way different. Trust me I know."

Minho sighed. Sometimes he forgot that Hyunjin had messed around with guys once apon a time. "Seriously though how different could it be."

"A lot—but let's start with the basics shall we? I know that when you were big on hookup culture people just left your house, that's not gonna work with Jisung. You need aftercare bro."

"Yeah make sure he's okay—"

"No, when he looses his virginity its gonna be a lot harder on him than you. It'll be your job to clean up and then theoretically he'll be emotional or maybe even coming out of subspace. It's your job to make sure that he's okay and that he doesn't feel used or alone." Hyunjin started to write these things down on a list.

"Okay.." Minho nodded. Hyunjin seemed serious about all this..

"Now let's talk about the actual sex. When a bottom looses his virginity it's arguably worse than when a girl does the same. He's not really 'made' to do that and unlike a vigina he's not gonna get 'loose' unless you prep him. And let me make this very clear Minho, for this to be even a little bit pleasurable for him, you need to prep him. No joke, he'll be in pain, bit the pain will be less if you do your job right."

Minho nodded, "Kay.."

"You two also need to come up with a system; safe words. Try saying 'Safe' when either of you wants to stop and the traffic light system to get a gist if how the other person if feeling. You need to go over that with him."

"Yeah, sure. Alright."

"I'm sure you know about safe sex."

"Safe sex? Like condoms? Why would I need a condom? He's literally a guy." Minho laughed but Hyunjin gave him a serious look.

"STI's, STBBI's the usual. He would obviously be clean but you might not be so unless you get tested to make sure you don't have any you two should probably use a condom. Even if you both are clean it might just make him feel more at ease for you to use a condom—preferably you two would work that out." Hyunjin scribbled something else down on the list. "I'll give you a list of things to buy to make him feel better, like lube, soft towels—it's also popular for him to want to wear new clothes after sex. You could give him some of yours, bottoms like that."

"Mm. You would know."

"I'm a switch!" He immediately retorted, protecting his image. "Anyway.. you should also talk about him about the location. Presumably it would be at either your or his place."

Minho nodded. It would probably be in his own apartment considering Jisung lives with his dad.

Hyunjin then quickly added, "Also, keep in mind that as a top you would have all the power. Though you might feel vulnerable, and thats valid, he probably feels even worse. You should try your best to make sure he knows he can completely trust you to take control of him like that."

Minho sighed as Hyunjin added another thing to his list, "Here. You can use this as notes when you two actually do it."

The shorter nodded, "Thanks for the run down.. I honestly didn't think this was so.. complicated."

Hyunjin nodded, "Oh I know. You're clueless and it's understandable as to why. Just remember the after care. You've always kicked chick's out of your place when you were done with them; you cannot do that with Jisung. Kisses and hug and more kisses 'kay?"

Minho nodded, "Roger that."

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